Parameter style JAVA procedures

The recommended parameter style for Java™ procedure implementations is PARAMETER STYLE JAVA.

The signature of PARAMETER STYLE JAVA stored procedures follows this format:
public static void method-name ( SQL-arguments, ResultSet[] result-set-array )
                                throws SQLException
Name of the method. During routine registration, this value is specified with the class name in the EXTERNAL NAME clause of the CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
Corresponds to the list of input parameters in the CREATE PROCEDURE statement. OUT or INOUT mode parameters are passed as single-element arrays. For each result set that is specified in the DYNAMIC RESULT SETS clause of the CREATE PROCEDURE statement, a single-element array of type ResultSet is appended to the parameter list.
Name of the array of ResultSet objects. For every result set declared in the DYNAMIC RESULT SETS parameter of the CREATE PROCEDURE statement, a parameter of type ResultSet[] must be declared in the Java method signature.
The following is an example of a Java stored procedure that accepts an input parameter, and then returns an output parameter and a result set:
public static void javastp( int inparm,
                            int[] outparm, 
                            ResultSet[] rs 
                   throws SQLException
  Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:default:connection" );
  PreparedStatement stmt = null;
  String sql = "SELECT value FROM table01 WHERE index = ?";

  //Prepare the query with the value of index  
  stmt = con.prepareStatement( sql );
  stmt.setInt( 1, inparm );

  //Execute query and set output parm
  rs[0] = stmt.executeQuery();
  outparm[0] = inparm + 1;

  //Close open resources
  if (stmt != null) stmt.close();
  if (con != null) con.close();  

The corresponding CREATE PROCEDURE statement for this stored procedure is as follows:
CREATE PROCEDURE javaproc( IN in1 INT, OUT out1 INT )
  EXTERNAL NAME 'myjar:stpclass.javastp'
The preceding statement assumes that the method is in a class called stpclass, located in a JAR file that has been cataloged to the database with the Jar ID myjar
  1. PARAMETER STYLE JAVA routines use exceptions to pass error data back to the invoker. For complete information, including the exception call stack, refer to administration notification log. Other than this detail, there are no other special considerations for invoking PARAMETER STYLE JAVA routines.
  2. JNI calls are not supported in Java routines. However, it is possible to invoke C functionality from Java routines by nesting an invocation of a C routine. This involves moving the desired C functionality into a routine, registering it, and invoking it from within the Java routine.