SQL4001N The character character in column column on line line is not valid.


The specified character is not a valid character in SQL statements.

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

Remove or replace the character that is invalid.

SQL4002N token-1 and token-2 are undeclared host variables that cannot both be used as descriptor names in a single SQL statement.


The specified identifiers have not been declared as host variables. Descriptor names are not declared before using. Because more than one descriptor name in a single statement is not valid, at least one of the host variables is not valid.

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

Correct the use of descriptor names or undeclared host variables in the statement. Note that the statement can contain additional undeclared host variables.

SQL4003N The SQL statement on line line is not supported by this version of the precompiler.


The release numbers of the precompiler and the installed version of the database manager are not compatible. The specified statement is supported by the database manager but not the precompiler.

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

Repeat the precompile process with the current version of the precompiler.

SQL4004N The package name is not valid.


The package name contains characters that are not valid. Either the name is too long or no name was specified with the PACKAGE option.

No package is created.

User response

Resubmit the command with a valid package name or without the PACKAGE option.

SQL4005N An invalid token token was found starting in position position on line line.


A syntax error in the SQL statement was detected at the specified token token.

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

Examine the statement, especially around the specified token. Correct the syntax.

SQL4006N The structures are nested too deeply.


The number of nested structures exceeded the maximum of 25.

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

Reduce the number of nested structures.

SQL4007N The host structure host-structure has no fields.


No field can be found within the host structure host-structure.

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

Add a field to the host structure.

SQL4008N The host variable name cannot be uniquely referenced even with full qualification.


The host variable name matches with at least one other unqualified or partially qualified host variable even with full qualification.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Rename the host variable.

SQL4009N The expression for data length is invalid.


The expression for data length has syntax errors or is too complex.

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

Check the syntax of the size expression.

SQL4010N Illegal nesting of Compound SQL statements.


This error is returned when a BEGIN COMPOUND clause is detected as a sub-statement of a Compound SQL statement.

User response

Resubmit the precompilation without the nested BEGIN COMPOUND.

SQL4011N Invalid SQL sub-statement in a Compound SQL statement.


This error is returned when an invalid sub-statement is detected in a Compound SQL statement. Valid statements are:
  • Positioned DELETE
  • Searched DELETE
  • DROP
  • Positioned UPDATE
  • Searched UPDATE

User response

Resubmit the precompilation without the invalid sub-statement.

sqlcode: -4011

sqlstate: 42910

SQL4012N Invalid use of COMMIT in a Compound SQL statement.


This error is returned when a sub-statement is detected after a COMMIT has been found in a COMPOUND SQL statement.

User response

Make the COMMIT sub-statement the last sub-statement, and resubmit the precompilation.

SQL4013N An END COMPOUND statement was found without a previous BEGIN COMPOUND statement.


This error is returned when an END COMPOUND statement has been found without a preceding BEGIN COMPOUND.

User response

Either remove the END COMPOUND, or add a BEGIN COMPOUND, and resubmit the precompilation.

SQL4014N Invalid Compound SQL syntax.


This error is returned when a Compound SQL statement contains a syntax error. Possible causes include:
  • END COMPOUND is missing
  • one of the substatements is empty (zero length or blank).

User response

Fix the syntax error and re-precompile.

SQL4015N An error has occurred during preprocessing.


The external preprocessor has terminated with one or more errors.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Please refer to the “.err” file for the corresponding source file for more details.

SQL4016N The preprocessor specified cannot be found.


The preprocessor specified through the PREPROCESSOR option cannot be found.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that the preprocessor can be executed from the current directory, and also check the syntax of the PREPROCESSOR option.

SQL4017W Preprocessing has completed successfully.


Preprocessing of the input file has completed successfully using the external command specified through the PREPROCESSOR option.

User response

No action is required.

SQL4018W Starting to process the preprocessed file preprocessed-file.


The precompiler is now processing the preprocessed file.

User response

No action is required.

SQL4019W Completed processing the preprocessed file preprocessed-file.


The precompiler has completed processing the preprocessed file.

User response

No action is required.

SQL4020N The 'long' host variable token-1 is not valid. Use 'sqlint32' instead.


If the LONGERROR YES precompile option is in effect or the precompile option LONGERROR has not been specified and the platform has 8-byte 'long's, then the INTEGER host variable must be declared with the data type 'sqlint32', not 'long'.

On 64 bit platforms with 8-byte 'long' types the precompile option LONGERROR NO can be used to specify that 'long' host variables are to be used for BIGINT data types. For maximum portability the use of 'sqlint32' and 'sqlint64' are recommended for INTEGER and BIGINT data types respectively.

User response

Replace the current data type of the host variable with the data type specified in the message.

SQL4100I The sqlflag-type SQL language syntax is used for syntax checking by the flagger.


The SQL statements that have passed the precompiler checking will be subject to checking against the specified syntax by the flagger. Warning message will be issued against the statement when there is a syntax deviation.

Processing continues.

User response

None. This is an informational message only.

SQL4102W An SQL syntax deviation has occurred at the token starting with the text text.


The flagger has detected a deviation from the SQL language syntax specified in the SQLFLAG precompiler option.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4103W A data definition statement is not within a CREATE SCHEMA statement.


The FIPS standard requires that all data definition statements are contained within a CREATE SCHEMA statement.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4104W There is a non-standard embedded comment.


A comment embedded in an SQL statement does not meet the requirements of the standard being flagged. The comment does not begin with at least two consecutive hyphens

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4105W An SQL syntax deviation has occurred. The statement is not complete.


The SQL statement has terminated before all required elements have been found.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4106W The identifier identifier is more than 18 characters.


Authorization identifier, table identifier, column name, correlation name, module name, cursor name, procedure name, or parameter name has a length of more than 128 bytes.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4107W Column column has an invalid length, precision, or scale attribute.


One of the following conditions has not been met:
  • Length value should be greater than zero.
  • Precision value should be greater than zero.
  • Scale value should not be greater than precision.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4108W An indicator variable has data type other than exact numeric, or has a non-zero scale.


Data type of an indicator variable should be exact numeric with a scale of zero.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4109W The SET FUNCTION SPECIFICATION references column column.


One of the following conditions has not been met:
  • The COLUMN REFERENCE of a DISTINCT SET FUNCTION cannot reference a column derived from a SET FUNCTION SPECIFICATION.
  • COLUMN REFERENCEs in the VALUE EXPRESSION of an ALL SET FUNCTION cannot reference a column derived from a SET FUNCTION SPECIFICATION.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4110W A VALUE EXPRESSION containing column cannot include operators.



Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4111W The COLUMN REFERENCE is missing or is invalid for the ALL column function function.



Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4112W Column column is not unique and requires qualification.


The specified column is not unique within the current scope. Qualification must be given to uniquely identify the required column.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.




Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4114W Column column does not identify a column of a table within the current scope.


One of the following conditions has not been met:
  • The table or correlation name used as a qualifier does not exist.
  • The column name does not exist within the current scope or the scope of the qualifier.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4115W A column function that contains the OUTER REFERENCE column column is not in the subquery of a HAVING clause.


A column function must be contained in a subquery of a HAVING clause if it contains an OUTER REFERENCE COLUMN REFERENCE.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4116W The result of a SUM or AVG function cannot be a character string.


Character string is not valid for the result of a SUM or AVG SET FUNCTION SPECIFICATION.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4117W Operator operator is invalid in this context.


One of the following conditions has not been met:
  • A VALUE EXPRESSION containing a DISTINCT SET FUNCTION cannot include dyadic operators.
  • First character following a monadic operator cannot be a plus or minus sign.
  • VALUE EXPRESSION should not contain operators if PRIMARY is of type character string.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4118W The exptype EXPRESSION is comparing incompatible data types.


The data types of one of the following (identified by exptype) do not match:
  • exptype = COMPARISON - Comparison operators must match
  • exptype = BETWEEN - The three VALUE EXPRESSIONs must match
  • exptype = IN - VALUE EXPRESSION, subquery and all VALUE SPECIFICATIONs must match
  • exptype = QUANTIFIED - VALUE EXPRESSION and subquery must match

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4119W The operand in the LIKE predicate is not a character string.


One of the following conditions has not been met:
  • Data type of the column in a LIKE predicate is not a character string.
  • Data type of the pattern in a LIKE predicate is not a character string.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4120W The ESCAPE character must be a one-byte character string.


Escape character in a LIKE predicate must have the data type of character string with a length of 1.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4121W The WHERE clause, GROUP BY clause or HAVING clause is invalid for the grouped view schema-name.view.


If the table identified in the FROM clause is a grouped view, then the TABLE EXPRESSION must not contain a WHERE clause, GROUP BY clause, or HAVING clause.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4122W schema-name.name occurs more than once in a FROM clause.


One of the following conditions has not been met:
  • Table name occurs more than once in a FROM clause.
  • Correlation name is identical to a table name or to another correlation name in a FROM clause.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4123W Only one table reference is allowed in the FROM clause for a grouped view.


