Database configuration for multiple HADR standby databases

There are a number of considerations for database configuration in a multiple HADR standby setup.

Important: Multiple standby with Pacemaker is not available in version 11.5.4. Support for multiple standbys has been added for version 11.5.5 and later.

Automatic reconfiguration of HADR parameters

Reconfiguration after HADR starts
The configuration parameters that identify the primary database for the standbys and identify the principal standby for the primary are automatically reset when HADR starts if you did not correctly set them. This behavior applies to the following configuration parameters:
  • hadr_remote_host
  • hadr_remote_inst
  • hadr_remote_svc
Tip: Even though this automatic reconfiguration occurs, you should always try to set the correct initial values because that reconfiguration might not take effect until a connection is made between a standby and its primary. In some HADR deployments, those initial values might be needed. For example, if you are using the IBM® Tivoli® System Automation for Multiplatforms software or the Pacemaker software, the value for the hadr_remote_inst configuration parameter is needed to construct a resource name.
Note: If the DB2_HADR_NO_IP_CHECK registry variable is set to ON, the hadr_remote_host and hadr_remote_svc are not automatically updated.

Reconfiguration is predicated on the values of the hadr_target_list configuration parameter being correct; if anything is wrong in a target list entry, you must correct it manually.

On the primary, the reconfiguration occurs in the following manner:
  • If the values for the hadr_remote_host and hadr_remote_svc configuration parameters do not match the host:port pair that is the first entry of the hadr_target_list configuration parameter (namely, the principal standby), the hadr_remote_host and hadr_remote_svc configuration parameters are updated with the values from the target list.
  • If the value for the hadr_remote_inst configuration parameter does not match the instance name of the principal standby, the correct instance name is copied to the hadr_remote_inst configuration parameter for the primary after the principal standby connects to it.
On a standby database, the reconfiguration occurs in the following manner:
  • When a standby starts, it attempts to connect to the database that you specified for its hadr_remote_host, hadr_remote_inst, and hadr_remote_svc configuration parameters.
  • If the standby cannot connect to the primary, it waits for the primary to connect to it.
  • The primary attempts to connect to its standbys using addresses listed in its hadr_target_list parameter. After the primary connects to a standby, the hadr_remote_host, hadr_remote_inst, and hadr_remote_svc configuration parameters for the standby are updated with the correct values for the primary.
Reconfiguration during and after a takeover

In a non-forced takeover, the values for the hadr_remote_host, hadr_remote_inst, and hadr_remote_svc configuration parameters on the new primary are automatically updated to its principal standby, and these parameters on the standbys listed in the new primary's hadr_target_list are automatically updated to point to the new primary. Any database that is not listed in the new primary's hadr_target_list is not updated. Those databases continue to attempt to connect to the old primary and get rejected because the old primary is now a standby. The old primary is guaranteed to be in the new primary's target list because of the requirement of mutual inclusion in the target list.

In a forced takeover, automatic update on the new primary and its standbys (excluding the old primary) work the same way as non-forced takeover. However, automatic update on the old primary does not happen until it is shut down and restarted as a standby for reintegration.

Any database that is not online during the takeover will be automatically reconfigured after it starts. Automatic reconfiguration might not take effect immediately on startup, because it relies on the new primary to periodically contact the standby. On startup, a standby might attempt to connect to the old primary and follow the log stream of the old primary, causing it to diverge from the new primary's log stream and, making that standby unable to pair with the new primary. As a result, you must shut down the old primary before takeover to avoid that kind of split brain scenario.

Lack of standby control of the synchronization mode and peer window

With multiple standbys, only the settings of the hadr_syncmode and hadr_peer_window configuration parameters of the current primary are relevant. The standby databases either have the settings for those parameters defined by the primary, in the case of the principal standby, or by their role as an auxiliary standby.
Synchronization mode

The setting for the hadr_syncmode configuration parameter does not have to be the same on the primary and standby databases. Whatever setting you specify for the hadr_syncmode configuration parameter on a standby is considered its configured synchronization mode; this setting has relevance only if the standby becomes a primary. The standby is assigned an effective synchronization mode. For any auxiliary standby, the effective synchronization mode is always SUPERASYNC. For the principal standby, the effective synchronization mode is the setting for the hadr_syncmode configuration parameter for the primary. For a standby, the monitoring interfaces display the effective synchronization mode as the synchronization mode.

Peer window
The setting for the hadr_peer_window configuration parameter does not have to be the same on the primary and standby databases. In fact, any setting for the hadr_peer_window configuration parameter on the auxiliary standbys is ignored because peer window functionality is incompatible with SUPERASYNC mode. The principal standby uses the peer window setting of the primary, which is applicable only if the value of the hadr_syncmode configuration parameter for the standby is SYNC or NEARSYNC.