Certificate request settings

Use this page to verify the properties of a personal certificate request.

To view this administrative console page, click Security > SSL certificate and key management. Under Configuration settings, click Manage endpoint security configurations > {Inbound | Outbound} > ssl_configuration. Under Related items, click Key stores and certificates > key store. Under Additional Properties, click Personal certificate requests > certificate request .

File for certificate request

Specifies the fully qualified name of the file that contains the certificate request that can be sent to a certificate authority (CA) server.

Key label

Specifies the certificate alias name for the signer in the key store.

Any blank space is removed from the certificate alias when the certificate request is created. A certificate alias with blank space might cause compatibility issues among Java™ versions.

Key size

Specifies the size of the keys that are generated.

Requested by

Specifies the Subject distinguished name (DN) that represents the identity of the certificate request.

Fingerprint (SHA Digest)

Specifies the SHA hash of the personal certificate, which can be used to verify that the certificate has not been altered when it is used in a remote connection.