If the table identified by table name is a GROUPed view, then the FROM clause must contain exactly one table reference.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4124W A reference to column column derived from a column function is invalid in a WHERE clause.


A VALUE EXPRESSION directly contained in the SEARCH CONDITION of a WHERE clause must not include a reference to a column derived from a column function.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4125W A HAVING clause must contain the WHERE clause when the WHERE clause has a column function.


If a VALUE EXPRESSION directly contained in the SEARCH CONDITION is a column function, then the WHERE clause must be contained in a HAVING clause.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4126W The COLUMN REFERENCE for column must be an OUTER REFERENCE.


If a VALUE EXPRESSION directly contained in the SEARCH CONDITION is a function, then the COLUMN REFERENCE in the column function expression must be an OUTER REFERENCE.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4127W Column column is duplicated within the current scope.


The specified column is duplicated within the current scope.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4128W The COLUMN REFERENCE for column-name should be a grouping column or should be specified within a column function.


Each COLUMN REFERENCE contained in a subquery in the SEARCH CONDITION of a HAVING clause must reference a grouping column or be specified within a column function.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4129W DEGREE of table schema-name.table should be 1 when using a SELECT LIST of *.


The DEGREE of the TABLE EXPRESSION must be 1 if a SELECT LIST of * is specified in a subquery of any predicate other than an EXISTS predicate.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4130W The column function is not valid for the TABLE EXPRESSION beginning with table schema-name.table.


One of the following conditions has not been met:
  • If the TABLE EXPRESSION is a grouped view, the SELECT LIST of a subquery cannot contain a SET FUNCTION SPECIFICATION.
  • If the TABLE EXPRESSION is a grouped view, the SELECT LIST of a QUERY SPECIFICATION cannot contain a column function.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4131W The COLUMN REFERENCE for column is invalid.


One of the following conditions has not been met:
  • For a GROUPed table, the COLUMN REFERENCE must reference a GROUPing column or be specified within a SET FUNCTION SPECIFICATION.
  • If not a GROUPed table and VALUE EXPRESSION includes a SET FUNCTION SPECIFICATION, then each COLUMN REFERENCE must be specified within a SET FUNCTION SPECIFICATION.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4132W DISTINCT is specified more than once.


One of the following conditions has not been met:
  • DISTINCT must not be specified more than once in a QUERY SPECIFICATION, excluding any subquery of that QUERY SPECIFICATION.
  • DISTINCT must not be specified more than once in a subquery, excluding any subquery contained in that subquery.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4133W The COMPARISON PREDICATE subquery cannot contain a GROUP BY or HAVING clause.


If a subquery is specified in a COMPARISON PREDICATE, then the TABLE EXPRESSION whose FROM clause identifies the named table must not contain a GROUP BY clause or a HAVING clause.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4134W The COMPARISON PREDICATE subquery cannot identify a grouped view.


If a subquery is specified in a COMPARISON PREDICATE, then the TABLE EXPRESSION whose FROM clause identifies the named table must not identify a GROUPed view.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4135W There is an invalid AUTHORIZATION IDENTIFIER authid.


The AUTHORIZATION IDENTIFIER prefixed to the table name is invalid.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4136W Table or view schema-name.name already exists.


The table name or view name specified already exists in the catalog.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4137W The COLUMN DEFINITION is missing.


At least one COLUMN DEFINITION should be specified for a CREATE TABLE.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4138W The data type type1 of the target is not compatible with the data type type2 of the source.


Data types should match:
  • In a FETCH statement, between source and target.
  • In a SELECT statement, between source and target.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4139W You must specify a VIEW COLUMN LIST for schema-name.table.


If any two columns in the table specified by the QUERY SPECIFICATION have the same column name, or if any column of that table is an unnamed column, then a VIEW COLUMN LIST must be specified.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4140W An error has occurred causing the flagger to stop. Module name = module-name. Internal error code = error-code.


The flagger has encountered an internal error. If the syntax, bindfile or package option is also specified, processing continues but flagger operation is discontinued. Otherwise, processing is terminated.

User response

Record this message number (SQLCODE), module name and error code in the message. Contact your technical service representative with the information.

SQL4141W An error has occurred when attempting to produce message message-number in module module-name.


The FLAGGER has attempted to produce an undefined message.

Processing continues.

User response

Record this message number (SQLCODE), module name and error code in the message. Contact your technical service representative with the information.

SQL4142W There is not enough memory for flagger operation. Internal error code = error-code.


There is not enough memory for the flagger to operate. If the syntax, bindfile or package option is also specified, processing continues but flagger operation is discontinued. Otherwise, processing is terminated.

User response

Ensure that your system has sufficient real and virtual memory, and remove any unnecessary background processes.

SQL4143W An error has occurred when releasing flagger memory. Internal error code = error-code.


The flagger cannot release allocated memory. If the syntax, bindfile or package option is also specified, processing continues but flagger operation is discontinued. Otherwise, processing is terminated.

User response

Restart precompilation if flagging is required.

SQL4144W Internal error on call to the FLAGGER found in module module-name. Internal error code = error-code.


The FLAGGER encountered an internal error.

Preprocessing continues but FLAGGER operation is discontinued.

User response

Record this message number (SQLCODE), module name and error code in the message. Contact your technical service representative with the information.

SQL4145W Error during FLAGGER access to the system catalog. Flagging continues to check syntax only. SQLCODE = nnn SQLERRP = modname SQLERRD1 = nnn Creator = creatorname Table = tablename.


An internal error has occurred during FLAGGER access to the system catalog.

Processing continues but with flagger syntax checking only.

User response

Record this message number (SQLCODE), module name and error code in the message. Contact your technical service representative with the information.

SQL4146W Internal error occurred causing the semantics processing to stop. Module name = module-name. Internal error code = error-code.


The FLAGGER has encountered a severe internal error in a semantics analysis routine.

Processing continues but with flagger syntax checking only.

User response

Record this message number (SQLCODE), module name and error code in the message. Contact your technical service representative with the information.

SQL4147W Invalid flagger version number.


An invalid flagger version number is passed to the Precompiler Services COMPILE SQL STATEMENT API. If the syntax, bindfile or package option is also specified, processing continues but flagger operation is discontinued. Otherwise, processing is terminated.

User response

Provide a valid flagger version number. Refer to the Command Reference manual.

SQL4170W You must declare column column as NOT NULL.


All columns identified as UNIQUE must be defined with the NOT NULL option.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4171W The viewed table schema-name.table must be updatable.


When the WITH CHECK OPTION clause is specified then the viewed table must be updatable.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4172W Invalid number of column names.


The number of column names in the VIEW COLUMN LIST should be the same as the DEGREE of the table specified by the QUERY SPECIFICATION.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4173W You must declare cursor cursor before using it.


The cursor specified has not been declared in a DECLARE CURSOR statement.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4174W Cursor cursor is already declared.


Cursor specified has already been declared in a DECLARE CURSOR statement.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4175W Only * or column names are valid in this context.


When UNION is specified, the SELECT LIST for the specification of the two TABLE EXPRESSIONs identified by the QUERY EXPRESSION and QUERY TERM should consist of * or COLUMN REFERENCE(s).

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4176W The descriptions of tables identified by the QUERY EXPRESSION beginning with schema-name1.table1 and the QUERY TERM beginning with schema-name2.table2 should be identical.


When UNION is specified, the descriptions of the two tables should be identical, except for the column names.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4177W The SORT SPECIFICATION number is outside the DEGREE of cursor cursor.


If the SORT SPECIFICATION contains an unsigned integer, it should be greater than 0 and not greater than the number of columns in the table.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4178W Table schema-name.table is a read-only table.


A DELETE, an INSERT, or an UPDATE was specified on a read-only table.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4179W Table schema-name.table must not be identified in a FROM clause of any subquery contained in a SEARCH CONDITION.


A table specified in a DELETE or an UPDATE cannot be used in a FROM clause of any subquery contained in its SEARCH CONDITION.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4180W Table schema-name1.table1 is not the first table schema-name2.table2 specified in the DECLARE CURSOR statement.


Table specified in a DELETE or an UPDATE statement should be the first table specified in the FROM clause of the DECLARE CURSOR statement.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4181W The number of TARGET SPECIFICATIONs does not match the DEGREE of cursor cursor.


The number of TARGET SPECIFICATIONs in the FETCH statement does not match the DEGREE of the table specified.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4182W Target table schema-name.table of the INSERT statement is also in the FROM clause or in the subquery.


The named table must not be identified in a FROM clause of a QUERY SPECIFICATION or of any subquery contained in the QUERY SPECIFICATION.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4183W The number of columns specified does not match the number of values specified.


In an INSERT statement, the number of columns specified does not match the number of values specified.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4184W The number of columns specified does not match the DEGREE of the QUERY SPECIFICATION beginning with table schema-name.table.


