SecurityRealmInfoCommands command group for the AdminTask object

You can use the Jython scripting language to manage security realm configurations with the wsadmin tool. Use the commands and parameters in the SecurityRealmInfoCommands group to query and manage trusted realms.


The addTrustedRealms command adds a realm or list of realms to the list of trusted realms for global security or in a security domain.

Target object


Required parameters

Specifies whether to trusted realms to inbound or outbound communication. Specify inbound to configure inbound communication. Specify outbound to configure outbound communication. (String)

Optional parameters

Specifies the name of the security domain of interest. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, the command uses the global security configuration. (String)
Specifies a realm or list of realms to configure as trusted realms. (String)

Separate each realm in the list with the pipe character (|) as the following example demonstrates: realm1|realm2|realm3

Return value

The command does not return output.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.addTrustedRealms('-communicationType inbound -securityDomainName testDomain')
  • Using Jython list:
    AdminTask.addTrustedRealms(['-communicationType', 'inbound', '-securityDomainName', 'testDomain'])

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jython:


The configureTrustedRealms command configures trusted realms. Use this command to replace the list of trusted realms and to clear each realm from the list. To add realms to the trusted realm list, use the addInboundTrustedRealm command.

Target object


Required parameters

Specifies whether to configure the security domains, realms, or global security configuration for inbound or outbound communication. Specify inbound to configure inbound communication. Specify outbound to configure outbound communication. (String)

Optional parameters

Specifies the name of the security domain of interest. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, the command uses the global security configuration. (String)
Specifies a list of realms to configure as trusted realms. (String)

Separate each realm in the list with the pipe character (|) as the following example demonstrates: realm1|realm2|realm3

Specifies whether to trust all realms. Specify true to trust all realms. If you specify true for this parameter, the command does not use the -realmList parameter. (Boolean)

Return value

The command does not return output.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.configureTrustedRealms('-communicationType inbound -realmList realm1|realm2|realm3')
  • Using Jython list:
    AdminTask.configureTrustedRealms(['-communicationType', 'inbound', '-realmList', 'realm1|realm2|realm3'])

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jython string:
  • Using Jython list:


The listRegistryGroups command displays the groups in the user registry that belong to the security realm, security domain, or resource name of interest.

Target object


Optional parameters

Specifies name of the security realm of interest. The securityDomainName, resourceName, and securityRealmName parameters are mutually exclusive. Do not specify more than one of these parameters. (String)
Specifies the name of the resource of interest. The securityDomainName, resourceName, and securityRealmName parameters are mutually exclusive. Do not specify more than one of these parameters. (String)
Specifies the name of the security domain of interest. The securityDomainName, resourceName, and securityRealmName parameters are mutually exclusive. Do not specify more than one of these parameters.(String)
Specifies whether to display the access IDs for each group. Specify true to display the access ID and group name for each group that the command returns. (Boolean)
Specifies a filter that the command uses to query for groups. For example, specify test* to return groups that begin with the test string. By default, the command returns all groups. (String)
Specifies the number of groups to return. The default number of groups that the command displays is 20. (Integer)

Return value

The command returns an array of group names. If you specified the -displayAccessId parameter, the command returns an array of attribute lists which contain the group name and group access ID.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.listRegistryGroups('-securityDomainName myTestDomain -groupFilter test* -numberOfGroups 10')
  • Using Jython list:
    AdminTask.listRegistryGroups(['-securityDomainName', 'myTestDomain', '-groupFilter', 'test*', '-numberOfGroups', '10'])

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jython:


The listRegistryUsers command displays the users in the user registry for a specific security realm, resource name, or domain name.

