DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

MON_BP_UTILIZATION - Retrieve metrics for bufferpools

The MON_BP_UTILIZATION administrative view returns key monitoring metrics, including hit ratios and average read and write times, for all buffer pools and all database partitions in the currently connected database. It provides information that is critical for performance monitoring, because it helps you check how efficiently you are using your buffer pools.

Note: If your database was created in Version 9.7 before Fix Pack 1, to run this routine you must have already run the db2updv97 command. If your database was created before Version 9.7 , it is not necessary to run the db2updv97 command (because the catalog update is automatically taken care of by the database migration). If you downgrade to Version 9.7 , this routine will no longer work.


One of the following authorizations is required:
  • SELECT privilege on the MON_BP_UTILIZATION administrative view
  • CONTROL privilege on the MON_BP_UTILIZATION administrative view

Information returned

Table 1. Information returned by the MON_BP_UTILIZATION administrative view
Column name Data type Description or Monitor element
BP_NAME VARCHAR(128) bp_name - Buffer pool name
MEMBER SMALLINT member- Database member
Indicates the number of data pages read from the table space containers (physical) for temporary as well as regular and large table spaces. This is calculated as (pool_data_p_reads + pool_temp_data_p_reads) where pool_data_p_reads and pool_temp_data_p_reads represent the following monitor elements:


DECIMAL(5,2) Data hit ratio, that is, the percentage of time that the database manager did not need to load a page from disk to service a data page request.
Indicates the number of index pages read from the table space containers (physical) for temporary as well as regular and large table spaces. This is calculated as (pool_index_p_reads + pool_temp_index_p_reads) where pool_index_p_reads + pool_temp_index_p_reads represent the following monitor elements:


DECIMAL(5,2) Index hit ratio, that is, the percentage of time that the database manager did not need to load a page from disk to service an index data page request.
Indicates the number of data pages for XML storage objects (XDAs) read from the table space containers (physical) for temporary as well as regular and large table spaces. This is calculated as (pool_xda_p_reads + pool_temp_xda_p_reads) where pool_xda_p_reads and pool_temp_xda_p_reads represent the following monitor elements:
XDA_HIT_RATIO_PERCENT DECIMAL(5,2) Auxiliary storage objects hit ratio, that is, the percentage of time that the database manager did not need to load a page from disk to service a data page request for XML storage objects (XDAs).

Indicates the number of data pages, index pages, and data pages for XML storage objects (XDAs) read from the table space containers (physical) for temporary as well as regular and large table spaces.

This is calculated as (pool_data_p_reads + pool_temp_data_p_reads + pool_index_p_reads + pool_temp_index_p_reads + pool_xda_p_reads + pool_temp_xda_p_reads) where pool_data_p_reads, pool_temp_data_p_reads, pool_index_p_reads, pool_temp_index_p_reads, pool_xda_p_reads and pool_temp_xda_p_reads represent the following monitor elements:



Average time, in milliseconds, spent reading pages from the table space containers (physical) for all types of table spaces.

If the sum of physical reads is greater than zero, this is calculated as pool_read_time / (pool_data_p_reads + pool_temp_data_p_reads + pool_index_p_reads + pool_temp_index_p_reads + pool_xda_p_reads + pool_temp_xda_p_reads)

where pool_read_time, pool_data_p_reads, pool_temp_data_p_reads, pool_index_p_reads, pool_temp_index_p_reads, pool_xda_p_reads and pool_temp_xda_p_reads represent the following monitor elements:

If the sum of physical reads is not greater than zero, NULL is returned.


DECIMAL(5,2) Percentage of pages read asynchronously (with prefetching). If many applications are reading data synchronously without prefetching, your system might not be tuned optimally.



Percentage of pages read asynchronously from disk, but never accessed by a query. If too many pages are read asynchronously from disk into the bufferpool, but no query ever accesses those pages, the prefetching might degrade performance.

If the sum of asynchronous reads is greater than zero, this is calculated as unread_prefetch_pages / (pool_async_data_reads + pool_async_index_reads + pool_async_xda_reads) where unread_prefetch_pages, pool_async_data_reads, pool_async_index_reads and pool_async_xda_reads represent the following monitor elements:

If the sum of asynchronous reads is not greater than zero, NULL is returned.


The number of times a data, index, or data page for an XML storage object (XDA) was physically written to disk.

This is calculated as (pool_data_writes + pool_index_writes + pool_xda_writes) where pool_data_writes, pool_index_writes, and pool_xda_writes represent the following monitor elements:

Average time, in milliseconds, spent physically writing pages from the buffer pool to disk.

If the sum of write operations is greater than zero, this is calculated as pool_write_time / (pool_data_writes + pool_index_writes + pool_xda_writes) where pool_write_time, pool_data_writes, pool_index_writes, and pool_xda_writes represent the following monitor elements:

If the sum of write operations is not greater than zero, NULL is returned.

SYNC_WRITES_PERCENT DECIMAL(5,2) Percentage of write operations that are synchronous.
AVG_SYNC_READ_TIME BIGINT Average time, in milliseconds, spent synchronous reading from bufferpool. This is calculated as (pool_read_time - pool_async_read_time) / (total_physical_reads - total_async_reads)

If pool_read_time - pool_async_read_time is zero, NULL is returned.

AVG_ASYNC_READ_TIME BIGINT Average time, in milliseconds, spent asynchronous reading from bufferpool. This is calculated as pool_async_read_time / total_async_reads

If pool_async_read_time is zero, NULL is returned.

AVG_SYNC_WRITE_TIME BIGINT Average time, in milliseconds, spent synchronous writing from bufferpool. This is calculated as (pool_write_time - pool_async_write_time) / (total_writes - total_async_writes)

If pool_write_time - pool_async_write_time is zero, NULL is returned.

AVG_ASYNC_WRITE_TIME BIGINT Average time, in milliseconds, spent asynchronous writing from bufferpool. This is calculated as pool_async_write_time / total_async_writes

If pool_async_write_time is zero, NULL is returned.