The ACTIVITYTOTALRUNTIME threshold specifies the maximum total run time for an activity.

Definition domain
Database, work Action, service superclass, service subclass, statement, and workload.
Enforcement scope
Tracked work
Recognized coordinator and nested activities (see Activities)
Predictive or reactive

This threshold specifies the maximum total run time for an activity. For this threshold, total run time is defined as the elapsed time from the start of execution of the activity until the end of activity execution. Specifically, for SQL statements, the start of execution is the time at which the compiled section begins executing. The total run time does not include time that the activity spends queued by workload manager (WLM) concurrency thresholds. Total run time includes time that is spent while waiting to run nested activities. For example, for a CALL statement, the total run time is the elapsed time for the execution of the stored procedure that is invoked by the CALL. This time might include queue time for child activities that are issued by the stored procedure. The total run time also includes time when the activity is IDLE waiting for a request from the client. For example, for cursor activities, time spent waiting between FETCH requests is considered part of the activity total run time.

The ACTIVITYTOTALRUNTIME threshold is functionally equivalent to the ACTIVITYTOTALTIME threshold with one exception. The difference is that the time value that is measured by ACTIVITYTOTALTIME includes time spent queued by WLM concurrency thresholds. However, ACTIVITYTOTALRUNTIME excludes this time.