Validating IBM Data Server Driver Package (Windows) installation

You can validate installation of the IBM Data Server Driver Package for the most popular interfaces, such as CLI/ODBC, ADO.NET and Visual Studio.

You can download the IBM Data Server Driver Package by using the following link:

After installing IBM Data Server Driver Package, you can validate the installation for CLI / ODBC using the db2cli validate command.

Use the following steps to validate your installation:
  1. Create an alias in the db2dsdriver.cfg file. You can then populate the configuration file with DSN alias name, database name, hostname, and the port to which connection is to be made. You can obtain the db2dsdriver.cfg path for the IBM Data Server Driver Package product on Windows by running the db2cli validate command to show the db2dsdriver.cfg file location.
  2. Validate the DSN alias with db2cli application.
  3. Create an ODBC DSN to the alias.
  4. Test the ODBC DSN with MS Excel.
Note: Starting with the Db2® Cancun Release, you are able to use the -odbcdsn option with the db2cli validate command to validate databases and DSN sections from the configuration file.

Sample db2dsdriver.cfg

The following sample db2dsdriver.cfg file is configured with DSN alias as sampledsn, database name as sample, hostname as and port as 19766.

   <dsn alias="sampledsn" name="sample" host="" port="19766"/>          
   <database name="sample" host="" port="19766">                

List of client packages installed

IBM data server clients (the IBM Data Server Client or the IBM Data Server Runtime Client), you can use the db2cli validate command to list the installed client packages on a Windows operating system. When you issue the db2cli validate command from the IBM data server clients, the list is limited to theIBM data server clients that are installed on the Windows operating system. To list IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI packages and the IBM data server client packages that are installed on a Windows operating system, you must issue the db2cli validate command from the IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI installation. The list indicates the current copy name as [C] and the default copy name as [D].

The following example shows the results of running the db2cli validate command:
C:\CLIDRIVER\bin>db2cli validate
IBM DATABASE 2 Interactive CLI Sample Program
(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1993,1996
All Rights Reserved
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

  [ CLI Driver Version   : 10.0X.0000 ]
  [ Informational Tokens : "Db2 v10.X.XXX.XXX","nXXXXXX","IPXXXXX","Fixpack  X" ]

  [ CLI Driver Type      : IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI ]

  IBM Data Server client packages on the current workstation:

  Copyname       Version     Installed Location
  DB2COPY1[D]    09.07.0500  E:\SQLLIB
  DB2COPY2       09.01.0700  C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB_01\
  DB2COPY3       09.07.0301  C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\
  DSCOPY         09.07.0500  C:\IBM\IBM DATA SERVER DRIVER\

db2dsdriver.cfg Schema Validation :
Success: The schema validation operation completed successfully.
The configuration file C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\
DB2\C_CLIDRIVER\cfg\db2dsdriver.cfg is valid

The validation completed. 
On a 64-bit Windows system, both db2cli32.exe and db2cli.exe have same output.

Location of the db2dsdriver.cfg file

The location of the db2dsdriver.cfg file differs between IBM Data Server Client and IBM Data Server Driver.

  • In IBM Data Server Clients: %instance_path%/cfg
  • In database servers: %installation_path%/cfg

You can find the location of the db2dsdriver.cfg file by using the db2cli command with the validate parameter.

The following example shows the use of the dummy DSN argument:
db2cli.exe validate -dsn dummy
IBM DATABASE 2 Interactive CLI Sample Program
(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1993,1996
All Rights Reserved
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
  [ CLI Driver Version   : 10.XX.0000 ]
  [ Informational Tokens : "Db2 v10.X.X.X","sXXXXXX","IPXXXXX","Fixpack  X" ]
  [ CLI Driver Type      : IBM Data Server Driver For ODBC and CLI ]

db2dsdriver.cfg Schema Validation :
Success: The schema validation operation completed successfully.
The configuration file ../cfg/db2dsdriver.cfg is valid

