Guidelines and restrictions on altering partitioned tables

This topic identifies the most common alter table actions and special considerations in the presence of attached and detached data partitions.

The STATUS column of the SYSCAT.DATAPARTITIONS catalog view contains the state information for the partitions of a table.
  • If the STATUS is the empty string, the partition is visible and is in the normal state.
  • If the STATUS is 'A', the partition is newly attached and the SET INTEGRITY statement must be issued to bring the attached partition into the normal state.
  • If the STATUS is 'D', 'L', or 'I', the partition is being detached, but the detach operation has not completed.
    • For a partition in the 'D' state, the SET INTEGRITY statement must be issued on all detached dependent tables in order to transition the partition to the logically detached state.
    • For a partition in the 'L' state, the partition is a logically detached partition and the asynchronous partition detach task is completing the detach of the partition for Db2® Version 9.7 Fix Pack 1 and later releases.
    • For a partition in the 'I' state the asynchronous partition detach task has completed and asynchronous index cleanup is updating nonpartitioned indexes defined on the partition.
Adding or attaching a data partition - locking behavior
For information about locking behavior during an add partition or attach partition operation, see the Scenarios: Rolling in and rolling out partitioned table data topic.
Adding or altering a constraint
Adding a check or a foreign key constraint is supported with attached and detached data partitions. When a partitioned table has detached partitions in state 'D' or 'L', adding a primary or unique constraint will return an error if the system has to generate a new partitioned index to enforce the constraint. For a partition in the 'L' state, the operation returns SQL20285N (SQLSTATE 55057). For a partition in the 'D' state, the operation returns SQL20054 (SQLSTATE 55019).
Adding a column
When adding a column to a table with attached data partitions, the column is also added to the attached data partitions. When adding a column to a table with detached data partitions in the 'I' state, the column is not added to the detached data partitions because the detached data partitions are no longer physically associated to the table.

For a detached partition in the 'L' or 'D' state, the operation fails and an error is returned. For a partition in the 'L' state, the operation returns SQL20285N (SQLSTATE 55057). For a partition in the 'D' state, the operation returns SQL20296N (SQLSTATE 55057).

Altering a column
When altering a column in a table with attached data partitions, the column will also be altered on the attached data partitions. When altering a column in a table with detached data partitions, the column is not altered on the detached data partitions, because the detached data partitions are no longer physically associated to the table.

When dropping or renaming a column when a partition is detached in the 'L' or 'D' state the operation fails and an error is returned. For a partition in the 'L' state, the operation returns SQL20285N (SQLSTATE 55057). For a partition in the 'D' state, the operation returns SQL0270N (SQLSTATE 42997).

Adding a generated column
When adding a generated column to a partitioned table with attached or detached data partitions, it must respect the rules for adding any other types of columns.
Adding or modifying a nonpartitioned index
When creating, recreating, or reorganizing an index on a table with attached data partitions, the index does not include the data in the attached data partitions because the SET INTEGRITY statement maintains all indexes for all attached data partitions. When creating, recreating or reorganizing an index on a table with detached data partitions, the index does not include the data in the detached data partitions, unless the detached data partition has a detached dependent table or staging tables that need to be incrementally refreshed with respect to the data partition, the partition is in the 'D' state. In this case, the index includes the data for this detached data partition.
Adding or modifying a partitioned index

When creating a partitioned index in the presence of attached data partitions, an index partition for each attached data partition will be created. The index entries for index partitions on attached data partitions will not be visible until the SET INTEGRITY statement is run to bring the attached data partitions online. Note that because create index includes the attached data partitions, creation of a unique partitioned index may find rows in the attached data partition which are duplicate key values and thus fail the index creation. It is recommended that users do not attempt to create partitioned indexes in the presence of attached partitions to avoid this problem.

If the table has any detached dependent tables, creation of partitioned indexes is not supported on partitioned tables with detached dependent tables. Any attempt to create a partitioned index in this situation will result in SQLSTATE 55019. When creating a partitioned index on a table that has partitions in 'L' state, the operation returns SQL20285N (SQLSTATE 55057).

You cannot empty a table with attached data partitions.
Altering a table with attached data partitions to an MQT is not allowed.
Altering additional table attributes that are stored in a data partition
The following table attributes are also stored in a data partition. Changes to these attributes are reflected on the attached data partitions, but not on the detached data partitions.
Creating and accessing data partitions within the same transaction
If a table has a nonpartitioned index, you cannot access a new data partition in that table within the same transaction as the add or attach operation that created the partition, if the transaction does not have the table locked in exclusive mode (SQL0668N, reason code 11).