ADD CONTACTGROUP command using the ADMIN_CMD procedure

The ADD CONTACTGROUP command adds a new contact group to the list of groups defined on the local system. A contact group is a list of users and groups to whom monitoring processes such as the Scheduler and Health Monitor can send messages.

The setting of the Database Administration Server (DAS) contact_host configuration parameter determines whether the list is local or global.



Required connection

Database. The DAS must be running.

Command Syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramADD CONTACTGROUPname,CONTACTGROUPnameDESCRIPTIONgroup description

Command Parameters

Name of the new contact group, which must be unique among the set of groups on the system.
Name of the contact which is a member of the group. A contact can be defined with the ADD CONTACT command after it has been added to a group.
GROUP name
Name of the contact group of which this group is a member.
DESCRIPTION group description
Optional. A textual description of the contact group.


Create a contact group named 'gname1' that contains two contacts: 'cname1' and 'cname2'.
CALL SYSPROC.ADMIN_CMD( 'add contactgroup gname1 contact cname1, contact cname2' )

Usage notes

The DAS must have been created and be running.

Command execution status is returned in the SQLCA resulting from the CALL statement.