Retrieving multiple result sets from a stored procedure in PHP (PDO)

When a single call to a stored procedure returns more than one result set, you can use the PDOStatement::nextRow method of the PDO API to retrieve the result sets.

Before you begin

You must have a PDOStatement object returned by calling a stored procedure with the PDO::query or PDOStatement::execute method.


To retrieve multiple result sets:

  1. Fetch rows from the first result set returned from the procedure by calling one of the PDO fetch methods. (The first result set that is returned from the procedure is associated with the PDOStatement object returned by the CALL statement.)
    • To return a single row from a result set as an array or object, call the PDOStatement::fetch method.
    • To return all of the rows from the result set as an array of arrays or objects, call the PDOStatement::fetchAll method.
    Fetch rows from the PDOStatement object until no more rows are available in the first result set.
  2. Retrieve the subsequent result sets by calling the PDOStatement::nextRowset method to return the next result set. You can fetch rows from the PDOStatement object until no more rows are available in the result set.

    The PDOStatement::nextRowset method returns False when no more result sets are available or the procedure did not return a result set.

    For more information about the PDO API, see


Retrieve multiple result sets from a stored procedure.

$sql = 'CALL multiple_results()';
$stmt = $conn->query($sql);
do {
   $rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
   if ($rows) {
} while ($stmt->nextRowset());

What to do next

When you are ready to close the connection to the database, set the PDO object to NULL. The connection closes automatically when the PHP script finishes.