Note: The validation operation utility could not find the 
configuration file named db2cli.ini.
The file is searched at ../cfg/db2cli.ini

db2dsdriver.cfg Validation :
  [ DB2DSDRIVER_CFG_PATH env var : unset ]
  [ db2dsdriver.cfg Path         : ../cfg/db2dsdriver.cfg ]
  [ Valid keywords used for DSN : alias1 ]
    Keyword                                      Value
    DATABASE                                     name1
    PORT                                         50001
    CURRENTSCHEMA                                OWNER1

  [ Parameters used for WLB ]
    Parameter                                    Value
    enableWLB                                    true
    maxTransports                                50

  [ Parameters used for ACR ]
    Parameter                                    Value
    enableACR                                    true

  [ Keywords UNKNOWN for DSN : alias1 ]
    Keyword                                      Value
    GlobalParam                                  Value

The validation completed.

Validating DSN alias

You can issue the db2cli validate -dsn sampledsn command to validate the DSN alias sampledsn that is configured in the db2dsdriver.cfg file. All valid entries are listed in the command output.

The following example shows the command output :
db2cli validate -dsn alias1       
IBM DATABASE 2 Interactive CLI Sample Program
(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1993,1996
All Rights Reserved
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
  [ CLI Driver Version   : 10.0X.0000 ]
  [ Informational Tokens : "Db2 v10.X.XXX.XXX","nXXXXXX","IPXXXXX","Fixpack  X" ]
  [ CLI Driver Type      : IBM Data Server Client ]
  [ db2diag.log Path     : C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\DB2\db2build\DB5\db2diag.log ]

  IBM Data Server Client packages on the current workstation :

  Copyname      Version     Installed Location
  db2build[C]   10.XX.XXXX  E:\sqllib



db2dsdriver.cfg Schema Validation :
Success: The schema validation operation completed successfully.
The configuration file C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\DB2\db2build\cfg\db2dsdriver.cfg is valid

Note: The validation operation utility could not find the configuration file named db2cli.ini.
The file is searched at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\DB2\db2build\cfg\db2cli.ini

db2dsdriver.cfg Validation :
  [ DB2DSDRIVER_CFG_PATH env var : unset ]
  [ db2dsdriver.cfg Path         : C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\DB2\db2build\cfg\db2dsdriver.cfg ]
  [ List of Keywords used for DSN : alias1 ]
    Keywords                          Valid For      Value
    DATABASE                          CLI,.NET,ESQL  STLEC1
    HOSTNAME                          CLI,.NET,ESQL
    PORT                              CLI,.NET,ESQL  446
    CURRENTSCHEMA                     CLI,.NET       **DUPLICATE**
    DISABLEAUTOCOMMIT                 CLI            FALSE
    COMMPROTOCOL                      CLI            TCPIP
    COMMITONEOF                       CLI,.NET       TRUE
    COLUMNWISEMRI                     CLI            TRUE
    DISABLEPOOLING                    .NET           TRUE
    csmbuffersize                     **UNKNOWN**
    XMLDeclaration                    **UNKNOWN**
  [ Parameters used for WLB ]
    Parameter                                        Value
    enableWLB                                        true
    maxTransports                                    50

  [ Parameters used for ACR ]
    Parameter                                        Value
    enableACR                                        true
    enableSeamlessACR                                true

    Alternate Server List :
    Name - S1  Hostname -  Port - 446
    Name - S2  Hostname - host1_placeholder  Port - 446
    Name - S3  Hostname - host2_placeholder  Port - 446

    Affinity List :
    Name - list1  Serverorder - S1,S2,S3
    Name - list2  Serverorder - S2,S1,S3

The validation completed.
The db2cli validate command output includes the copy name on Windows operating systems as shown in the following example:
db2cli validate -dsn sampledsn
IBM DATABASE 2 Interactive CLI Sample Program
(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1993,1996
All Rights Reserved
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
[ CLI Driver Version   : 10.XX.XXXX ]
[ Informational Tokens : "Db2 v10.X.XXX.XXX","sXXXXXX","IPXXXXX","Fixpack X" ]

