REBIND_ROUTINE_PACKAGE procedure - rebind a package

The REBIND_ROUTINE_PACKAGE procedure rebinds the package associated with an SQL procedure, routine, compiled function, or trigger.

The REBIND_ROUTINE_PACKAGE procedure is functionally equivalent to the REBIND command, except that it takes a procedure name, instead of a package name, as an argument.

The REBIND_ROUTINE_PACKAGE procedure can be invoked from the command line or called from an application.

Explicitly rebinding the associated package does not revalidate the routine. Revalidate an invalid routine by using automatic revalidation or explicitly by using the ADMIN_REVALIDATE_DB_OBJECTS procedure. Routine revalidation automatically rebinds the dependent package.


One of the following authorities is required to execute the procedure:
  • EXECUTE privilege on the procedure
  • DATAACCESS authority
  • DBADM authority
  • SQLADM authority

Default PUBLIC privilege

In a non-restrictive database, EXECUTE privilege is granted to PUBLIC when the procedure is automatically created.


There are two equally valid methods to invoke REBIND_ROUTINE_PACKAGE. The only difference between the two invocations is the method of specifying the routine name. In the first instance, the routine-name-string variable consists of identifier names separated by periods. In the second method, the routine is identified by separate values for each of the schema, module and name values.

Method 1:

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramREBIND_ROUTINE_PACKAGE(type ,routine-name-string,options )

Method 2:

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramREBIND_ROUTINE_PACKAGE(type ,schema,module, name,options)

The schema is SYSPROC.

Procedure parameters

An input argument of type CHAR(2) that specifies the type of routine or compiled trigger, using one of the following values:
  • 'P ' for a procedure
  • 'SP' for the specific name of a procedure
  • 'F' for a compiled function
  • 'SF' for a specific name of a compiled function
  • 'T' for a compiled trigger
routine-name-string (method 1 only)
An input argument of type VARCHAR(386) which specifies the name of the routine or trigger. Trigger names consist of two parts separated by a period and are in the format schema.trigger where the schema is optional. Routine names consist of three part names separated by periods and are in the format schema.module.routine where schema and module are optional. If schema is not specified, the value defaults to the value of the CURRENT SCHEMA special register. If a two-part name is specified, the first part is initially interpreted as a schema name; if the routine is not found under that schema, the first part is interpreted as a module name, and an attempt is made to find the routine in a module of that name under the CURRENT SCHEMA. The schema, module or object names cannot include double quotation marks (") or periods(.).
schema (method 2 only)
An optional input argument of type VARCHAR(128) that specifies the schema of the routine or trigger. If a schema is not specified, the value will default to the value of the CURRENT SCHEMA special register. This parameter is case sensitive.
module (method 2 only)
An optional input argument of type VARCHAR(128) that specifies the name of the module where the routine resides. Do not specify this parameter for triggers. Module routines are ignored if this parameter is not specified. This parameter is case sensitive.
name (method 2 only)
An input argument of type VARCHAR(128) that specifies the name of the routine or trigger. This parameter is case sensitive.
An optional input argument of type VARCHAR(1024) which specifies any list of rebind options following the REBIND command syntax. A single value of ANY or CONSERVATIVE is also supported for backward compatibility and is interpreted as the value for the RESOLVE rebind option.

The qualified name of the routine is used to determine which routine to retrieve. The routine that is found must be an SQL routine; otherwise, an error is returned (SQLSTATE 428F7). If a specific name is not used, more than one routine may be found, and an error is returned (SQLSTATE 42725). If this occurs, the specific name of the required routine must be used.


Example 1: Rebind the package of routine UPDATE_EMPLOYEE using the RESOLVE, REOPT and APREUSE options.

Method 1:
Method 2:

Example 2: Rebind the package of routine UPDATE_EMPLOYEE with no options.

Method 1:
Method 2:

Example 3: Rebind the package of a compiled trigger.

Method 1:
Method 2:

Example 4: Rebind the package of a compiled function using a three part name.

Method 1
Method 2