In an INSERT statement, the number of columns specified does not match the DEGREE of the table specified in the QUERY SPECIFICATION

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4185W There is a data type or length mismatch between column column and the INSERT or UPDATE item.


One of the following conditions has not been met:
  • If the data type of the column name is character string, then the corresponding item in the INSERT or UPDATE statement should be character string of length equal to or less than the length of the column name.
  • If the data type of the column name is exact numeric, then the corresponding item in the INSERT or UPDATE statement should be exact numeric.
  • If the data type of the column name is approximate numeric, then the corresponding item in the INSERT or UPDATE statement should be approximate numeric or exact numeric.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4186W You cannot use a GROUP BY or HAVING clause or identify a grouped view in this context.


The table identified in the FROM clause of the TABLE EXPRESSION in a SELECT statement should not include a GROUP BY or HAVING clause and should not identify a GROUPed view.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4187W The number of elements specified in the SELECT LIST should match the number in the SELECT TARGET LIST.


In the SELECT statement, the number of elements specified in the SELECT LIST should match the number of elements in the SELECT TARGET LIST.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4188W A column function is not allowed in a SET clause of an UPDATE statement.


A VALUE EXPRESSION in a SET clause of an UPDATE statement should not include a column function.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4189W You cannot specify NULL for NOT NULL column column.


If NULL is specified in the SET clause of the UPDATE statement, then the corresponding column should allow nulls.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4190W A host variable of an unrecognized data type is referenced. Host variable position is position.


The host variable reference at position position is of a data type not recognized by the standard.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4191W The data type of column column-name is not recognized.


The data type of the column is not recognized by the standard.

Processing continues.

User response

Correct the SQL statement.

SQL4192W Table schema-name.table is not found in the catalog.


The named table or view does not exist in the system catalog.

SQL4300N Java support is not installed or properly configured on this platform.


Support for Java stored procedures and user-defined functions is not installed and configured on this server.

User response

Ensure that a compatible Java Runtime Environment or Java Development Kit for the server is installed. Ensure that the "JDK_PATH" configuration parameter is correctly set.

sqlcode: -4300

sqlstate: 42724

SQL4301N Java or .NET interpreter startup or communication failed, reason code reason-code.


An error occurred while attempting to start or communicate with a Java interpreter. The reason codes are:
Java environment variables or Java database configuration parameters are invalid.
A Java Native Interface call to the Java interpreter failed.
The "db2java.zip" file may be corrupt or missing.
The Java interpreter has terminated itself and cannot be restarted.
Unable to load a dependent .NET library.
A call to the .NET interpreter failed.

User response

For Java, ensure that the Java database configuration parameters (jdk_path and java_heap_sz) are correctly set. Ensure that a supported Java runtime environment is installed. Ensure that internal DB2 classes (COM.ibm.db2) are not overridden by user classes.

For .NET, ensure that the database manager instance is configured correctly to run a .NET procedure or function (mscoree.dll must be present in the system PATH). Ensure that db2clr.dll is present in the sqllib/bin directory, and that IBM.Data.DB2 is installed in the global assembly cache.

sqlcode: -4301

sqlstate: 58004

SQL4302N Procedure or user-defined function name, specific name spec-name aborted with an exception string.


The procedure or user-defined function aborted with an exception. The administration notification log contains a stack traceback for the aborted routine.

User response

Debug the routine to eliminate the exception.

sqlcode: -4302

sqlstate: 38501

SQL4303N Java stored procedure or user-defined function name, specific name spec-name could not be identified from external name string.


The CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE FUNCTION statement that declared this stored procedure or user-defined function had a badly formatted EXTERNAL NAME clause. The external name must be formatted as follows: "package.subpackage.class!method".

User response

Submit a corrected CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE FUNCTION statement.

sqlcode: -4303

sqlstate: 42724

SQL4304N Java stored procedure or user-defined function name, specific name spec-name could not load Java class class, reason code reason-code.


The Java class given by the EXTERNAL NAME clause of a CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE FUNCTION statement could not be loaded. The reason codes are:
The class was not found on the CLASSPATH.
The class did not implement the required interface (“COM.ibm.db2.app.StoredProc” or “COM.ibm.db2.app.UDF”) or lacked the Java “public” access flag.
The default constructor failed or was unavailable.
Could not load driver for “jdbc:default:connection”.
Could not establish default context.

User response

Ensure that the compiled ".class" file is installed in the CLASSPATH, for example under "sqllib/function". Ensure it implements the required Java interfaces and is "public".

sqlcode: -4304

sqlstate: 42724

SQL4306N Java stored procedure or user-defined function name, specific name spec-name could not call Java method method, signature string.


The Java method given by the EXTERNAL NAME clause of a CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE FUNCTION statement could not be found. Its declared argument list may not match what the database expects, or it may not be a "public" instance method.

User response

Ensure that a Java instance method exists with the "public" flag and the expected argument list for this call.

sqlcode: -4306

sqlstate: 42724

SQL4400N authorization-ID does not have the authority to perform the administration task at the DB2 Administration Server.


The user does not have the necessary authority at the DB2 Administration Server to perform the attempted administrative action.

User response

Submit the request to the DB2 Administration Server using a user ID with DASADM authority. DASADM authority is required to perform any administrative actions against the DB2 Administration Server. The DASADM group is a DB2 Administration Server configuration parameter. Verify the current setting of the DASADM group by viewing the DB2 Administration Server configuration parameters using the GET ADMIN CONFIGURATION command. To modify the value of any configuration parameter, use the UPDATE ADMIN CONFIGURATION command.

SQL4401C The DB2 Administration Server encountered an error during startup.


An error was encountered during startup of the DB2 Administration Server.

User response

Refer to the DB2 Administration Server's First Failure Data Capture Log for additional information. Take the appropriate action as necessary and attempt to restart the DB2 Administration Server.

If the problem persists contact your technical service representative.

SQL4402W The DB2ADMIN command was successful.


All processing completed normally.

User response

No further action is required.

SQL4403N The syntax of the command is invalid.


The command was entered using invalid arguments or an invalid number of parameters.

User response

Re-submit the command with valid argument(s).

SQL4404N The DB2 Administration Server does not exist.


The DB2 Administration Server was not found on the machine.

User response

Create the DB2 Administration Server on the machine.
  • On Windows operating systems, issue the following command:
    db2admin create
  • On UNIX platforms, ensure that you have root authority, and issue the following command from the DB2DIR/instance directory, where DB2DIR is the installation path of DB2. <ASName> represents the name of the Administration Server:
    dascrt <ASName>

SQL4405W The DB2 Administration Server already exists.


The DB2 Administration Server already exists on the machine

User response

No further action is required.

SQL4406W The DB2 Administration Server was started successfully.


All processing completed normally.

User response

No further action is required.

SQL4407W The DB2 Administration Server was stopped successfully.


All processing completed normally.

User response

No further action is required.

SQL4408N The DB2 Administration Server was not dropped because it is active.


The DB2 Administration Server must be stopped before it can be dropped.

User response

To stop the DB2 Administration Server, enter the following command:

SQL4409W The DB2 Administration Server is already active.


The DB2ADMIN START command cannot be processed because the DB2 Administration Server is already active.

User response

No further action is required.

SQL4410W The DB2 Administration Server is not active.


The DB2ADMIN STOP command cannot be processed because the DB2 Administration Server is not active.

User response

No further action is required.

SQL4411N The requested operation is not allowed because the server instance is not the DB2 Administration Server.


The requested operation is only valid when issued against the DB2 Administration Server.

User response

The DB2 Administration Server should be set up using the DB2ADMIN command.

SQL4412N The logon user account for the DB2 Administration Server is invalid.


To perform the requested task, the DB2 Administration Server must be running under a valid logon user account. This error is either caused by the account not being setup, or the logon user account does not contain a valid DB2 user ID.

User response

If a logon user account has been set up, then ensure that the account uses a valid DB2 user ID.

You can set up the logon user account for the DB2 Administration Server by using the following command:
    DB2ADMIN SETID <userid>

SQL4413W Usage: DB2ADMIN creates, drops, starts, or stops the DB2 Administration Server.


The DB2ADMIN command syntax is:
         STOP [/FORCE]
         SETID <username>
         SETSCHEDID <username> <password>
The command options are:
create the DB2 Administration Server
delete the DB2 Administration Server
start the DB2 Administration Server
stop the DB2 Administration Server
set the logon account for the DB2 Administration Server
set the logon account used by the scheduler to connect to the tools catalog database. Only required if the scheduler is enabled and the tools catalog database is remote to the DB2 Administration Server.
specify the logon account name during DB2ADMIN CREATE
specify the logon account password during DB2ADMIN CREATE
stop the DB2 Administration Server during DB2ADMIN STOP regardless of whether or not it is in the process of servicing any requests
display the usage information

User response

Issue the DB2ADMIN command with one of the valid command options.

