Configuring the network settings of hosts in a Db2 pureScale environment on a RoCE network with IP support (AIX)

A remote direct memory access (RDMA) over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) network with IP support is characterized by the presence of a network interface on hosts that can transmit and receive both TCP/IP and RDMA data at the same time. To configure the network settings, you must check for the required uDAPL software, create a network interface, associate interconnect net names with IP addresses, and add required entries to the Direct Access Transport (DAT) configuration file.

Before you begin

The steps in this topic are to configure the network settings of hosts on a RoCE network that have IP support. This topic is specific to configurations with these adapters: EC3A, EC3B, EC2M, EC2N, EC37, EC38, EC3L, EC3M, EC2S, and EC2R . If you are configuring the network settings of hosts on a RoCE network without IP support, see topic Configuring the network settings of hosts in a Db2 pureScale environment on a RoCE network without IP support (AIX).
Ensure that you complete the following tasks:

About this task

You must perform these steps on each host, or LPAR, you want to participate in the Db2 pureScale instance. Cluster caching facilities (CFs) and members support multiple communication adapter ports to help Db2 pureScale environments scale and to help with high availability. One communication adapter port for each CF or member is all that is required, though it is recommended to use more adapter ports to increase bandwidth, add redundancy, and allow the use of multiple switches. This topic guides you through the installation and setup of User Direct Access Programming Library (uDAPL) and 40 Gigabit Ethernet on AIX® hosts and configuring IP addresses.


  1. Administrative access is required on all Db2 member and CF hosts.


  1. Log in as root.
  2. Ensure that any AIX fixes are installed from the installation prerequisites at this time.
  3. Verify that your system has the file sets installed that are required to use uDAPL. To verify that uDAPL is installed correctly, run the following command, which is shown with sample output:
    $ lslpp -l bos.mp64 udapl.rte ofed.core.rte devices.ethernet.mlx.diag devices.ethernet.mlx.rte
      Fileset                      Level  State      Description
    Path: /usr/lib/objrepos
      bos.mp64          APPLIED    Base Operating System 64-bit
                                                     Multiprocessor Runtime
      devices.ethernet.mlx.diag  COMMITTED  RoCE Converged Network Adapter
      devices.ethernet.mlx.rte  APPLIED    RoCE Converged Network Adapter
                        APPLIED    MLXC RoCE Adapter Software
      ofed.core.rte     COMMITTED  OFED Core Runtime Environment
      udapl.rte          APPLIED    uDAPL
    Path: /etc/objrepos
      bos.mp64          APPLIED    Base Operating System 64-bit
                                                     Multiprocessor Runtime
      devices.ethernet.mlx.rte  APPLIED    RoCE Converged Network Adapter
                        APPLIED    MLXC RoCE Adapter Software
      ofed.core.rte     COMMITTED  OFED Core Runtime Environment
      udapl.rte          COMMITTED  uDAPL
    The command output varies depending on the version, the technology level, and the service pack level.
  4. Verify that ent1 adapters exist that are for RoCE:
    root@p8svt21:/> lsdev -C | grep "RoCE Converged Network Adapter"
    ent1       Available 00-00-00    RoCE Converged Network Adapter
    ent2       Available 00-00-01    RoCE Converged Network Adapter
  5. Starting from V11.1.4.4, this step is no longer required as adapter port liveliness test has enhanced and automated. Some restrictions apply. Refer to technote#0733765 for restrictions.

    Modify the /etc/rc.tcpip file and add these routes:
    route add <switch1 IP> <switch1 IP> -if <interface 1>
    route add <switch2 IP> <switch2 IP> -if <interface 2>
    These are the IP addresses assigned to the switch that reside in the same IP subnet as the IPs used on the hosts. Here, <switch1 IP> is assigned to the first switch and <interface 1> is a network interface on the host that maps to a cable on the adapter that is plugged into this same switch. <switch2 IP> is assigned to the second switch and <interface 2> maps to a cable on the adapter that is plugged into the second switch.

    For more information on cabling of two switch configurations, see Network topology configuration support for DB2 pureScale environments.

    For more information on how to assign IP addresses to switches, see Configuring switch failover for a DB2 pureScale environment on a RoCE network (AIX®).

    For example,
    route add -if en1
    route add -if en2
    Here, is assigned to switch 1 and en1 maps is assigned to a cable on the adapter that is plugged into this same switch. is assigned to switch 2 and en2 maps is assigned to a cable on the adapter that is plugged into the second switch.

    Also run the same route add commands to ensure that they take effect on the host.

