
A program specification block (PSB) was loaded. Upon examination it was discovered the PSB was not a valid PSB. Message DFS0921I is issued before this abend.


0921 is a standard abend issued from multiple CSECT module DFSDLBL0.

The registers saved at label ERRORSVE within DFSDLBL0 should be used for problem isolation. Register 6 in the abend SVRB points to the DBD name.

The abend is issued from a common routine at label SETPSEU. When an error is detected, the subroutine branches to label ERROR921, which saves register 0 through register 15 at label ERRORSVE. A branch is then taken to RETURN, where message DFS0921I is issued and PSTSTAT is set to X'16'. RETURN branches to SETPSEU, which issues the abend (SVC 13).

Key Label Description
Reg3=PSB Reg15¬=0 RETLOAD This routine is trying to verify that the loaded PSB is a valid one. If the index I/O area address in the PSB is not zero, then this is in fact a DBD and the abend is issued.

System action

IMS terminates abnormally.

Programmer response

At entry to this abend, register 6 points to the PSB name. Check the JCL or the control statements, or both, correct the errors, and then re-execute the program.

Problem determination

4, 17d, 35


IMS abends