[ CLI Driver Type      : IBM Data Server Driver Package ]
[ CLI Copy Name        : IBMDBCL1 ]

db2dsdriver.cfg Schema Validation :
Warning: The schema validation operation completed successfully.
The following data source name was not found in the db2cli.ini file: "sampledsn".
The file is at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\DB2\IBMDBCL1\cfg\db2cli.ini

db2dsdriver.cfg Validation :
[ DB2DSDRIVER_CFG_PATH env var	: unset ]
[ db2dsdriver.cfg Path              : C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\DB2\IBMDBCL1\cfg\db2dsdriver.cfg ]
[ Keywords used by CLI for DSN     	: sampledsn ]
  Keyword                           Value
  DATABASE                          sample
  PORT                              19766

The validation completed. 
If you specify the -all option for the db2cli validate command, every database and DSN entries present in the db2dsdriver.cfg file is validated.
db2cli validate -all

Client information for the current copy (copy name: IBMDBCL1):

Client Package Type       : IBM Data Server Driver Package
Client Version (level/bit): Db2 v10.XX.XXX.XXX (nXXXXXX/XX-bit)
Client Platform           : NT
Install/Instance Path     : C:\SQLLIB\clidriver

Common App Data Path      : C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data
DB2DSDRIVER_CFG_PATH value: <not-set>
db2dsdriver.cfg Path      : <Common App Data Path>\cfg\db2dsdriver.cfg
DB2CLIINIPATH value       : <not-set>
db2cli.ini Path           : <Common App Data Path>\cfg\db2cli.ini
db2diag.log Path          : <Common App Data Path>\db2diag.log

List of all IBM Data Server client packages on the current workstation:

Copy name     Version Package Language Installed Location
DB2COPY1      10.X.XX ESE     EN        C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB

ESE : IBM Db2 Enterprise Server Edition
DSD : IBM Data Server Driver Package

db2dsdriver.cfg schema validation for the entire file:

Success: The schema validation completed successfully without any errors.

db2cli.ini validation for data source name "dsnName":

Note: The validation utility could not find the configuration file db2cli.ini.

The file is searched at "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application 

db2dsdriver.cfg validation for data source name "dsnName":

[ Parameters used for the connection ]

Keywords                  Valid For     Value
DATABASE                  CLI,.NET,ESQL sample
HOSTNAME                  CLI,.NET,ESQL localhost
PORT                      CLI,.NET,ESQL 50000
COMMITONEOF               CLI,.NET      1
ISOLATIONLEVEL            CLI,.NET      readcommitted
CURRENTSCHEMA             CLI,.NET      test1
COMMPROTOCOL              CLI           tcpip
AUTHENTICATION            CLI,.NET      server_encrypt
ClientAplicationName      **UNKNOWN**
isolatonlevel             **UNKNOWN**
isolationlevl             **UNKNOWN**

[ Parameters used for WLB ]

Parameter                 Value
enablewlb                 true
maxtransports             25
enableSeamlessAcr         **UNKNOWN**

[ Parameters used for ACR ]

Parameter                 Value
enableacr                 true
maxacrretries             3
acrRetryIntrval           **UNKNOWN**

Connecting to: sample:localhost:50000 [SUCCESS]

db2cli.ini validation for database "prod:localhost:50000":

Note: The validation utility could not find the configuration file db2cli.ini.

The file is searched at "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application 

db2dsdriver.cfg validation for database "prod:localhost:50000":

[ Parameters used for the connection ]

Keywords                  Valid For     Value
CURRENTSCHEMA             CLI,.NET      test2
COMMPROTOCOL              CLI           tcpip
AUTHENTICATION            CLI,.NET      server_encrypt
isolationlevl             **UNKNOWN**

[ Parameters used for WLB ]

Parameter                 Value
enablewlb                 true
maxtransports             15

[ Parameters used for ACR ]

Parameter                 Value
enableacr                 true

Connecting to: prod:localhost:50000 [FAILED]
[IBM][CLI Driver] SQL30082N  Security processing failed with reason "24" ("USE

db2cli.ini validation for database "sample:localhost:50000":

Note: The validation utility could not find the configuration file db2cli.ini.