SQL4414N The DB2 Administration Server is not active.


The request cannot be processed unless the DB2 Administration Server is active.

User response

Start the DB2 Administration Server by issuing the command DB2ADMIN START, and reissue the request.

SQL4701N Maximal number of data partitions (max-number) exceeded.


An attempt was made to exceed the maximum number of data partitions.

User response

If the error occurred on a CREATE TABLE statement with an EVERY clause, the interval was not large enough. Specify a larger interval to reduce the number of data partitions required.

If the error occurred on a CREATE TABLE statement without an EVERY clause, too many data partitions were listed. Reduce the number of data partitions specified.

If the error occurred on an ALTER TABLE ... ATTACH PARTITION or an ALTER TABLE ... ADD PARTITION statement, the table already has the maximum number of data partitions allowed. Data partitions must be detached before additional data partitions can be added or attached.

sqlcode: -4701

sqlstate: 54054

SQL4702N The activity identified by application handle application-handle, unit of work ID unit-of-work-id, and activity ID activity-id does not exist.


An attempt was made to perform an operation on an activity identified by an application handle, a unit of work identifier, and an activity identifier. Such an activity does not currently exist within this database.

User response

Verify that the arguments that were specified for application handle, unit of work identifier, and activity identifier match those of the activity that was intended. Note that it is possible that an activity could leave the system before an operation can be performed on it.

sqlcode: -4702

sqlstate: 5U035

SQL4703N The activity identified by application handle application-handle, unit of work ID unit-of-work-id, and activity ID activity-id cannot be cancelled. Reason code = reason-code.


The identified activity cannot be cancelled at this time because of its state or the type of activity it is.

User response

The reason code indicates the situation and particular action to take.

The activity is in the initialization state. The activity can be cancelled after the initialization has completed.
The activity cannot be cancelled because its type is not a supported activity type. If you wish to stop this activity from continuing to execute or queue in this system, you may force the application that issued this activity to stop by using the FORCE APPLICATION command.

sqlcode: -4703

sqlstate: 5U016

SQL4704N Only one work action set can be defined for the database or service superclass db-or-ssc-name.


There is already a work action set defined for the specified database or service superclass db-or-ssc-name. Only one work action set can be defined for any one database or service superclass at any given time.

User response

Either specify a different database or service superclass or drop the work action set currently defined for that database or service superclass and try the request again.

sqlcode: -4704

sqlstate: 5U017

SQL4705N The service subclass specified in the mapping work action work-action-name cannot be the default service subclass.


The default service subclass cannot be specified when defining a work action to map activities.

User response

Specify a different service subclass that is not the default service subclass and try the request again.

sqlcode: -4705

sqlstate: 5U018

SQL4706N Invalid range specified for work class work-class-name.


The value specified either for the FROM parameter or the TO parameter is not valid. The FROM value must be zero or a positive double-precision value and the TO value must either be a positive double-precision value or UNBOUNDED, to specify no upper bound. If the TO value is not UNBOUNDED, it must be greater than or equal to the FROM value.

User response

Specify a valid value for both the FROM value and the TO value and try the request again.

sqlcode: -4706

sqlstate: 5U019

SQL4707N The workload named workload-name cannot service the request because the workload is not allowed to access the database.


The named workload was defined or altered using the DISALLOW DB ACCESS option. As a result, connections associated with this workload are not allowed to access the database.

User response

If connections associated with the named workload should not be allowed to access this database, confirm that the connection was intended to be associated with the named workload. If the connection was intended to be associated with a different workload, validate the following:

  1. The workload attributes for the intended workload match the connection attributes.
  2. The intended workload is enabled.
  3. The evaluation order for the intended workload is earlier than the evaluation order for the named workload.

If connections associated with the named workload should be allowed to access this database, alter the named workload using the ALTER WORKLOAD statement with the ALLOW DB ACCESS option.

sqlcode: -4707

sqlstate: 5U020

SQL4708N Only a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement is allowed at this time for this unit of work.


One of the following statements has been issued and it must be committed or rolled back before any other SQL statement can be issued:

  • GRANT (Workload privileges) or REVOKE (Workload privileges)

The workload assignment that was performed at the beginning of the unit of work failed. Subsequent requests cannot be processed until the current unit of work is ended.

User response

COMMIT or ROLLBACK before issuing another statement.

sqlcode: -4708

sqlstate: 5U021

SQL4709N The last connection attribute cannot be dropped from the definition of workload workload-name.


The ALTER WORKLOAD statement would have resulted in the last connection attribute being dropped from the workload workload-name, This operation is not allowed. There must be at least one connection attribute specified in the definition of the workload.

User response

Ensure that the ALTER WORKLOAD statement leaves at least one connection attribute in the definition of the workload.

sqlcode: -4709

sqlstate: 5U022

SQL4710N The workload workload-name cannot be dropped because it is not disabled, it has active workload occurrences, or it has a threshold or a work action set associated with it.


An attempt to drop workload workload-name has failed for one of the following reasons.

  • The workload has not been disabled.
  • The workload has active workload occurrences.
  • A threshold is associated with the workload.
  • A work action set is associated with the workload

User response

Do one of the following:

  • If the workload is not yet disabled, issue the ALTER WORKLOAD statement to disable the workload and keep new workload occurrences from becoming active.
  • Wait until there are no more active workload occurrences running on the system and then issue the DROP statement to drop the workload.
  • If a threshold is associated with the workload, issue the DROP THRESHOLD statement to drop the associated threshold.
  • If a work action set is associated with the workload, issue the DROP WORK ACTION SET statement to drop the associated work action set.

sqlcode: -4710

sqlstate: 5U023

SQL4711N The threshold threshold-name cannot be dropped. The threshold is not disabled, the threshold queue is not empty, or an activity is running under the control of the threshold.


An attempt to drop threshold threshold-name failed. The threshold is not disabled, the threshold queue is not empty, or an activity is running under the control of the threshold.

User response

If the threshold is not yet disabled, disable it. If the threshold is part of a work action set, you must use the ALTER WORK ACTION SET statement to disable it. If the threshold is not part of a work action set, use the ALTER THRESHOLD statement to disable it. Disabling the threshold prevents new requests from running under the control of the threshold. If the concurrency limit for a queueing threshold has been reached, the DISABLE action prevents new requests from joining the queue. Wait until the currently executing request completes or no more requests are in the queue, then issue the DROP THRESHOLD statement again.

sqlcode: -4711

sqlstate: 5U025

SQL4712N The activity or request was stopped because the threshold threshold-name has been exceeded. Reason code: reason-code.


You can help maintain stability in your system by creating thresholds to identify and react to work that behaves abnormally. For example, you can limit how long a unit of work executes, by using the UOWTOTALTIME unit of work threshold. Or you can limit the amount of system temporary table space a given activity can consume on a member by using the SQLTEMPSPACE activity threshold.

This message is returned when the a threshold has been exceeded and as a result the associated activity or request was stopped.

The reason code indicates the reason that the threshold was exceeded:


An overflow agent cannot be queued. The activity is using an overflow agent and either the number of coordinator connections is exceeded or the number of database coordinator activities is exceeded.


The maximum number of connections per database partition has been reached (TOTALMEMBERCONNECTIONS condition).


The maximum number of connections and queued connections per database partition in a specific service superclass has been reached (QUEUEDCONNECTIONS or TOTALSCMEMBERCONNECTIONS condition).


The maximum number of workload occurrences per database partition has been reached (CONCURRENTWORKLOADOCCURRENCES condition).


The maximum number of workload activities per database partition has been reached (CONCURRENTWORKLOADACTIVITIES condition).


The maximum number of database coordinator activities and queued database coordinator activities at the specified enforcement scope in the domain has been reached (CONCURRENTDBCOORDACTIVITIES or QUEUEDACTIVITIES condition). In a DB2 pureScale environment, the enforcement scope is at the member level (MEMBER enforcement scope). In environments other than DB2 pureScale environments, the enforcement scope is at the database level (DATABASE enforcement scope).


The estimated cost for the activity exceeds that allowed by the threshold (ESTIMATEDSQLCOST condition).


The number of rows returned for the activity would exceed that allowed by the threshold (SQLROWSRETURNED condition).


The maximum total time for the activity has exceeded that allowed by the threshold (ACTIVITYTOTALTIME condition).


The amount of temporary system space requested for the activity exceeds that allowed by the threshold (SQLTEMPSPACE condition).


The number of rows read by the activity during its lifetime has exceeded that allowed by the threshold (SQLROWSREAD condition).


The number of rows read by the activity while executing in the current service subclass has exceeded that allowed by the threshold (SQLROWSREADINSC condition).


The amount of CPU time used by the activity during its lifetime has exceeded that allowed by the threshold (CPUTIME condition).


