Caller settings

Use this page to configure the caller settings. The caller specifies the token or message part that is used for authentication.

You can configure the caller settings for message parts when you are editing a default cell or server binding. You can also configure application specific bindings for tokens and message parts that are required by the policy set.

To view this administrative console page when you are editing a general provider binding, complete the following actions:
  1. Click Services > Policy sets > General provider policy sets bindings.
  2. Click the WS-Security policy in the Policies table.
  3. Click the Authentication and protection link in the Main message security policy bindings section.
  4. Click the Caller link in the Main message security policy bindings section.
  5. Click New.
To view this administrative console page when you are configuring application specific bindings for tokens and message parts that are required by the policy set, complete the following actions:
  1. Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.
  2. Select an application that contains web services. The application must contain a service provider or a service client.
  3. Click the Service provider policy sets and bindings link in the Web Services Properties section. The caller settings are available only for the service provider policy sets and bindings. The caller settings are not available for service client policy sets and bindings.
  4. Select a binding. You must have previously attached a policy set and assigned a application specific binding.
  5. Click the WS-Security policy in the Policies table.
  6. Click the Caller link in the Main message security policy bindings section.
  7. Click New.
    Note: When you create a new caller it will automatically be assigned the next available order. You can change the order of preference, as described in the following Order section.

This administrative console page applies only to Java™ API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) applications.


Specifies the name of the caller to use for authentication. Enter a caller name in this required field. This arbitrary name identifies this caller setting.


Specifies the order of preference for the callers. The order determines which caller will be utilized when multiple authentication tokens are received.

You can change the order of preference by moving a caller up or down in the list. Click the checkbox next to a caller name to select the caller, then click the Move up button to move the caller higher in the list, or click the Move down button to move the caller to a position farther down in the preference order.

Button Resulting Action
Move up Moves the order of the selected caller up in the caller list.
Move down Moves the order of the selected caller down in the caller list.
Note: The order column displays only for bindings using the new namespace. If a binding with multiple callers was migrated to the new namespace, then the callers do not have an order. In that case, an error message is displayed. When this occurs, select a caller in the table and then click either Move up or Move down to assign an order to each caller. Callers must have orders assigned before you save the bindings or use the bindings with an application.

Caller identity local part

Specifies the local name of the caller to use for authentication. Enter a caller identity local name in this required field.

When specifying an LTPA caller, use LTPA as the local name for a caller that uses an older binding, prior to IBM® WebSphere® Application Server, Version 7.0. Newer bindings for IBM WebSphere Application Server, Version 7.0 and later should use LTPAv2 as the local name. Specifying LTPAv2 allows both LTPA and LTPAv2 tokens to be consumed, unless the Enforce token version option is selected on the token consumer.

Table 1. Caller identity namespace URI field description. The table lists the possible values for the Caller identity namespace URI field description.
Information Value
Default String

Caller identity namespace URI

Specifies the uniform resource identifier (URI) of the caller to use for authentication. Enter a caller URI in this field.

When specifying an LTPA caller, use as the URI for a caller that uses an older binding, prior to IBM WebSphere Application Server, Version 7.0. Newer bindings for IBM WebSphere Application Server, Version 7.0 and later should use the URI.

Table 2. Possible values for the caller identity. The table provides a list of the Caller identity local part and the Caller identity namespace URI field values as applicable. A Caller identity namespace URI value is not needed unless it is otherwise specified in the table. The caller identity is used for message authentication.
Token type Caller identity local part Caller identity namespace URI
Username token 1.0  
Username token 1.1  
X509 certificate token  
X509 certificates in a PKIPath  
A list of X509 certificates and CRLs in a PKCS#7  
LTPA token LTPAv2
LTPA propagation token LTPA_PROPAGATION
SAML 1.1 token  
SAML 2.0 token  
Kerberos token  
Note: If you specify a custom value type for a custom token, you must specify the Caller identity local part and Caller identity namespace URI values. For example, you might enter Custom in the Caller identity local part value field and in the Caller identity namespace URI field.

Signing part reference

When the trusted identity is based on a signing token, select the signing part reference that represents the message parts signed by that token.

If you select the Signing part reference option, you must specify a callback handler for the bindings to work properly.

Use identity assertion

Specifies whether identity assertion is used when authenticating.

Select this check box if you want to use identity assertion. When you select this checkbox, the Trusted identity local name and Trusted identity namespace URI fields are enabled.

Trusted identity local name

Specifies the trusted identity local name when the identity assertion is used.

If you select the Use identity assertion option and a trust token exists in the WS-Security policy, you must provide a value for the Trusted identity local name field for the bindings to work properly.

Trusted identity URI

Specifies the trusted identity uniform resource identifier (URI).

Callback handler

Specifies the class name of the callback handler. Enter the class name of the callback handler in this field.

If you provide a value for the Trusted identity local name field and you do not set the token consumer for the trust token to Trust any certificate, then you must set the value in this Callback handler field to

When you provide a callback handler name, you must specify the trusted identities as callback handler custom properties. For example:
property name="trustedId_0", value="CN=Bob,O=ACME,C=US"
property name="trustedId_1", value="user1"

JAAS login

Specifies the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) application login. You can enter a JAAS login, select one from the menu, or click New to add a new one.

For information on updating the Kerberos system JAAS login module for JAX-WS applications, read the topic Updating the system JAAS login with the Kerberos login module.

Custom properties – Name

Specifies the name of the custom property.

Custom properties are not initially displayed in this column. Select one of the following actions for custom properties:

Button Resulting Action
New Creates a new custom property entry. To add a custom property, enter the name and value.
Edit Specifies that you can edit the custom property value. At least one custom property must exist before this option is displayed.
Delete Removes the selected custom property.