CLI/ODBC configuration keywords listing by category

Categorized list of CLI configuration keywords

You can set most CLI/ODBC configuration keywords in the db2cli.ini initialization file or by providing the keyword information in the connection string to the SQLDriverConnect() function. However, you can set the Trusted_Connection keyword only with theSQLDriverConnect() function.

Compatibility configuration keywords

Data source configuration keywords

Data type configuration keywords

Enterprise configuration keywords

Environment configuration keywords

File DSN configuration keywords

Optimization configuration keywords

Use the optimization configuration keywords to speed up and reduce the amount of network flow between the IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI and the server.

Service configuration keywords

Use the service configuration keywords to help in troubleshooting problems with CLI/ODBC connections. Programmers can also use service configuration keywords to gain a better understanding of how their CLI programs are translated into calls to the server.

Static SQL configuration keywords

Transaction configuration keywords