DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

numdb - Maximum number of concurrently active databases including host and System i® databases configuration parameter

This parameter specifies the number of local databases that can be concurrently active (that is, have applications connected to them), or the maximum number of different database aliases that can be cataloged on a DB2 Connect™ server.

Configuration type
Database manager
Applies to
  • Database server with local and remote clients
  • Database server with local clients
  • Partitioned database server with local and remote clients
Parameter type
Default [range]
8 [1 - 256 ]
Windows Database server with local and remote clients
8 [1 - 256 ]
Windows Database server with local clients
3 [1 - 256 ]
Unit of measure

Each database takes up storage, and an active database uses a new shared memory segment.

Recommendation: It is generally best to set this value to the actual number of databases that are already defined to the database manager, and to add about 10% to this value to allow for growth.

Changing the numdb parameter can impact the total amount of memory allocated. As a result, frequent updates to this parameter are not recommended. When updating this parameter, you should consider the other configuration parameters that can allocate memory for a database or an application connected to that database.