DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Installing IBM data server clients and drivers (Windows)

Instructions to install any IBM® data server client type, namely the IBM Data Server Client, the IBM Data Server Runtime Client, and the IBM Data Server Driver Package. The main procedure covers a simple, but common, case where there is no DB2® database product already installed.

About this task


This procedure covers the simple case. Information for other cases is covered elsewhere in this topic.

Before you begin

If the machine already has a prior version of a client installed, you should first review topics that cover upgrading.

If the machine already has a DB2 database server product installed, it is not necessary to install a client because the DB2 database server provides all the capability found in an IBM data server client.

The IBM Data Server Driver Package software is not part of the IBM Data Server Client or IBM Data Server Runtime Client software. This driver package is different, and it has its own installation images. You must use the appropriate installer package.

Before installing IBM data server clients or client package:
  • Determine which client best suits your need.
  • Locate a DVD or other install image that you need. You can download an image for a release or a fix pack from the IBM Support Fix Central site (http://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/).
  • To obtain the Data Server client and driver packages:
    1. From the Product Group list, select Information Management under the product group.
    2. From the Product list, select IBM Data Server Client Packages.
    3. From the Installed Versions list, select the appropriate version.
    4. From the Platform list, select Windows, and click Continue.
    5. Click Continue again on the next screen and you will be presented with a list of all client and driver packages available for Windows. Ensure that you have the appropriate 32-bit or 64-bit version, depending on your machine.
  • You have a Windows user account that is part of the Administrators group.
    Note: If a non-Administrator user account is going to do the product installation, then the VS2005 runtime library must be installed before attempting to install a DB2 database product. The VS2005 runtime library is needed on the operating system before the DB2 database product can be installed. The VS2005 runtime library is available from the Microsoft runtime library download website. There are two choices: choose vcredist_x86.exe for 32-bit systems or vcredist_x64.exe for 64-bit systems.
  • Your system meets all memory, disk space, and installation requirements. The installation program checks the disk space and basis system requirements, and notifies you if there is a problem.


To install any IBM data server client on Windows:

  1. Log on to the system with the user account that you want to use to perform the installation.
  2. Optional: Shut down any other programs.
  3. Insert the DVD into the drive. There are separate installation images for each language. The autorun feature starts the DB2 Setup wizard which determines the system language and starts the setup program for that language.

    For the Data Server Client, you can run the DB2 Setup wizard in a language other than the default system language by manually invoking the DB2 Setup wizard and specifying a language code. For example, the setup -i fr command runs the DB2 Setup wizard in French. For the Data Server Runtime Client or Data Server Driver Package, there are separate install images for each language.

  4. To install an IBM data server client or client package:
    • If you are installing a Data Server Client, launch the DB2 Setup wizard, when the DB2 Launchpad opens, choose Install a Product. Follow the DB2 Setup wizard's prompts.
    • If you are installing a Data Server Runtime Client, it does not have a launchpad. See the Related Links for setup command parameters.
      If you are installing a second copy of the Data Server Runtime Client, the command is:
      setup /v" TRANSFORMS=:InstanceId1.mst MSINEWINSTANCE=1"
      To install each subsequent copy of the Data Server Runtime Client (up to a maximum of 16 copies), modify the command by incrementing InstanceIdn, for example:
      setup /v" TRANSFORMS=:InstanceId2.mst MSINEWINSTANCE=1"
      Note: It is strongly recommended that installing multiple copies is for advanced users.
    • If you are installing the IBM Data Server Driver Package, run the setup command from the product DVD, or install the driver from a fix pack image by downloading the driver from http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=71&uid=swg27007053. If you are installing a fix pack image, see the Related Links for the installation command options of the setup command.
      If you are installing a second copy of the IBM Data Server Driver Package, the following methods can be used:
      • To perform a new copy installation with a generated default copy name:
        setup /o
      • If the copy name already exists, perform a maintenance (or upgrade) installation on that copy. Otherwise, perform the new installation by using the specified copy name.
        setup /n copyname

      The default installation path of the IBM Data Server Driver Package software is Program Files\IBM\IBM DATA SERVER DRIVER. For additional copies, the default directory name is IBM DATA SERVER DRIVER_nn, where nn is a generated number that makes the directory name unique. For example, if you install a second copy on the same host, the default directory name is Program Files\IBM\IBM DATA SERVER DRIVER_02.

  5. If you are installing a Data Server Client on a machine that already has a DB2 Universal Database™Version 8 copy installed, you are presented with the option to install a new copy or to upgrade the DB2 UDB Version 8 copy.
    Installing a new copy preserves the DB2 UDB Version 8 copy and installs an additional DB2 Version 9 copy. Choosing to upgrade copies the DB2 UDB Version 8 client instance settings to the DB2 Version 9 copy then remove the DB2 UDB Version 8 copy.
    Note: If a machine already has a DB2 UDB Version 8 copy installed, the Version 9 copies cannot be set to default.

    If you are installing a Data Server Runtime Client, the installation program always installs a new copy. To upgrade a DB2 UDB Version 8 client instance as a subsequent step, see topics on migration.


After completing this procedure, the product is now installed at the location you specified during the installation. As part of the IBM Data Server Client installation procedure, an instance of the DB2 database manager is created. The instance is called "DB2" if there is no other instance called "DB2". If you already have a copy of DB2 Version 8 or DB2 Version 9.1 installed, the default instance is DB2_01.

The default installation path of Data Server Client and Data Server Runtime Client is Program Files\IBM\sqllib. If a second copy is installed in the same machine, the default directory name is Program Files\IBM\sqllib_01. In general, the default directory name is sqllib_nn where nn is the number of copies installed in that machine minus one.

The default installation path of Data Server Driver Package is Program Files\IBM\IBM DATA SERVER DRIVER. If a second copy is installed in the same machine, the default directory name is Program Files\IBM\IBM DATA SERVER DRIVER_02. In general, the default directory name is IBM DATA SERVER DRIVER_nn where nn is the generated number to make this directory unique.

The default copy name of the IBM Data Server Driver Package software is IBMDBCLn. The default name of the first driver on a machine is IBMDBCL1, the default name of the second driver on the machine is IBMDBCL2, and so on.

If you want to install more than one copy of the Data Server Driver Package, you can have a maximum of 16 copies. Each copy must be installed to different directories.

The default copy name of the Data Server Client or Data Server Runtime Client is DB2COPY1.

This installation does not include product documentation. See the related links for options for installing or accessing the DB2 Information Center.

What to do next

Notes on installing using a user account that is not a member of the Administrators group

Members of the Power Users group can install the IBM data server client. Members of the Users group can also install an IBM data server client after they have been enabled to do so. To enable members of the Users group to install IBM data server client, a member of the Administrators group must ensure that the installing user has write permission for the following scenarios:

Of related interest, a non-administrator can also install fix packs if a non-administrator performed the original installation. However, a non-administrator cannot install fix packs if the original installation was performed by an Administrator user account.