LDAP object classes and attributes used by Db2

The following tables describe the object classes that are used by the Db2 database manager:

Table 1. cimManagedElement
Class cimManagedElement
Active Directory LDAP Display Name Not applicable
Active Directory Common Name (cn) Not applicable
Description Provides a base class of many of the system management object classes in the IBM® Schema
SubClassOf top
Required Attribute(s)  
Optional Attribute(s) description
Type abstract
OID (Object Identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd63f-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 2. cimSetting
Class cimSetting
Active Directory LDAP Display Name Not applicable
Active Directory Common Name (cn) Not applicable
Description Provides a base class for configuration and settings in the IBM Schema
SubClassOf cimManagedElement
Required Attribute(s)  
Optional Attribute(s) settingID
Type abstract
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd64d-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 3. eProperty
Class eProperty
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-eProperty
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-eProperty
Description Used to specify any application specific settings for user preference properties
SubClassOf cimSetting
Required Attribute(s)  
Optional Attribute(s) propertyType







Type structural
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd69c-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 4. Db2Node
Class Db2Node
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-db2Node
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-db2Node
Description Represents a Db2 Server
SubClassOf eSap / ServiceConnectionPoint
Required Attribute(s) db2nodeName
Optional Attribute(s) db2nodeAlias



host / dNSHostName (see Note 2)


Type structural
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd65a-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Special Notes
  1. The Db2Node class is derived from eSap object class under IBM Tivoli® Directory Server and from ServiceConnectionPoint object class under Microsoft Active Directory.
  2. The host is used under the IBM Tivoli Directory Server environment. The dNSHostName attribute is used under Microsoft Active Directory.
  3. The protocolInformation is only used under the IBM Tivoli Directory Server environment. For Microsoft Active Directory, the attribute ServiceBindingInformation, inherited from the ServiceConnectionPoint class, is used to contain the protocol information.

The protocolInformation (in IBM Tivoli Directory Server) or ServiceBindingInformation (in Microsoft Active Directory) attribute in the Db2Node object contains the communication protocol information to bind the Db2database server. It consists of tokens that describe the network protocol supported. Each token is separated by a semicolon. There is no space between the tokens. An asterisk (*) can be used to specify an optional parameter.

The tokens for TCP/IP are:

  • Server hostname or IP address
  • Service name (svcename) or port number (for example 50000)
  • (Optional) security (NONE, SOCKS, or SSL)

The tokens for Named Pipe are:

  • Computer name of the server
  • Instance name of the server
Table 5. Db2Database
Class Db2Database
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-db2Database
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-db2Database
Description Represents a Db2 database
SubClassOf top
Required Attribute(s) db2databaseName


