SYSCAT.DBAUTH catalog view

Each row represents a user, group, or role that has been granted one or more database-level authorities.

Table 1. SYSCAT.DBAUTH Catalog View
Column Name Data Type Nullable Description
GRANTOR VARCHAR (128)   Grantor of the authority.
  • S = Grantor is the system
  • U = Grantor is an individual user
GRANTEE VARCHAR (128)   Holder of the authority.
  • G = Grantee is a group
  • R = Grantee is a role
  • U = Grantee is an individual user
BINDADDAUTH CHAR (1)   Authority to create packages.
  • N = Not held
  • Y = Held
CONNECTAUTH CHAR (1)   Authority to connect to the database.
  • N = Not held
  • Y = Held
CREATETABAUTH CHAR (1)   Authority to create tables.
  • N = Not held
  • Y = Held
DBADMAUTH CHAR (1)   DBADM authority.
  • N = Not held
  • Y = Held
EXTERNALROUTINEAUTH CHAR (1)   Authority to create external routines.
  • N = Not held
  • Y = Held
IMPLSCHEMAAUTH CHAR (1)   Authority to implicitly create schemas by creating objects in non-existent schemas.
  • N = Not held
  • Y = Held
LOADAUTH CHAR (1)   Authority to use the Db2® load utility.
  • N = Not held
  • Y = Held
NOFENCEAUTH CHAR (1)   Authority to create non-fenced user-defined functions.
  • N = Not held
  • Y = Held
QUIESCECONNECTAUTH CHAR (1)   Authority to access the database when it is quiesced.
  • N = Not held
  • Y = Held
LIBRARYADMAUTH CHAR (1)   Reserved for future use.
SECURITYADMAUTH CHAR (1)   Authority to administer database security.
  • N = Not held
  • Y = Held
SQLADMAUTH CHAR (1)   Authority to monitor and tune SQL statements.
  • N = Not held
  • Y = Held
WLMADMAUTH CHAR (1)   Authority to manage WLM objects.
  • N = Not held
  • Y = Held
EXPLAINAUTH CHAR (1)   Authority to explain SQL statements without requiring actual privileges on the objects in the statement.
  • N = Not held
  • Y = Held
DATAACCESSAUTH CHAR (1)   Authority to access data.
  • N = Not held
  • Y = Held
ACCESSCTRLAUTH CHAR (1)   Authority to grant and revoke database object privileges.
  • N = Not held
  • Y = Held
CREATESECUREAUTH CHAR (1)   Authority to create secure objects.
  • N = Not held
  • Y = Held