CSL return and reason codes

The Common Service Layer (CSL) issues return and reason codes in association with Common Service Layer messages. Error logs are issued in XML.

For information about the tags used in the CSL output, see XML tags returned as CSL OM responses.

To distinguish return codes from different components, each component uses a unique set of return codes on CSL macro calls. The first two characters identify the component that generated the return code. The last six characters of a return code have the same meaning between components:

IMS control region
Structured Call Interface
Operations Manager
Resource Manager
IMS Connect

The first two characters are used to determine where to find the documentation on the return and reason code values:

  • IMS command return and reason codes are in DFSCMDRR.
  • Structured Call Interface (SCI) return and reason codes are in CSLSRR.
  • Operations Manager (OM) return and reason codes are in CSLORR.
  • Resource Manger (RM) return and reason codes are in CSLRRR.
  • ODBM return and reason codes are in CSLDRR.
  • IMS Connect (ICON) return and reason codes are in HWSHRR.
  • For DBRC command return and reason codes, look at DSPIXL in the IMS.SDFSMAC data set.

CSLZ return codes might be generated by SCI, OM, or RM so each return code is unique. CSLZ reason codes are the same regardless of the component generating the reason code and are documented in CSLZRR.

All of the preceding macros can be found in the IMS.SDFSMAC data set.