The file is searched at "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application 

db2dsdriver.cfg validation for database "sample:localhost:50000":

[ Parameters used for the connection ]

Keywords                  Valid For     Value
CURRENTSCHEMA             CLI,.NET      test1
COMMPROTOCOL              CLI           tcpip
AUTHENTICATION            CLI,.NET      server_encrypt
isolatonlevel             **UNKNOWN**
isolationlevl             **UNKNOWN**

[ Parameters used for WLB ]

Parameter                 Value
enablewlb                 true
maxtransports             25
enableSeamlessAcr         **UNKNOWN**

[ Parameters used for ACR ]

Parameter                 Value
enableacr                 true
maxacrretries             3
acrRetryIntrval           **UNKNOWN**

Connecting to: sample:localhost:50000 [SUCCESS]

The validation is completed.
If you are using Db2 Connect client, but do not have a server-based license key or a Db2 Connect server, you might get this message from your connection:
[IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1598N  An attempt to connect to the database server 
failed because of a licensing problem.  SQLSTATE=42968

If you are using Db2 Connect Unlimited Edition for z/OS®, you can use a server-based license key. This one step prevents the need for client-based license keys. For details, see the topic about activating the license key for Db2 Connect Unlimited Edition for System z®.

If you are unable to use the server-based license key, take the Db2 Connect license key from the Db2 Connect Edition that you have purchased (eg: db2conpe.lic) and type it in the C:\Program Files\IBM\IBM DATA SERVER DRIVER\license license directory, underneath the installation location for the IBM Data Server Driver Package.

If you are using Db2 Connect for the first time and receive an -805 error while validating the connection, then you need to bind the packages that are used by Db2 Connect to prepare dynamic SQL. This step does not need to be repeated when you are upgrading the IBM Data Server Driver Package. To bind the packages, issue the following command:
db2cli bind "@<ds driver install path> \bnd\db2cli.lst" -dsn sampledsn -user <userid> -passwd <password> -options "grant public collection nullid"
Note: The SYSADM, SYSCTRL, or BINDADD, and CREATE IN COLLECTION NULLID authorizations are required to issue the db2cli bind command. The BINDADD and CREATE IN COLLECTION NULLID authorizations can be used only if the packages do not already exist.
For more information about the db2cli command and the bind options, see the topic about db2cli interactive command.

After the db2dsdriver.cfg file is populated with the correct database connection information, register the DSN alias with the ODBC driver manager as a datasource. You can make the data source available to all users of the system (a system data source), or only to the current user (a user data source).

Testing connectivity for CLI driver

To test the CLI connection that uses DSN and database section entries in the db2dsdriver.cfg file, issue db2cli validate -dsn dsnName -connect -user userID -passwd password, as shown in the following example:

db2cli validate -dsn sample -connect -user userID -passwd password
IBM DATABASE 2 Interactive CLI Sample Program
(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1993,1996
All Rights Reserved
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
  [ CLI Driver Version  : 10.0X.XXXX ]
  [ Informational Tokens : "Db2 v10.X.XXX.XXX","sXXXXXX","IPXXXXX","Fixpack  X" ]
  [ CLI Driver Type      : IBM Data Server Driver Package ]
  [ CLI Copy Name        : IBMDBCL1 ]

db2dsdriver.cfg Schema Validation :
Success: The schema validation operation completed successfully.
The configuration file C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\DB2\IBMDBCL1\cfg\db2dsdriver.cfg is valid

Note: The validation operation utility could not find the 
configuration file named db2cli.ini.
The file is searched at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\DB2\IBMDBCL1\cfg\db2cli.ini

db2dsdriver.cfg Validation :
  [ DB2DSDRIVER_CFG_PATH env var : unset ]
  [ db2dsdriver.cfg Path        : C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\DB2\IBMDBCL1\cfg\db2dsdriver.cfg ]
  [ Valid keywords used for DSN : sample ]
    Keyword                                      Value
    DATABASE                                    STLEC1
    PORT                                        446
Connection Section :  
Connecting to: sample  
Connect Status: success  
End Connection Section  
The validation completed.

