tcpipConnectTimeout IBM data server driver configuration keyword

Specifies the number of seconds before an attempt to open a socket fails. The tcpipConnectTimeout keyword value applies to all requests to open a socket.

Equivalent CLI keyword
Equivalent IBM® data server provider for .NET connection string keyword
IBM data server driver configuration file (db2dsdriver.cfg) syntax
<parameter name="tcpipConnectTimeout" value="0 | 1 |2 | ... | 32767"/>
Default setting:
None. If you do not set the tcpipConnectTimeout keyword value, the ConnectionTimeout keyword value is used.
Equivalent connection attribute:
Usage notes:

1 second is the smallest interval for checking the timeout value. Therefore, the timeout event can take up to an extra second after the set timeout value.

The tcpipConnectTimeout keyword is available to set the number of seconds before an attempt to open a socket fails for all data server connection attempts. If both the tcpipConnectTimeout and ConnectionTimeout values are set, the tcpipConnectTimeout keyword value must be less than the ConnectionTimeout keyword value. The tcpipConnectTimeout keyword value is typically within the range of 1-5 seconds.

When the automatic client reroute feature is enabled, the MemberConnectTimeout value overrides the tcpipConnectTimeout value.

The tcpipConnectTimeout keyword is available for use with embedded SQL applications.

The tcpipConnectTimeout keyword is valid only under a database section in the IBM data server driver configuration file (db2dsdriver.cfg).
      <database name="mydb" host="" port="50000">
         <parameter name="tcpipConnectTimeout" value="5"/>