REORGCHK_TB_STATS procedure - Retrieve table statistics for reorganization evaluation

The REORGCHK_TB_STATS procedure returns a result set containing table statistics that indicate whether or not there is a need for reorganization.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramREORGCHK_TB_STATS(scope,criteria )

The schema is SYSPROC.

Procedure parameters

An input argument of type CHAR(1) that specifies the scope of the tables that are to be evaluated, using one of the following values:
An input argument of type VARCHAR(259).

If scope has a value of 'T', use this argument to specify one of the following values:

  • A fully qualified table name
  • The value ALL for all tables
  • The value USER for all user-defined tables
  • The value SYSTEM for system-defined tables

If scope has a value of 'S', use this argument to specify a schema name.


  • SELECT privilege on catalog tables.
  • EXECUTE privilege on the REORGCHK_TB_STATS procedure.

Default PUBLIC privilege

In a non-restrictive database, EXECUTE privilege is granted to PUBLIC when the procedure is automatically created.



Usage note

The procedure uses the SYSTOOLSTMPSPACE table space. If SYSTOOLSTMPSPACE does not already exist, the procedure will create this table space.

Information returned

Table 1. Information returned by the REORGCHK_TB_STATS procedure
Column name Data type Description
TABLE_SCHEMA VARCHAR(128) table_schema - Table schema name monitor element
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR(128) table_name - Table name monitor element
DATAPARTITIONNAME VARCHAR(128) Name of the data partition. NULL for nonpartitioned tables.
CARD BIGINT Cardinality (number of rows in the table).
OVERFLOW BIGINT Number of overflow rows.
NPAGES BIGINT Total number of pages on which the rows of the table exist; -1 for a view or alias, or if statistics are not collected; -2 for a subtable or hierarchy table.
FPAGES BIGINT Total number of pages; -1 for a view or alias, or if statistics are not collected; -2 for a subtable or hierarchy table.
ACTIVE_BLOCKS BIGINT Total number of active blocks for a multidimensional clustering (MDC) or insert time clustering (ITC) table. This field is only applicable to tables defined using the ORGANIZE BY clause. It indicates the number of blocks of the table that contains data.
TSIZE BIGINT Size of the table.
F1 INTEGER F1 formula value.
F2 INTEGER F2 formula value.
F3 INTEGER F3 formula value.
REORG CHAR(3) A 3-character field, each character mapping to one of the three formulas: F1, F2, and F3; a dash means that the formula value is in the recommended range; an asterisk means that the formula value is out of the recommended range, indicating a need for reorganization