Validating CLPPlus

To verify that CLPPlus works properly, you can connect to the DSN alias sampledsn that is defined in the db2dsdriver.cfg file. Follow these steps:
  1. At the operating system prompt, type the clpplus command with username and dsn-alias parameters to start CLPPlus.
  2. Enter the password that is associated with the user name that you provided.
A successful connection indicates that CLPPlus works properly. The following example output shows the two-step verification and successful connection:
C:\>clpplus db2admin@sampledsn
CLPPlus: Version 1.4
Copyright (c) 2009, 2011, IBM CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.

Enter password: **********

Database Connection Information :
Hostname =
Database server = DB2/NT  SQLXXXXX
SQL authorization ID = db2admin
Local database alias = SAMPLEDSN
Port = 19766

Creating an ODBC DSN to the alias

Create a system data source name (DSN) for DSN alias sampledsn by using the db2cli registerdsn -add sampledsn -system command.

Use the db2cli32 command, instead of the db2cli command, if you are using a 32-bit IBM Data Server Driver with the 64-bit installer in a 64-bit Windows computer, as follows:
db2cli32 registerdsn -add sampledsn -system

Testing ODBC DSN with MS Excel

You can test the newly created ODBC DSN by using Microsoft applications, such as MS Excel.


  1. Start the ODBC administrator tool from Control Panel->Administrative Tools-> Data Sources (ODBC) for 64 bit binary. For a 32-bit binary in a 64-bit machine, start the ODBC administrator tool from System Drive:\windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe. For example: c:\windows\syswow64\ odbcad32.exe
  2. The list of user data sources is displayed, by default. Click the System DSN tab.
  3. Select the newly created DSN (sampledsn in our example) and click Configure.
  4. Enter your user name and password, and click Connect. The message "Connection tested successfully" is displayed.
  5. Start a Microsoft application and use the newly created DSN. For example,
    1. Start MS Excel.
    2. Go to Data->Import External Data-> New Database Query. The list of ODBC DSNs is displayed in a list box.
      Note: A 32-bit Excel application shows only 32-bit DSN's in the list box and 64-bit Excel shows only 64-bit DSNs in the list box.
    3. Select the DSN (sampledsn in our example) that you want to connect to, and provide the login details. The list of tables is displayed in the database.

Testing connectivity for ADO.NET drivers

You can verify that the IBM Data Server Driver is installed correctly for ADO.NET and is fully operational by running the testconn20.exe utility. Use the -dtc command option to verify the XA transaction support setup. To verify the runtime build with .NET Framework 4.0, you can use testconn40.exe.
C:\Program Files\IBM\IBM DATA SERVER DRIVER\bin>testconn20 -dtc 
adding MSDTC step

Step 1: Printing version info
        .NET Framework version: X.X.XXXXX.XXXX
        Db2 .NET provider version: X.X.X.X
        Db2 .NET file version: XX.X.X.X
        Capability bits: ALLDEFINED
        Build: sXXXXXX
        Factory for invariant name IBM.Data.DB2 verified
          Elapsed: 1.2969165

Step 2: Validating db2dsdriver.cfg against db2dsdriver.xsd schema file
        C:\ProgramData\IBM\DB2\IBMDBCL1\cfg\db2dsdriver.cfg against 
        Elapsed: 0

Step 3: Connecting using "database=sampledsn;uid=username;pwd=password"
        Server type and version: DB2/NT 09.07.0003
        Elapsed: 2.8594665

Step 4: Selecting rows from SYSIBM.SYSTABLES to validate existence of packages
        Elapsed: 0.3281355

Step 5: Calling GetSchema for tables to validate existence of schema functions
        Elapsed: 0.906279

Step 6: Creating XA connection
        DB2TransactionScope: Connection Closed.
        Elapsed: 3.2657295

Test passed.
You can ignore the VSAI is not installed properly error. This error is displayed because VSAI is only available in 32-bit, and is not detected by a 64-bit testconn20. The 32-bit version of testconn20 should properly report VSAI information.
If you want to test connectivity to a particular server without adding an alias to the db2dsdriver.cfg file, you can specify full connectivity information in the connection string.
C:\Program Files\IBM\IBM DATA SERVER DRIVER\bin>testconn20 -dtc 
If you want to test connectivity for your 32-bit applications that are running in a 64-bit environment, you can use the 32-bit version of the testconn20 utility.
C:\Program Files\IBM\IBM DATA SERVER DRIVER\bin>testconn20_32 -dtc 
"database=sampledsn;uid=username;pwd=password" adding MSDTC step

