Extended local return and reason codes

IMS Connect sends return and reason codes to IMS TM resource adapter.

The following return and reason codes, in Table 1 and Table 2, are sent by IMS Connect to IMS TM resource adapter, and are passed back to the client application in the exception.

Return codes

Table 1. Extended local return codes
Hex value Description
04 Exit request error message sent to client before socket termination. The socket is disconnected by IMS Connect.
08 Error detected by IMS Connect. The socket is disconnected by IMS Connect.
C Error returned by IMS/OTMA. The socket is disconnected by IMS Connect.
20 The IRM_TIMER has expired. The reason code value is the value of the IRM_TIMER. The socket is disconnected by IMS Connect.
24 A default IRM_TIMER value has expired. Either the IRM_TIMER value specified was X'00' or an invalid value. The reason code value is the value of the IRM_TIMER. The socket is disconnected by IMS Connect.

Reason codes

Table 2. Extended local reason codes
Reason code Description
BPESVCER SVC was incorrectly set up.
CLNTSTOP Client is stopped. This situation might occur if the client was stopped after an IMS timeout when MPP was unavailable to process the transaction.
CTXSWCHF RRS context switch failed.
ESTAEERR ESTATE setup error was detected.
HWSFAIL IMS Connect failed during a call.
HWSNOACT IMS Connect is currently inactive.
HWSSHUTP IMS Connect is shutting down.
INACTIVE The Local port is not currently active.
INTFABND The client interface to IMS Connect abnormally ended during the call.
INVLDCID An invalid client ID was specified.
NAMTKNER An invalid IMS Connect name was specified.
NFNDSVT The connection token control block was not found. This situation might indicate that the last 4 bytes of the connection token have been corrupted.
RACFFAIL The SAF check against the client failed. The client address space is not authorized to access HWS.ICON_NAME in the facility class.
SBFLBAD An invalid length for the send buffer was detected.