Creating table spaces

Creating a table space within a database assigns containers to the table space and records its definitions and attributes in the database system catalog.

About this task

For automatic storage table spaces, the database manager assigns containers to the table space based on the storage paths associated with the database.

For non-automatic storage table spaces, you must know the path, device or file names for the containers that you will use when creating your table spaces. In addition, for each device or file container you create for DMS table spaces, you must know the how much storage space you can allocate to each container.

If you are specifying the PREFETCHSIZE, use a value that is a multiple of the EXTENTSIZE value. For example if the EXTENTSIZE is 10, the PREFETCHSIZE should be 20 or 30. You should let the database manager automatically determine the prefetch size by specifying AUTOMATIC as a value.

Use the keywords NO FILE SYSTEM CACHING and FILE SYSTEM CACHING as part of the CREATE TABLESPACE statement to specify whether the database manager uses Direct I/O (DIO) or Concurrent I/O (CIO) to access the table space. If you specify NO FILE SYSTEM CACHING, the database manager attempts to use CIO wherever possible. In cases where CIO is not supported (for example, if JFS is used), the database manager uses DIO instead.

When you issue the CREATE TABLESPACE statement, the dropped table recovery feature is turned on by default. This feature lets you recover dropped table data using table space-level restore and rollforward operations. This is useful because it is faster than database-level recovery, and your database can remain available to users. However, the dropped table recovery feature can have some performance impact on forward recovery when there are many drop table operations to recover or when the history file is very large.

If you plan to drop numerous tables and you use circular logging or you do not want to recover any of the dropped tables, disable the dropped table recovery feature by explicitly setting the DROPPED TABLE RECOVERY option to OFF when you issue the CREATE TABLESPACE statement. Alternatively, you can turn off the dropped table recovery feature after creating the table space by using the ALTER TABLESPACE statement.


  • To create an automatic storage table space using the command line, enter either of the following statements:

    Assuming the table space is created in an automatic storage database, each of the two previously shown statements is equivalent; table spaces created in such a database will, by default, be automatic storage table spaces unless you specify otherwise.

  • To create an SMS table space using the command line, enter:
          USING ('path')
    Important: The SMS table space type is deprecated for user-defined permanent table spaces and might be removed in a future release. The SMS table space type is not deprecated for catalog and temporary table spaces. For more information, see SMS permanent table spaces have been deprecated.
  • To create a DMS table space using the command line, enter:
          USING (FILE 'path' size)
    Note that by default, DMS table spaces are created as large table spaces.

    After the DMS table space is created, you can use the ALTER TABLESPACE statement to add, drop, or resize containers to a DMS table space and modify the PREFETCHSIZE, OVERHEAD, and TRANSFERRATE settings for a table space. You should commit the transaction issuing the table space statement as soon as possible following the ALTER TABLESPACE SQL statement to prevent system catalog contention.

    Important: The DMS table space type is deprecated for user-defined permanent table spaces and might be removed in a future release. The DMS table space type is not deprecated for catalog and temporary table spaces. For more information, see DMS permanent table spaces have been deprecated.


Example 1: Creating an automatic storage table space on Windows.
The following SQL statement creates an automatic storage table space called RESOURCE in the storage group called STOGROUP1:
Example 2: Creating an SMS table space on Windows.
The following SQL statement creates an SMS table space called RESOURCE with containers in three directories on three separate drives:
      USING ('d:\acc_tbsp', 'e:\acc_tbsp', 'f:\acc_tbsp')
Example 3: Creating a DMS table space on Windows.
The following SQL statement creates a DMS table space with two file containers, each with 5 000 pages:
      USING (FILE'd:\db2data\acc_tbsp' 5000,
             FILE'e:\db2data\acc_tbsp' 5000)

In the previous two examples, explicit names are provided for the containers. However, if you specify relative container names, the container is created in the subdirectory created for the database.

When creating table space containers, the database manager creates any directory levels that do not exist. For example, if a container is specified as /project/user_data/container1, and the directory /project does not exist, then the database manager creates the directories /project and /project/user_data.

Any directories created by the database manager are created with PERMISSION 711. Permission 711 is required for fenced process access. This means that the instance owner has read, write, and execute access, and others have execute access. Any user with execute access also has the authority to traverse through table space container directories. Because only the instance owner has read and write access, the following scenario might occur when multiple instances are being created:
  • Using the same directory structure as described previously, suppose that directory levels /project/user_data do not exist.
  • user1 creates an instance, named user1 by default, then creates a database, and then creates a table space with /project/user_data/container1 as one of its containers.
  • user2 creates an instance, named user2 by default, then creates a database, and then attempts to create a table space with /project/user_data/container2 as one of its containers.

Because the database manager created directory levels /project/user_data with PERMISSION 700 from the first request, user2 does not have access to these directory levels and cannot create container2 in those directories. In this case, the CREATE TABLESPACE operation fails.

There are two methods to resolve this conflict:
  1. Create the directory /project/user_data before creating the table spaces and set the permission to whatever access is needed for both user1 and user2 to create the table spaces. If all levels of table space directory exist, the database manager does not modify the access.
  2. After user1 creates /project/user_data/container1, set the permission of /project/user_data to whatever access is needed for user2 to create the table space.

If a subdirectory is created by the database manager, it might also be deleted by the database manager when the table space is dropped.

The assumption in this scenario is that the table spaces are not associated with a specific database partition group. The default database partition group IBMDEFAULTGROUP is used when the following parameter is not specified in the statement:
IN database_partition_group_name
Example 4: Creating DMS table spaces on AIX®.
The following SQL statement creates a DMS table space on an AIX system using three logical volumes of 10 000 pages each, and specifies their I/O characteristics:
      USING (DEVICE '/dev/rdblv6' 10000,
             DEVICE '/dev/rdblv7' 10000,
             DEVICE '/dev/rdblv8' 10000)
      OVERHEAD 7.5

The UNIX devices mentioned in this SQL statement must already exist, and the instance owner and the SYSADM group must be able to write to them.

Example 5: Creating a DMS table space on a UNIX system.
The following example creates a DMS table space on a database partition group called ODDGROUP in a UNIX multi-partition database. ODDGROUP must be previously created with a CREATE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP statement. In this case, the ODDGROUP database partition group is assumed to be made up of database partitions numbered 1, 3, and 5. On all database partitions, use the device /dev/hdisk0 for 10 000 4 KB pages. In addition, declare a device for each database partition of 40 000 4 KB pages.
       USING (DEVICE '/dev/HDISK0' 10000, DEVICE '/dev/n1hd01' 40000) 
             ON DBPARTITIONNUM 1
            (DEVICE '/dev/HDISK0' 10000, DEVICE '/dev/n3hd03' 40000) 
             ON DBPARTITIONNUM 3
            (DEVICE '/dev/HDISK0' 10000, DEVICE '/dev/n5hd05' 40000) 
             ON DBPARTITIONNUM 5

The database manager can greatly improve the performance of sequential I/O using the sequential prefetch facility, which uses parallel I/O.

Example 6: Creating an SMS table space with a page size larger than the default.
You can also create a table space that uses a page size larger than the default 4 KB size. The following SQL statement creates an SMS table space on a Linux® and UNIX system with an 8 KB page size.
      PAGESIZE 8192
      USING ('FSMS_8K_1')
Notice that the associated buffer pool must also have the same 8 KB page size.

The created table space cannot be used until the buffer pool it references is activated.