Optional Attribute(s) db2databaseAlias









Type structural
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd659-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 6. db2additionalParameters
Attribute db2additionalParameters
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-db2AdditionalParameters
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-db2AdditionalParameters
Description Contains any additional parameters used when connecting to the host database server
Syntax Case Ignore String
Maximum Length 1024
Multi-Valued Single-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd315-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 7. db2authenticationLocation
Attribute db2authenticationLocation
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-db2AuthenticationLocation
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-db2AuthenticationLocation
Description Specifies where authentication takes place
Syntax Case Ignore String
Maximum Length 64
Multi-Valued Single-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd317-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 8. db2ARLibrary
Attribute db2ARLibrary
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-db2ARLibrary
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-db2ARLibrary
Description Name of the Application Requestor library
Syntax Case Ignore String
Maximum Length 256
Multi-Valued Single-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd316-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 9. db2databaseAlias
Attribute db2databaseAlias
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-db2DatabaseAlias
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-db2DatabaseAlias
Description Database alias name(s)
Syntax Case Ignore String
Maximum Length 1024
Multi-Valued Multi-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd318-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 10. db2databaseName
Attribute db2databaseName
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-db2DatabaseName
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-db2DatabaseName
Description Database name
Syntax Case Ignore String
Maximum Length 1024
Multi-Valued Single-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd319-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 11. db2databaseRelease
Attribute db2databaseRelease
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-db2DatabaseRelease
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-db2DatabaseRelease
Description Database release number
Syntax Case Ignore String
Maximum Length 64
Multi-Valued Single-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd31a-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 12. db2nodeAlias
Attribute db2nodeAlias
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-db2NodeAlias
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-db2NodeAlias
Description Node alias name(s)
Syntax Case Ignore String
Maximum Length 1024
Multi-Valued Multi-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd31d-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 13. db2nodeName
Attribute db2nodeName
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-db2NodeName
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-db2NodeName
Description Node name
Syntax Case Ignore String
Maximum Length 64
Multi-Valued Single-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd31e-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 14. db2nodePtr
Attribute db2nodePtr
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-db2NodePtr
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-db2NodePtr
Description Pointer to the Node (Db2Node) object that represents the database server which owns the database
Syntax Distinguished Name
Maximum Length 1000
Multi-Valued Single-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd31f-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Special Notes This relationship allows the client to retrieve protocol communication information to connect to the database
Table 15. db2altnodePtr
Attribute db2altnodePtr
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-db2AltNodePtr
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-db2AltNodePtr
Description Pointer to the Node (Db2Node) object that represents the alternate database server
Syntax Distinguished Name
Maximum Length 1000
Multi-Valued Multi-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) 5694e266-2059-4e32-971e-0778909e0e72
Table 16. db2gwPtr
Attribute db2gwPtr
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-db2GwPtr
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-db2GwPtr
Description Pointer to the Node object that represents the gateway server and from which the database can be accessed
Syntax Distinguished Name
Maximum Length 1000
Multi-Valued Single-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd31b-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 17. db2altgwPtr
Attribute db2altgwPtr
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-db2AltGwPtr
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-db2AltGwPtr
Description Pointer to the Node object that represents the alternate gateway server
Syntax Distinguished Name
Maximum Length 1000
Multi-Valued Multi-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) 70ab425d-65cc-4d7f-91d8-084888b3a6db
Table 18. db2instanceName
Attribute db2instanceName
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-db2InstanceName
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-db2InstanceName
Description The name of the database server instance
Syntax Case Ignore String
Maximum Length 256
Multi-Valued Single-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd31c-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 19. db2Type
Attribute db2Type
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-db2Type
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-db2Type
Description Type of the database server
Syntax Case Ignore String
Maximum Length 64
Multi-Valued Single-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd320-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Notes Valid types for database server are: SERVER, MPP, and DCS
Table 20. DCEPrincipalName
Attribute DCEPrincipalName
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-DCEPrincipalName
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-DCEPrincipalName
Description DCE principal name
Syntax Case Ignore String
Maximum Length 2048
Multi-Valued Single-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd32d-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 21. cesProperty
Attribute cesProperty
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-cesProperty
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-cesProperty
Description Values of this attribute can be used to provide application-specific preference configuration parameters. For example, a value can contain XML-formatted data. All values of this attribute must be homogeneous in the cesPropertyType attribute value.
Syntax Case Exact String
Maximum Length 32700
Multi-Valued Multi-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd2d5-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 22. cesPropertyType
Attribute cesPropertyType
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-cesPropertyType
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-cesPropertyType
Description Values of this attribute can be used to describe the syntax, semantics, or other characteristics of all of the values of the cesProperty attribute. For example, a value of XML might be used to indicate that all the values of the cesProperty attribute are encoded as XML syntax.
Syntax Case Ignore String
Maximum Length 128
Multi-Valued Multi-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd2d6-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 23. cisProperty
Attribute cisProperty
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-cisProperty
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-cisProperty
Description Values of this attribute can be used to provide application-specific preference configuration parameters. For example, a value can contain an INI file. All values of this attribute must be homogeneous in their cisPropertyType attribute value.
Syntax Case Ignore String
Maximum Length 32700
Multi-Valued Multi-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd2e0-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 24. cisPropertyType
Attribute cisPropertyType
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-cisPropertyType
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-cisPropertyType
Description Values of this attribute can be used to describe the syntax, semantics, or other characteristics of all of the values of the cisProperty attribute. For example, a value of INI File might be used to indicate that all the values of the cisProperty attribute are INI files.
Syntax Case Ignore String
Maximum Length 128
Multi-Valued Multi-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd2e1-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 25. binProperty
Attribute binProperty
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-binProperty
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-binProperty
Description Values of this attribute can be used to provide application-specific preference configuration parameters. For example, a value can contain a set of binary-encoded Lotus® 123 properties. All values of this attribute must be homogeneous in their binPropertyType attribute values.
Syntax binary
Maximum Length 250000
Multi-Valued Multi-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd2ba-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 26. binPropertyType
Attribute binPropertyType
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-binPropertyType
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-binPropertyType
Description Values of this attribute can be used to describe the syntax, semantics, or other characteristics of all of the values of the binProperty attribute. For example, a value of Lotus 123 might be used to indicate that all the values of the binProperty attribute are binary-encoded Lotus 123 properties.
Syntax Case Ignore String
Maximum Length 128
Multi-Valued Multi-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd2bb-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 27. PropertyType
Attribute PropertyType
Active Directory LDAP Display Name ibm-propertyType
Active Directory Common Name (cn) ibm-propertyType
Description Values of this attribute describe the semantic characteristics of the eProperty object
Syntax Case Ignore String
Maximum Length 128
Multi-Valued Multi-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd4ed-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151
Table 28. settingID
Attribute settingID
Active Directory LDAP Display Name Not applicable
Active Directory Common Name (cn) Not applicable
Description A naming attribute that can be used to identify the cimSetting derived object entries such as eProperty
Syntax Case Ignore String
Maximum Length 256
Multi-Valued Single-valued
OID (object identifier)
GUID (Global Unique Identifier) b3afd596-5c5b-11d3-b818-002035559151