The amount of CPU time used by the activity while executing in the current service subclass has exceeded that allowed by the threshold (CPUTIMEINSC condition).


The total amount of temporary system space requested for the service subclass exceeds that allowed by the threshold (AGGSQLTEMPSPACE condition).


The amount of time used by the unit of work has exceeded that allowed by the threshold (UOWTOTALTIME condition).


The data tag of a table referenced by the activity is in the list of data tags specified in the threshold (DATATAGINSC IN condition).


The data tag of a table referenced by the activity is in the list of data tags specified in the threshold (DATATAGINSC NOT IN condition).


The maximum total runtime for the activity has exceeded that allowed by the threshold (ACTIVITYTOTALRUNTIME condition).


The maximum total runtime for the activity has exceeded that allowed by the threshold (ACTIVITYTOTALRUNTIMEINALLSC condition).

User response

Perform one or more of the following actions:

  • Review details of the threshold that was exceeded by looking up the given threshold in the SYSCAT.THRESHOLDS catalog view.
  • Increase the threshold limit.
  • Modify the activity or request so that it uses less of the resource that is being monitored by the threshold.
  • If the activity violated a concurrency threshold, execute the activity at another time when there are fewer activities executing on the system.

sqlcode: -4712

sqlstate: 5U026

SQL4713N The maximum number of service classes has been exceeded for the database or the service superclass. Service class service-class-name cannot be created.


The service class service-class-name cannot be created because it exceeds the maximum number of service classes that can be created for the database or the service superclass. If service class service-class-name is a service superclass, it exceeds the limit of 64 user-defined service superclasses that can be created per database. If service class service-class-name is a service subclass, it exceeds the limit of 61 user-defined service subclasses that can be created per service superclass.

User response

Examine the existing service classes and see if any existing service classes can be merged or dropped to make room for the new service class.

sqlcode: -4713

sqlstate: 5U027

SQL4714N The request cannot complete, because service class service-class-name is disabled.


The request cannot complete, because it is being mapped or remapped to a disabled service class. Service class service-class-name is currently disabled and cannot accept new requests or complete requests that are already executing.

User response

Contact the database administrator to determine when the service class will no longer be disabled. Retry the request at that time. The database administrator can use ALTER SERVICE CLASS to enable the service class.

sqlcode: -4714

sqlstate: 5U028

SQL4715N Cannot create a service subclass under a default service class.


Creation of a service subclass under the Default User Class, Default System Class or Default Maintenance Class is not allowed.

User response

Create the service subclass under a user-defined service superclass.

sqlcode: -4715

sqlstate: 5U029

SQL4716N An error occurred while communicating with the external workload manager.


The database manager failed to communicate with the external workload manager. The following could have caused the error:

  • The external workload manager is not installed
  • The external workload manager is installed but is not active

User response

If the instance is running on AIX, ensure AIX WLM is installed and active. If the instance is running on Linux, ensure Linux WLM is installed and active.

sqlcode: -4716

sqlstate: 5U030

SQL4717N The service class service-class-name was not dropped. Reason code: reason-code.


There are several conditions under which a service class may not be dropped, such as if the service class is still enabled or the service class is still referenced by another workload manager object. This message is returned when a service class is prevented from being dropped because of one of these conditions.

The token reason-code indicates what condition is preventing the service class from being dropped:


The service superclass has user-defined service subclasses.


The service class has a workload association.


The service class has a work action set association.


The service class has a work action association.


The service class has connections, workload occurrences, activities or resources governed by workload manager admission control associated with it on one or more partitions.


The service class has a threshold associated with it.


The service class is not disabled.


The service class is a default service class.


The service class is the target of a threshold REMAP ACTIVITY action.

User response

To drop the service class, first resolve the condition that is preventing the the service class from being dropped, according to the reason code:


Drop all user-defined service subclasses under the service superclass.


Determine which workloads are associated with the service class by referring to the SYSCAT.WORKLOADS catalog view, and then remove the associated workloads.


Determine which work action sets are associated with the service class by referring to the SYSCAT.WORKACTIONSETS catalog view, and then remove the associated work action sets.


Determine which work actions are associated with the service class by referring to the SYSCAT.WORKACTIONS catalog view, and then remove the associated work actions.


Respond to reason code 5 in one of the following ways:

  • Wait until all connections, workload occurrences, and activities currently using the service class have completed and until all resources governed by workload manager admission control have been released.
  • Force connections associated with the service class to disconnect from the service class by issuing the FORCE APPLICATION command.
  • Cancel all the activities currently executing in the service class.

Determine which thresholds are associated with the service class by referring to the SYSCAT.THRESHOLDS catalog view, and then remove the associated thresholds.


Disable the service class by issuing the ALTER SERVICE CLASS statement.


Specify a user-defined service class.


Determine which thresholds specify a REMAP ACTIVITY action that targets the service class by referring to the SYSCAT.THRESHOLDS catalog view. Then, for each associated threshold, drop the threshold or alter the threshold REMAP ACTIVITY action to target another service subclass under the same service superclass.

sqlcode: -4717

sqlstate: 5U031

SQL4718N Default workload management object wlm-object-name was not altered, associated, or configured as specified. Reason code: reason-code.


There are default workload management objects (such as the default user workload and the default administration workload), that are defined by the system rather than the user. Some actions that you may perform on user-defined workload management objects are not supported on default workload management objects.

This message is returned when an attempt is made to perform an unsupported action on a default workload management object.

The reason code indicates why the action was not performed:


An attempt was made to disable the default system service class, the default maintenance service class, or the default user service class.


An attempt was made to associate the default system service class or the default maintenance service class with a workload, work action set, or threshold. Or an attempt was made to associate the default user service class with a work action set.


An attempt was made to alter an attribute that may not be altered for a default service subclass.


An attempt was made to associate the default service subclass with a workload.


An attempt was made to configure a CPU share or a CPU limit on the SYSDEFAULTSYSTEMCLASS service class or its subclass.


An attempt was made to add or drop a work class in the SYSDEFAULTUSERWCS work class set.


An attempt was made to add or drop a work action in the SYSDEFAULTUSERWAS work action set.


An attempt was made to associate the default user work class set with a user-defined work action set.


An attempt was made to alter an attribute that may not be altered for a work class in the SYSDEFAULTUSERWCS work class set.


An attempt was made to alter an attribute that may not be altered for a work action in the SYSDEFAULTUSERWAS work action set.


An attempt was made to configure resource shares, minimum resource share percent or admission queue order on the SYSDEFAULTSYSTEMCLASS or SYSDEFAULTMAINTENANCE service classes or their subclasses.

User response

Based on the reason code, perform one of the following actions:

1, 2, 4

Specify a user-defined service class.


Alter the attribute for the parent superclass instead.


Configure a CPU share, a CPU limit, or both on a user or maintenance service class.

6, 8

Specify a user-defined work class set.


Specify a user-defined work action set.


Specify a user-defined work class in a user-defined work class set.


Specify a user-defined work action in a user-defined work action set.


Specify a user-defined service class.

sqlcode: -4718

sqlstate: 5U032

SQL4719N The PREVENT EXECUTION work action work-action_name is applied to this activity, and so the activity was not run.


A PREVENT EXECUTION work action is preventing the activity from running.

User response

Either remove or disable the PREVENT EXECUTION work action.

sqlcode: -4719

sqlstate: 5U033

SQL4720N The work action type specified is not valid for work action work-action-name. Reason code reason-code.


The type of work action specified is not valid for one of the following reasons:


Duplicate work action type specified for the work class of the same work action set.


The work action type is MAP ACTIVITY, but the work action set is associated with a database or a workload. Mapping work actions are only valid for work action sets applied to service classes.


The work action type is a threshold, but the work action set is associated with a service class. Threshold work actions are only valid for work action sets applied to a database or a workload.


The work action type is COLLECT AGGREGATE ACTIVITY DATA, but the work action set is associated with a database. COLLECT AGGREGATE ACTIVITY DATA work actions are only valid for work action sets applied to service classes or workloads.

User response

Specify a different type of work action.

sqlcode: -4720

sqlstate: 5U034

SQL4721N The threshold threshold-name cannot be created or altered (reason code = reason-code).


The threshold cannot be created or altered because it violates a restriction as indicated by the following reason code:


The service superclass does not exist.


The service subclass does not exist.


The workload definition does not exist.


This type of threshold is not supported with the specified definition domain and enforcement scope.


The value specified for the condition of the threshold is out of range.


When maxValue is set to 0 for a queuing threshold, the queueSize must also be 0 and the action must be STOP EXECUTION.


The threshold predicate cannot be changed by an ALTER THRESHOLD statement.


The service class specified in a REMAP ACTIVITY action does not exist under the service superclass of the threshold.


The service subclass specified in a REMAP ACTIVITY action cannot be the same as the service subclass of the threshold.


The REMAP ACTIVITY action is not supported for the specified threshold.


The threshold specified is not supported for a default service class under a default service superclass.


The REMAP ACTIVITY action is not supported for work action thresholds.


The FORCE APPLICATION action is not supported for the specified threshold.


A section with the the specified executable ID was not found in the package cache or catalog.

User response

The action corresponding to the reason code is:


Create the service superclass then issue the CREATE THRESHOLD or ALTER THRESHOLD statement again.


Create the service subclass then issue the CREATE THRESHOLD or ALTER THRESHOLD statement again.


Create the workload then issue the CREATE THRESHOLD or ALTER THRESHOLD statement again.


Issue the CREATE THRESHOLD or ALTER THRESHOLD statement with a valid definition domain and enforcement scope.


Issue the CREATE THRESHOLD or ALTER THRESHOLD statement with a maximum value in the valid range.


Issue the CREATE THRESHOLD or ALTER THRESHOLD statement with a queueSize of 0 and the action STOP EXECUTION.


Drop the threshold and create a new threshold with the predicate you want. Alternatively, you can keep the existing threshold and create a new threshold with the predicate that you want.


Create the service subclass under the service superclass of the threshold, then issue the CREATE THRESHOLD or ALTER THRESHOLD statement again.


Issue the CREATE THRESHOLD or ALTER THRESHOLD statement with a REMAP ACTIVITY action that specifies a different service subclass under the service superclass of the threshold.


Issue the CREATE THRESHOLD or ALTER THRESHOLD statement with a different threshold exceeded action.


Issue the CREATE THRESHOLD or ALTER THRESHOLD statement with a user defined service subclass specified for the threshold domain.


Issue the CREATE WORK ACTION SET or ALTER WORK ACTION SET statement with a different threshold exceeded action for the threshold work action.


When you issue the CREATE THRESHOLD or ALTER THRESHOLD statement, specify a different action to be taken if the maximum value for the threshold is exceeded.


If you are using static SQL, ensure that you have specified the correct executable ID. For dynamic SQL, use a PREPARE statement to add a prepared or executable version of the statement to the package cache.

sqlcode: -4721

sqlstate: 5U037

SQL4722N The threshold was not created because a threshold object-name with a matching definition already exists.


A CREATE THRESHOLD statement attempted to create a new threshold which matches an existing threshold definition. Two threshold definitions match if they use the same threshold predicate and are applied to the same domain.

The new threshold was not created.

User response

No action is required unless the existing threshold with name name is not a suitable threshold. In this case, the threshold must be dropped before the required threshold can be created.

sqlcode: -4722

sqlstate: 5U038

SQL4723N The value connection-attribute-value is already defined for connection attribute connection-attribute or a duplicate was detected.


Either the connection attribute value being added already exists for the connection attribute, or there are duplicates within the list being provided.

User response

Remove the value and resubmit the statement.

sqlcode: -4723

sqlstate: 5U039

SQL4724N The value connection-attribute-value cannot be dropped as it is not defined for connection attribute connection-attribute.


The specified connection attribute value is not defined for the connection attribute and so cannot be dropped.

User response

Specify a connection attribute value that is defined for the connection attribute and resubmit the statement.

sqlcode: -4724

sqlstate: 5U040

SQL4725N The activity has been cancelled.


The WLM_CANCEL_ACTIVITY procedure has been used to cancel the activity.

User response

Continue the application.

sqlcode: -4725

sqlstate: 57014

SQL4726N The request cannot complete because the service class with ID service-class-id was dropped while the request was executing.


The request cannot complete because it is being remapped to a dropped service class. The service class was dropped while the request was executing. Future requests may be unaffected, because they will not be remapped to this service class.

User response

Reissue the request. If the request continues to fail, it may be prevented from executing for a specific reason. Contact your database administrator to determine why.

sqlcode: -4726

sqlstate: 5U045

SQL4727N The activity cannot be mapped to the service subclass you specified because at least one of the input parameters to the routine WLM_REMAP_ACTIVITY is not valid. Reason code = reason-code.


The routine WLM_REMAP_ACTIVITY failed because one or more of the input parameters is not valid. The reason codes are as follows:


The activity can be remapped only to a service subclass under the service superclass of the activity. Specify the service superclass name of the activity in the service_superclass_name parameter or set it to null. Setting the service_superclass_name parameter to null defaults the input parameter to the current service superclass name of the activity.


A valid service subclass under the service superclass of the activity must be specified in the service_subclass_name parameter.


Specify Y in the log_evmon_record parameter to log an event monitor record to the THRESHOLD VIOLATIONS event monitor when the activity is remapped on a partition. Specify N in the log_evmon_record parameter to prevent logging an event monitor record to the THRESHOLD VIOLATION event monitor when the activity is remapped on a partition.

User response

Ensure that the condition in the reason code is satisfied and reinvoke the WLM_REMAP_ACTIVITY routine.

sqlcode: -4727

sqlstate: 5U046

SQL4728W A priority setting was assigned to a service class that is higher than the priority setting of the default system service class SYSDEFAULTSYSTEMCLASS and this might negatively impact performance.


To ensure that system work can take precedence over user work, the priority settings of the default system service class SYSDEFAULTSYSTEMCLASS should always be higher than the priorities that were set for all other service classes. Failure to assign higher priority settings to the default system service class can result in a negative impact on performance because system-type activities run in the default system service class.

User response

Raise the priority setting of the default system service class, or lower the priority setting of other service classes that have a higher priority setting than the default system service class.

sqlcode: +4728

sqlstate: 01HN1

SQL4901N Precompiler Services requires reinitialization because of a previous error.


On a previous function call, an error occurred. The requested function call cannot be processed until Precompiler Services is reinitialized.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Call the sqlainit function to reinitialize Precompiler Services

SQL4902N At least one of the characters in parameter n of function function is not valid.


The specified parameter in the specified function contains at least one character that is not valid.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Correct the specified parameter and call the function again.

SQL4903N The length of parameter n of function name is not valid.


The length of the specified parameter in the specified function is not valid.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Correct the specified parameter and call the function again.

sqlcode: -4903

sqlstate: 42611

SQL4904N The pointer to parameter n of function function is not valid.


The pointer to the specified parameter in the specified function is not valid.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Correct the specified parameter and call the function again.

SQL4905N The value of parameter n of function function is not within the valid range.


The value of the specified parameter in the specified function is outside the valid range for that parameter. If the specified parameter is a structure, it may contain values that are within the valid range but are not valid when considered together. Some structures contain headers that specify the allocated size and how much of that size is being used. It is not valid for the allocated size to be less than the used size.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Correct the specified parameter and call the function again.

SQL4906N The list of table space names specified is an incomplete set for the rollforward operation.


The list of table space names is incomplete for one of the following reasons:
  • For point-in-time table space recovery, a table space list must be specified.
  • For point-in-time table space recovery, a self-contained list of table space names must be specified. The table spaces in the list must contain all objects of every table included in the table spaces.
  • Point-in-time table space recovery is not allowed for the system catalogs.
  • End-of-logs table space recovery is allowed for the system catalogs but it can be the only table space name in the list.
  • The CANCEL option for rollforward must have a table space list if there are no table spaces in "rollforward-in-progress" state.

User response

Check the table space list and resubmit the rollforward command with the complete table space list.

SQL4907W Database name is recovered but one or more of the tables in the table space list included for the rollforward operation are placed in the Set Integrity Pending state.


One or more of the tables involved in the point-in-time tablespace recovery have referential constraints with tables outside of the table space list used for recovery, or have dependent materialized query tables or dependent staging tables outside of the table space list used for recovery. All these tables are placed in the Set Integrity Pending state. Rollforward operation has otherwise completed successfully.

User response

Check the state for the tables in the table spaces and take appropriate actions if necessary.

SQL4908N The table space list specified for roll-forward recovery on database name is invalid on members or nodes node-list.


Check for one or more of the following conditions:

  • The tablespace list contains duplicate names.
  • If starting a new table space rollforward, one or more of the table spaces specified in the list to be rolled forward is not in rollforward pending state on the specified members or nodes.
  • If continuing a table space rollforward that is already in progress, one or more of the table spaces specified in the list to be rolled forward is not in rollforward in progress state or is offline on the specified members or nodes.

User response

Ensure that there are no duplicate table space names in the list.

Use the MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function on the members or nodes specified to find out which table spaces are not ready to be rolled forward. Use the QUERY STATUS option of the rollforward command to determine the status of the table space rollforward. If the rollforward status is "TBS pending", a new table space rollforward can be started. If the rollforward status is "TBS working", a table space rollforward is already in progress.

If starting a new table space rollforward, put the tablespaces into rollforward pending state by restoring them.

If continuing a table space rollforward and one or more of the table spaces involved have been restored and put into rollforward pending state, the table space rollforward in progress must be canceled. Submit the rollforward command again with the CANCEL option and the same table space list. When the rollforward in progress is canceled, the table spaces will have been put into restore pending state. Restore the table spaces and submit the original rollforward command again.

If continuing a table space rollforward and one or more of the table spaces involved is offline, there are three options:

  • Bring the tablespace back online and submit the original rollforward command again.
  • Re-submit the rollforward command but remove the offline tablespaces from the tablespace list. These tablespaces will be put into restore pending state.
  • Submit the rollforward command again with the CANCEL option and the same table space list. When the rollforward in progress is canceled, the table spaces will have been put into restore pending state.

SQL4910N Overflow log path log-path is not valid.


The overflow log path specified on the ROLLFORWARD command is not valid. The overflow log path must be a directory in a file system. This directory must be accessible by the instance owner id.

User response

Resubmit the command with a valid overflow log path.

SQL4911N The host variable data type is not valid.


The data type of the host variable is not valid.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Correct the data type of the host variable and call the function again.

SQL4912N The host variable data length is out of range.


The length of the host variable is not valid.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Correct the length of the host variable and call the function again.

SQL4913N The host variable token ID has already been used.


The token ID of the host variable has already been used. The token ID must be unique within the module.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Correct the token ID of the host variable and call the function again.

SQL4914N The host variable token ID is not valid.


The token ID of the host variable is not valid.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Correct the token ID of the host variable and call the function again.

SQL4915N The "sqlainit" function has already been called.


Precompiler Services has already been initialized.

User response

No action is required. Continue processing.

SQL4916N The "sqlainit" function has not been called.


Precompiler Services must be initialized before the requested function call can be processed.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Issue an sqlainit function call to initialize Precompiler Services.

SQL4917N Element number in the option array is not valid.


The option array contains an element with an option.type or option.value that is not valid. The element number in the message is the nth element in the option portion of the option array.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Correct the values stored in the option array. Call the function again.

SQL4918N The term_option parameter of function "sqlainit" is not valid.


The term_option parameter is not valid.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Correct the term_option parameter and call the function again.

SQL4919N The task_array parameter of function "sqlacmpl" is too small.


The task array structure passed to Precompiler Services on the sqlacmpl function call is too short.

The function did not complete successfully.

User response

Increase the size of the precompiler task array structure allocated by the precompiler. Recompile the application program.

SQL4920N The token_id_array parameter of function "sqlacmpl" is too small.


The token id array structure passed to Precompiler Services on the sqlacmpl() function call is too small.

The function did not complete successfully.

User response

Increase the size of the precompiler token id array structure allocated by the precompiler. Recompile the application program.

SQL4921N The rollforward command failed due to a prior point in time recovery currently in process on all database partitions.


The database is currently in the process of a point in time recovery on all database partitions. A subsequent rollforward command cannot be issued until the prior point in time recovery has been completed or canceled.

User response

Re-issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command using the STOP option without specifying the ON database partition clause.

SQL4930N The bind, rebind, alter, or precompile option or option value option-name is invalid.


Either option-name is an invalid bind, rebind, alter, or precompile option or the value specified for this option is invalid. The bind, rebind, alter, or precompile cannot continue.

User response

Correct the bind, rebind, alter, or precompile option or option value and retry the command or statement.

sqlcode: -4930

sqlstate: 56095

SQL4940N The clause clause is not permitted or is required.


The indicated clause is either not allowed in the context where it appears in the SQL statement or it is required in the statement.

A subquery, an INSERT statement, or a CREATE VIEW statement cannot have INTO, ORDER BY, or FOR UPDATE clauses. An embedded SELECT statement cannot have ORDER BY or FOR UPDATE clauses. An embedded SELECT statement cannot contain a set operator except in a subquery. SELECT statements used in cursor declarations cannot have an INTO clause.

An embedded SELECT statement must have an INTO clause.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Remove or add the clause to correct the statement.

SQL4941N The SQL statement is blank or empty.


The text following EXEC SQL was blank or empty.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Ensure that a valid SQL statement is provided following the word EXEC SQL.

SQL4942N The statement selects an incompatible data type into host variable name.


An embedded SELECT statement selects into a host variable name but the data type of the variable and the corresponding SELECT list element are not compatible. If the data type of the column is date and time, the data type of the variable must be character with an appropriate minimum length. For a user-defined data type, the host variable might be defined with an associated built-in data type that is not compatible with the result type of the FROM SQL transform function defined in the transform group for the statement.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Verify that the table definitions are current and that the host variable has the proper data type.

SQL4943W The number of host variables in the INTO clause is not the same as the number of items in the SELECT clause.


The number of host variables specified in both the INTO clause and the SELECT clause must be the same.

The function is processed.

User response

Correct the application program to specify the same number of host variables as SELECT list expressions.

SQL4944N An update or insert value is NULL, but the object column cannot contain NULL values.


One of the following occurred:
  • The update or insert value was NULL but the object column is declared as NOT NULL in the table definition. Therefore, null values cannot be inserted into that column, and values in that column cannot be set to NULL by an update.
  • The column name list for the INSERT statement omits a column that was declared as NOT NULL in the table definition.
  • The view for the INSERT statement omits a column that was declared as NOT NULL in the base table definition.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Examine the definition of the object table to determine which columns of the table have the NOT NULL attribute, and correct the SQL statement.

SQL4945N The use of a parameter marker is not valid.


Parameter markers can be used only in dynamic SQL statements.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Use host variables instead of parameter markers for static SQL statements.

SQL4946N The cursor or statement name name is not defined.


The cursor or statement name name specified in the statement is not defined.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Check the application program for completeness and possible spelling errors in the cursor or statement names.

SQL4947W An INCLUDE SQLDA statement was encountered and ignored.


The FORTRAN precompiler shipped by the database manager does not support the INCLUDE SQLDA statement.

The statement is ignored. Processing continues.

User response

No action is required. To prevent this message, remove the INCLUDE SQLDA statement from the program.

SQL4950N Compound SQL statements containing user-defined SQLDAs are not supported in this environment.


Compound SQL statements containing user-defined SQLDAs are not supported in a 16-bit application.

User response

Move the statement out of the compound SQL block or replace the statement with one that uses host variables instead of an SQLDA.

SQL4951N The sqlda_id parameter of function name is not valid.


The sqlda_id parameter of the specified function in the application program is not valid. The sqlda_id parameter cannot be null.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Correct the sqlda_id parameter in the application program.

SQL4952N The sqlvar_index parameter of function name is not valid.


The sqlvar_index parameter of the specified function in the application program is not valid. The sqlvar_index may be larger than the number of sqlvar elements in the SQLDA.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Correct the sqlvar_index parameter in the application program.

SQL4953N The call_type parameter of function name is not valid.


The call_type parameter of the specified function in the application is not valid.

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Correct the call_type parameter in the application program.

SQL4954N The section_number parameter of function name is not valid.


The section_number parameter of the specified function in the application program is not valid. Note that for the following SQL statements, the section_number parameter of the function sqlacall() is used to pass in the statement type:

The function cannot be completed.

User response

Correct the section_number parameter in the application program.

SQL4970N Rollforward recovery stopped on the database named database-name because the rollforward utility cannot reach the specified stop point (end-of-log or point-in-time) on the following database partitions: database-partition-list.


This message is returned in the following situations:

  1. The rollforward utility cannot access one or more files because the files are missing or the files have data integrity problems. Here are some examples:
    • A request was made to bring the specified database out of rollforward pending state. However, the rollforward utility cannot find the necessary archive log files in the database log directory or the overflow log directory on the specified database partitions to reach the stopping point from the previous rollforward operation.
    • In a multi-partitioned database environment that is not a DB2 pureScale environment: the rollforward utility cannot find the necessary archive log files to bring a database partition into synchronization with the catalog partition.
  2. This was a point-in-time rollforward in which the specified point-in-time timestamp was not reachable in the log files. This might indicate there are missing log files, or that the point in time was after the end of logs and make the database available. In a partitioned database environment, use the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command with the QUERY STATUS option to ensure that the roll-forward is in a normal state.
  3. This was a DB2 pureScale database rollforward that replayed a log file that was partially shipped from an HADR primary database to an HADR standby database.

    This could happen, for example, if the HADR standby was in remote catchup, then a STOP HADR, or database restore command was run followed by this database rollforward.

    The log file exists but is incomplete and is missing log records. Other log streams may have dependencies on these missing log records.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the database partition list, see the administration notification log for the complete list of database partitions.

Rollforward recovery has stopped. The database is left in rollforward pending state.

User response

  1. Determine the last log file processed by the rollforward by issuing a rollforward command with the QUERY STATUS option. Then ensure that any necessary files, following the last log file processed, are made available by moving them to the appropriate location:
    • Check in the database log directory or the overflow log path (if specified).
    • If log archiving is enabled ensure that the necessary files exist in the archive location. Ensure also that the log archiving retrieval method is working: check the administration notification log for the presence of message ADM0083I and make corrections to the retrieval method if necessary.

    After verifying these two things, re-issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command.

    If the log files are present and re-issuing ROLLFORWARD DATABASE fails (potential data integrity issues with the log files), or the log files cannot be found, restore and rollforward the database to an earlier point in time referenced in one of the processed log files (use a timestamp that is earlier than that of the earliest missing file).

  2. If the point-in-time timestamp was correct, and there are no missing log files, then the point-in-time specified may actually be beyond any work performed against the database. In this case, issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command with the STOP option which will complete the rollforward recovery at the current position in the log files.
  3. If a complete copy of the log file is available on the HADR primary database or some other source such as an archive, copy it to this database's log path (and save any file to be overwritten by making a copy or renaming).

    If no complete copy of the log file is available, then issue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command with the STOP option which will complete the rollforward recovery at the current position in the log files.

SQL4971N Roll-forward recovery on database name on node node-number failed previously while stopping. Roll-forward recovery must be stopped.


A request was made to continue rolling forward the specified database by specifying caller action SQLUM_ROLLFWD. The previous iteration of roll-forward recovery failed while stopping. If rolling forward at the database level, this means that it failed during log truncation. Roll-forward recovery for this database must now be stopped by specifying caller action SQLUM_ROLLFWD_STOP, SQLUM_STOP, SQLUM_ROLLFWD_COMPLETE, or SQLUM_COMPLETE.

Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number indicates which node the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.

User response

Reissue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command with caller action SQLUM_ROLLFWD_STOP, SQLUM_STOP, SQLUM_ROLLFWD_COMPLETE, or SQLUM_COMPLETE. Any stoptime specified will be ignored since the previous stoptime is already being processed.

SQL4972N Log extent extent on node node-number could not be moved to the database logpath.


The Rollforward utility was invoked with the STOP option. As part of roll-forward processing, the log extent extent has to be truncated. This extent must exist in the database logpath. Currently, the extent exists in the overflow log path. An attempt was made to move the extent from the overflow log path to the database logpath. The attempt failed. Roll-forward processing has been stopped.

Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number indicates which node the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.

User response

Move the extent from the overflow log path to the database logpath and then resubmit the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command.

SQL4973N Forward recovery on database name cannot complete because the log information on database partition(s) node-list does not match the corresponding record(s) on the catalog database partition.


The Rollforward utility processed all the log files found on each database partition, but the stop points on the specified database partitions do not match the corresponding records on the catalog database partition. This can be caused by missing log files on either the catalog database partition or on the specified database partitions, or the catalog database partition must be included in the list of database partitions to be rolled forward.

The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE processing stops.

User response

Do one of the following:

  • Check if the catalog database partition needs to be rolled forward. If it does, submit the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command again and include the catalog database partition.
  • Use the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command with the QUERY STATUS option to determine which log files are missing. When you find the log files, put them in the log path or overflow log path and resume forward recovery.
  • If you cannot find the missing log files, restore the database on all database partitions, then do point-in-time recovery using a stoptime that is earlier than that of the earliest missing log file.

SQL4974W The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE QUERY STATUS command encountered sqlcode sqlcode.


The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE QUERY STATUS command encountered an error with the sqlcode sqlcode. The query might not be successful on some nodes for various reasons. The most severe error is indicated by sqlcode. The roll-forward status is only returned for the successful nodes.

User response

Look up the sqlcode sqlcode in the Message Reference, or online to determine the problems on the failed nodes. Take the required corrective actions, then continue the forward recovery on these nodes.

SQL4975W Roll-forward operation was canceled successfully. The database or selected table spaces have to be restored on members or nodes node-list.


A roll-forward operation was canceled before it successfully completed, and the database or selected table spaces are left in in an inconsistent state. The database or selected table spaces are in restore pending state on the listed members or nodes.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the member or node list, see the administration notification log for the complete list of members or nodes.

Note: The member or node numbers provide useful information only in DB2 pureScale environments and partitioned database environments. Otherwise, the information should be ignored.

User response

Restore the database or selected table spaces on the listed members or nodes. The table spaces that are in restore pending state can be identified on the specified members or nodes by the MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function. In environments other than DB2 pureScale environments, you can also use the db2dart utility.

SQL4976N This command cannot be submitted on a non-catalog node.


The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command is only accepted on the catalog node.

When the ON DBPARTITIONNUM clause is specifited on the BACKUP DATABASE command, the command is accepted only on the catalog node.

User response

Submit the command on the catalog node.

SQL4977N Dropped table export directory directory is not valid.


The export directory path specified on the ROLLFORWARD command is not valid. The export directory path must be a directory in a file system. This directory must be accessible by the instance owner id.

User response

Resubmit the command with a valid export directory path.

SQL4978N The dropped table can not be accessed.


The dropped table can not be accessed. This may be due to the table being put into unavailable state because of a LOAD without copy or a NOT LOGGED INITIALLY operation.

User response

The table can not be recovered using the DROPPED TABLE RECOVERY option.

SQL4979W Unable to export the dropped table data.


The command was unable to export the data of the dropped table whose recovery is being attempted. This can happen when the dropped table id specified on the ROLLFORWARD command is invalid, or when not all of the logs are available for roll forward. This warning will be generated when an error occurs during a dropped table recovery using a ROLLFORWARD ... AND STOP command.

User response

Resubmit the command after ensuring that the dropped table id provided is valid, and that all of the logs are available for roll forward.

SQL4980N Recovery on database name has encountered a corrupt log file log-file on database partition dbpart-num and log stream log-stream-ID.


A corrupt log file has been encountered during recovery of the database.

It is possible that a checksum error occurred on a log page. A checksum error indicates that the information in a log page on disk does not match the information that is expected by DB2. The content of this log page cannot be trusted.

User response

Possible actions include:

  • Run hardware diagnostics to check if the system is experiencing any hardware problems.
  • If there is another copy of this log file available, put the file in the database log directory or the overflow log path and reissue the command.
  • For a database rollforward operation in a non-partitioned database environment where a copy of the log file is unavailable, issue a rollforward stop command. This will bring the database to a point before the corrupted log file was encountered. It is important to note that log data beyond this point will not be available.
  • For a database rollforward operation in a partitioned database environment where a copy of the log file is unavailable, restore each database partition and issue a point in time rollforward to a stop time before the corrupt log file is encountered. It is important to note that log database beyond this point will not be available.
  • If the problem persists, save a copy of this corrupted file for analysis by IBM Support. IBM support will be able to determine which page is corrupted.

SQL4981W Data was exported from a dropped table, but the table spaces containing one or more data partitions were not included in the rollforward list. Data for those data partitions will not be present in the export directory.


The command was unable to export the data of one or more data partitions for the dropped table. This can happen if not every table space over which the partitioned table is defined was included on the ROLLFORWARD command. This may be intentional if you are recovering the data from the partitioned table in several passes to limit the size of the file(s) in the export directory. See the administration notification log for the full list of data partitions whose data was not exported.

User response

Resubmit the command after ensuring that the table spaces containing the data partitions listed in the administration notification log are included. If recovering only the previously skipped data partitions, specify a different export file path to avoid overwriting the existing export file(s).

SQL4990N A maximum number of number literals is supported in an SQL statement. Each literal can be a maximum of value bytes in length.


The COBOL precompiler only supports a maximum number of number literals in an SQL statement. Each literal can be a maximum of value bytes in length. A literal represents any input element that is not a host variable (that is, string constant, delimited identifier, non-delimited identifier).

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

Reduce the number of literals present in the SQL statement. Ensure that each literal is not greater than value bytes in length.

SQL4994N Precompilation was ended because of a user interrupt request.


Precompilation was terminated because of an interrupt. The user may have pressed an interrupt key sequence.

Processing is terminated. No package was created.

User response

Resubmit the precompilation if needed.

SQL4997N The authorization ID is not valid.


The authorization ID for the application was specified previously but it was defined with more than 128 characters or with characters that are not valid for an authorization ID.

The authorization ID must not be PUBLIC (public) and it must not begin with SYS (sys), IBM (ibm), or SQL (sql). Also, it must not contain the underscore character or any characters outside the database manager base character set.

The function cannot be processed.

User response

Retry the application with a valid authorization ID.

SQL4998C The application state is in error; the database connection has been lost.


The connection to the database has been lost.

The function cannot be processed.

User response

Reconnect to the database.

SQL4999N A Precompiler Services or Run-time Services error occurred.


A database manager error occurred that prevents Precompiler Services or Run-Time Services from processing function calls.

No Precompiler Services or Run-Time Services function calls can be processed.

User response

Record the message number (SQLCODE) and all error information from the SQLCA if possible.

If trace was active, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt.
  • Environment: Outer Precompiler Using Precompiler Services API
  • Required information:
    • Problem description
    • SQLCA contents if possible
    • Trace file if possible.