  6. Configure the RoCE network interfaces.
    1. To configure IP addresses, run the smitty inet command.
      smitty inet
    2. Select "Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface".
    3. Select the adapter:
      	en1   00-00-00   Standard Ethernet Network Interface
      	en2   00-00-01   Standard Ethernet Network Interface
    4. Assign an ip address and netmask to the adapter, and change the current state to UP:
      Change / Show a Standard Ethernet Interface
      Type or select values in entry fields.
      Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
                                                              [Entry Fields]
        Network Interface Name                              en1
        INTERNET ADDRESS (dotted decimal)                  []
        Network MASK (hexadecimal or dotted decimal)       []
        Current STATE                                       up                     +
        Use Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)?              yes                    +
        BROADCAST ADDRESS (dotted decimal)                 []
        Interface Specific Network Options
          ('NULL' will unset the option)
          rfc1323                                          []
          tcp_mssdflt                                      []
          tcp_nodelay                                      []
          tcp_recvspace                                    []
          tcp_sendspace                                    []
        Apply change to DATABASE only                       no                     +
  7. Verify the state of the Network interfaces created:
    root@p8svt21:/> lsdev -C | grep " Standard Ethernet"
    en0        Available             Standard Ethernet Network Interface
    en1        Available 00-00-00    Standard Ethernet Network Interface
    Note: In the previous example, the en1 interface on the ent1 in the subnet. To enable multiple communication adapter ports on the cluster caching facility (CF) or member, repeat steps 4 - 6 for each communication adapter port on each adapter. Each communication adapter port of a host or LPAR must be on a different subnet. Repeat steps 4 - 6 on the secondary CF such that each network interface shares the subnet of the corresponding interface on the primary CF. Repeat steps 4 - 6 on each member. For each successive network interface, the number should increase. For example, en1 will be the first adapter and the subsequent adapter will be en2.
  8. Update the /etc/hosts file on each of the hosts so that for each host in the planned Db2 pureScale environment, the file includes all the IP addresses of all the communication adapter ports for all hosts in the planned environment.
    The /etc/hosts file must have this format: <IP_Address> <fully_qualified_name> <short_name>. All hosts in the cluster must have the same /etc/hosts format.
    For example, in a planned Db2 pureScale environment with multiple communication adapter ports on the CFs and four members, the /etc/hosts configuration file might resemble the following file: cf1-en1 cf1-en2 cf1-en3 cf1-en4 cf2-en1 cf2-en2 cf2-en3 cf2-en4 member1-en1 member1-en2 member2-en1 member2-en2 member3-en1 member3-en2 member4-en1 member4-en2
    Note: In a four member environment that uses only one communication adapter port for each CF and member, the file would look similar to the previous example, but contain only the first IP address of each of the CFs and members in the previous example.
  9. Ensure that the /etc/dat.conf file has the following formats:
    <interface adapter name> u2.0 nonthreadsafe default /usr/lib/libdapl/libdapl2_ofed.a(shr_64.o) IBM.2.0 "<netname> 1 <network interface>" " "
    • The <interface adapter name> string cannot be more than 19 characters long.
    • The <netname> is the host name of the private network to be used for the Db2 cluster interconnect that was defined in step 7.
    • The <network interface> name is the ethernet adapter name.
    In the case of a CF or member, the /etc/dat.conf would resemble the following example:
     hca0 u2.0 nonthreadsafe default /usr/lib/libdapl/libdapl2_ofed.a(shr_64.o) IBM.2.0 "cf1-en1 1 en1" " "
      hca1 u2.0 nonthreadsafe default /usr/lib/libdapl/libdapl2_ofed.a(shr_64.o) IBM.2.0 "cf1-en2 1 en2" " "
      hca2 u2.0 nonthreadsafe default /usr/lib/libdapl/libdapl2_ofed.a(shr_64.o) IBM.2.0 "cf1-en3 1 en3" " "
      hca3 u2.0 nonthreadsafe default /usr/lib/libdapl/libdapl2_ofed.a(shr_64.o) IBM.2.0 "cf1-en4 1 en4" " "
    In this example, cf1-en1 is a netname for the pureScale cluster interconnect in the/etc/hosts file, and en1 is the network interface that is associated with this netname.
    Note: The /etc/dat.conf file must only contain entries for the adapters that are in the local host. The sample /etc/dat.conf file that is installed by default typically contains irrelevant entries. To avoid unnecessary processing of the file, make the following changes:
    • Move all the Db2 pureScale cluster-related adapter entries to the top of the file.
    • Comment out the irrelevant entries or remove them from the file.
  10. Verify the state of the ports and network interfaces' connectivity. Use the entstat -d <device> command to check the physical port state. Verify that the links are up. This check applies only for the port and interface that were previously identified in /etc/dat.conf:
    entstat -d ent1 | grep -i "port link"
     Physical Port Link Status: Up
     Logical Port Link Status: Up
    entstat -d ent2 | grep -i "port link"
     Physical Port Link Status: Up
     Logical Port Link Status: Up
    Ping from each new ethernet interface to every other new interface in the cluster that are in the same IP subnet to make sure that they are reachable. For example,
      ping -S <source IP> <destination IP> 
    Ping the gateways on the switches to ensure that the switches are reachable. For example,
    ping <switch IP>