Target object


Optional parameters

Specifies the name of the security domain of interest. The securityDomainName, resourceName, and securityRealmName parameters are mutually exclusive. Do not specify more than one of these parameters. If you do not specify the securityDomainName, resourceName, or securityRealmName parameter, the system uses the active user registry from the global security configuration. (String)
Specifies the name of the resource of interest. The securityDomainName, resourceName, and securityRealmName parameters are mutually exclusive. Do not specify more than one of these parameters. If you do not specify the securityDomainName, resourceName, or securityRealmName parameter, the system uses the active user registry from the global security configuration. (String)
Specifies the name of the security realm of interest. The securityDomainName, resourceName, and securityRealmName parameters are mutually exclusive. Do not specify more than one of these parameters. If you do not specify the securityDomainName, resourceName, or securityRealmName parameter, the system uses the active user registry from the global security configuration. (String)
Specifies whether to display the access IDs for each group. Specify true to display the access ID and group name for each group that the command returns. (Boolean)
Specifies the filter that the command uses to query for users. For example, specify test* to display each user name that starts with the test string. By default, the command returns all users. (String)
Specifies the number of users to return. The default number of groups that the command displays is 20. (Integer)

Return value

The command returns an array of user names. If you specify the -displayAccessId parameter, the command returns an array of attribute lists that contain the user ID and user access IDs.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.listRegistryUsers('-securityRealmName defaultWIMFileBasedRealm  -displayAccessIds true')
  • Using Jython list:
    AdminTask.listRegistryUsers(['-securityRealmName', 'defaultWIMFileBasedRealm', '-displayAccessIds', 'true'])

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jython:


The listSecurityRealms command displays each security realm from global security configuration and the security domains.

Target object


Return value

The command returns an array of realm names.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jython string:
  • Using Jython list:

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jython:


The listTrustedRealms command displays a list of trusted realms for a security domain, resource, or realm. If you do not specify a security domain, resource name, or realm name, then the command returns a list of trusted realms from the global security configuration. The securityRealmName, resourceName, and securityDomainName parameters are mutually exclusive.

Target object


Required parameters

Specifies whether to list the trusted realms for inbound or outbound communication. Specify inbound to configure inbound communication. Specify outbound to configure outbound communication. (String)

Optional parameters

Specifies name of the security realm of interest. If you use this parameter, do not use the resourceName or securityDomainName parameters. (String)
Specifies the name of the resource of interest. If you use this parameter, do not use the securityRealmName or securityDomainName parameters. (String)
Specifies the name of the security domain of interest. If you use this parameter, do not use the resourceName or securityRealmName parameters. (String)
Specifies whether to return each realm name when the trustAllRealms property is enabled. Specify true to return each realm name. Specify false to return the trustAllRealms property. (Boolean)
Specifies whether to include the current realm in the list of trusted realms. Specify true to include the current realm, or specify false to exclude the current realm from the list of trusted realms. (Boolean)

Return value

The command returns an array of trusted realm names. If the realm, resource, or security domain of interest is configured to trust all realms, the command returns the trustAllRealms string.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.listTrustedRealms('-communicationType inbound -resourceName myApplication')
  • Using Jython list:
    AdminTask.listTrustedRealms(['-communicationType', 'inbound', '-resourceName', 'myApplication'])

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jython:


The removeTrustedRealms command removes realms from a trusted realm list in a security domain or in the global security configuration.

Target object


Required parameters

Specifies whether to remove trusted realms from inbound or outbound communication. Specify inbound to configure inbound communication. Specify outbound to configure outbound communication. (String)
Specifies a list of realms to remove from trusted realms. (String)

Separate each realm in the list with the pipe character (|) as the following example demonstrates: realm1|realm2|realm3

Optional parameters

Specifies the name of the security domain of interest. If you do not specify a security domain, the command uses the global security configuration. (String)

Return value

The command does not return output.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.removeTrustedRealms('-communicationType inbound -realmList realm1|realm2|realm3')
  • Using Jython list:
    AdminTask.removeTrustedRealms(['-communicationType inbound -realmList realm1|realm2|realm3'])

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jython:


The unconfigureTrustedRealms command removes the trusted realm object from the configuration.

Target object


Required parameters

Specifies whether to unconfigure the trusted realms for inbound or outbound communication. Specify inbound to remove inbound communication configurations. Specify outbound to remove outbound communication configurations. (String)

Optional parameters

Specifies the name of the security domain of interest. If you do not specify a security domain, the command uses the global security configuration. (String)

Return value

The command does not return output.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.unconfigureTrustedRealms('-communicationType inbound -securityDomainName testDomain')
  • Using Jython list:
    AdminTask.unconfigureTrustedRealms(['-communicationType', 'inbound', '-securityDomainName', 'testDomain'])

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jython string: