Upgrade essentials for Db2 Connect

If you are upgrading your clients to the latest version or release of Db2 Connect, you need to consider the changes in support and resolve them before you upgrade.

Upgrade essentials for Db2® servers and clients also apply to Db2 Connect Server
Upgrade support and restrictions for Db2 servers and clients also apply when you upgrade your Db2 Connect Server.
  • Review upgrade essentials for Db2 servers to determine additional changes that impact your upgrade and how to address any issues.
  • Review upgrade essentials for clients, especially connectivity support between clients and Db2 servers. Connections to the latest version or release of Db2 Connect Server from a client release two or more versions earlier are not supported.
  • Review the need to opt for Db2 Connect client, instead of Db2 Connect Server, to receive equivalent or superior function. You can reduce complexity, improve performance, and deploy application solutions with smaller footprints. For details, see the topic about client/server connection options.
Upgrade recommendations for Db2 Connect

The last two versions of the clients can connect to the latest version or release of Db2 Connect Server. The only restriction is that new features are not available to the clients from the previous versions and releases. However, it is not likely that you need access to these new features because your existing applications do not use them.

If you choose to upgrade your clients first, you need to be aware that there are known limitations about the support for connectivity from a current version or release of the client to Db2 Connect servers from two versions ago. Check the current version or release of the incompatibilities with previous releases, see if these limitations apply to your application in order to take necessary actions.

Perform the pre- and post-upgrade tasks to ensure a successful upgrade.