Step 1: Printing version info
        .NET Framework version: X.X.XXXXX.XXXX
        Db2 .NET provider version: X.X.X.X
        Db2 .NET file version: XX.X.X.X
        Capability bits: ALLDEFINED
        Build: sXXXXXX
        Factory for invariant name IBM.Data.DB2 verified
          Elapsed: 1.2969165

Step 2: Validating db2dsdriver.cfg against db2dsdriver.xsd schema file
        C:\ProgramData\IBM\DB2\IBMDBCL1\cfg\db2dsdriver.cfg against 
        Elapsed: 0

Step 3: Connecting using "database=sampledsn;uid=username;pwd=password"
        Server type and version: DB2/NT 09.07.0003
        Elapsed: 2.8594665

Step 4: Selecting rows from SYSIBM.SYSTABLES to validate existence of packages
        Elapsed: 0.3281355

Step 5: Calling GetSchema for tables to validate existence of schema functions
        Elapsed: 0.906279

Step 6: Creating XA connection
        DB2TransactionScope: Connection Closed.
        Elapsed: 3.2657295

Test passed.

Creating connection in Server Explorer with the IBM Database Add-ins for Visual Studio

After installing IBM Database Add-ins for Visual Studio, you can create a connection in Server Explorer by performing the following steps:
  1. Start Visual Studio.
  2. Right-click the Data Connections node in the Server Explorer and click "Add Connection..."
  3. In the Add Connection dialog, select IBM Db2 and Informix® Data Provider for .Net data source.
  4. Click the database drop-down list to list the aliases defined in the db2dsdriver.cfg file. Choose alias from the drop-down list or type the alias name in the database name field.
  5. Select sampledsn, enter your user name and password and click Test Connection. A message box is displayed to indicate that the test connection passed. Close the message box.
  6. Click OK in the connection dialog. The connection is now created in the server explorer.

Testing the connectivity of the IBM OLE DB Provider

You can test the IBM OLE DB Provider connectivity by importing data to a spreadsheet application, such as MS Excel. However, before you start the procedure, ensure you have completed the following tasks:
  • Install Microsoft Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013.
  • Define the DSN in the db2dsdriver.cfg file. The Data Server driver configuration file, db2dsdriver.cfg, is an XML file that contains a list of DSN aliases and their properties. It is used to store connection details in one place. The IBM OLE DB Provider uses that information to automatically connect to the data source instead of interactively asking for all the connection details on every connect attempt.
To test the connectivity of the IBM OLE DB Provider, complete the following steps:
  1. Start Microsoft Excel.
  2. To open the Data Connection Wizard, complete one the following steps, depending on your version of MS Excel:
    Microsoft Excel 2003
    1. Select Data > Import External Data > Import Data.
    2. In the Select Data Source window, select Connect to New Data Source.odc and click Open.
    Microsoft Excel 2007/2010/2013

    Select Data > From Other Data Sources > From Data Connection Wizard.

  3. In the Data Connection wizard, select Other/advanced and click Next.
  4. In the Provider tab of the Data Link Properties window, select the IBM OLE DB Provider for Db2 that corresponds to IBM data server driver copy name selected during installation and click Next.
  5. In the All tab, select the data source and type the DSN name as you defined it in db2dsdriver.cfg file.
  6. Enter the user ID and password for the database to which you are attempting to connect and click Connect.
  7. In the Select Database and Table window, select the table that contains the data that you are trying to import and click OK. The default data connection file displays. This file saves the connection information so next time you are importing data from same data source you do not have to input it all.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. In the Import Table window, select the start column of the worksheet to import the table data and click OK. The data is pulled from the database table into the selected worksheet.
  10. Click OK. If your data displays in the Excel, the IBM OLE DB Provider is connected.