Security enhancements

With the number of both internal and external security threats growing, it is important to separate the tasks of keeping data secure from the management tasks of administering critical systems. Building on the enhancements introduced in previous versions, the enhancements in Db2 11.5.5 ensure that your sensitive data is even better protected.

Attention: This mod pack release is currently available for the following Db2 products:
The following table displays a list of security enhancements in Db2 11.5.5:
Table 1. Security enhancements in Db2 11.5.5
Enhancement Description
New schema level access control of database objects

In Db2 11.5.5, the following schema privileges and authorities are being added to allow users to manage and control access to database objects at a schema level. This provides the ability for a DBADM user or a SECADM user to delegate some of their responsibilities to others, while confining the assigned authorities to a specific schema.




  • schema LOAD
  • schema DATAACCESS
  • schema ACCESSCTRL

For more information, refer to Schema privileges and authorities.

Multiple label support for JSON Web Tokens

Starting from Db2 11.5.5, multiple labels are supported for JSON Web Tokens. Up to 10 issuers can be specified, and each issuer can have up to five labels for each label type. Each of the labels are extracted and verified against a token signature for verification. For more information, see Token configuration file.

For a list of new supporting signature algorithms, see JSON Web Tokens (JWT)