Updating Db2 Text Search server information

Db2 Text Search server information is used in the database to connect to the Text Search server to administer and search in text search indexes. Valid settings are therefore required to ensure proper functioning of the system and must be defined in the text search catalog SYSIBMTS.TSSERVERS administrative view.

Before you begin

Updating text search server information requires the SYSTS_ADM role and DBADM privileges on the specified database.

About this task

The server information consists mainly of connection information, like the server host name, the server token value and the server port number, and server characteristics, like server locale, whether the text search setup is enabled for rich text support, and an indication whether the search server utilized by the Db2 instance is integrated (configured by Db2 as part of the Db2 instance) or a separate stand-alone installation of the text search server.

The update is required initially for the following scenarios:
  • an incomplete enablement warning message is encountered when enabling the database for text search.
  • initial configuration of a stand-alone text search server
  • partitioned databases
  • Db2 Text Search upgrades
  • stored procedures are used for administration from a client machine
  • and further on, following any updates to text search server connection information.

During database enablement the SYSIBMTS.TSSERVERS administrative view is updated with initial connection information for the integrated server, if the necessary authorization to access the configuration is available. Review and update the text server information in SYSIBMTS.TSSERVERS with the relevant text search server data and run the SYSTS_CONFIGURE procedure to apply the updated information. For multiple databases in the instance, configure each database with the information for the same text search server.

When re-configuration is needed, ensure that no text search administrative operation is active and shut down the text search server before applying any changes.

Certain aspects relating to the text search installation and Db2 instance configuration for text search have to be updated. They include:
  • An indication whether the search server utilized by the Db2 instance is integrated (configured by Db2 as part of the Db2 instance), or if it is a separate stand-alone installation of the text search server.
  • An indication if the text search setup is enabled for rich text support.


To updating Db2 Text Search server information:

  1. Get the needed text search server property values, such as host name, token, and port number, by issuing the configTool command with the printAll option. For more details, see the topic about configTool.
  2. Review the entries in the SYSIBMTS.TSSERVERS administrative view and make any necessary update:
    • If the view is empty then use an INSERT statement. For example:
      values ('localhost', 55000, 'XbS2gos=', 'XbSer2gkdfshuyos=', 1,  0);
    • If the view already contains a row then use a UPDATE statement. For example:
      = ('tsmach1.ibm.com', 55002, 'k3j4fjk9u=');
    Make sure to use the actual hostname or IP address instead of localhost if multiple database partitions are used, or administrative operations are executed from a client. This applies not only to local installs of a stand-alone text search server, but also to integrated servers.
  3. Execute the SYSTS_CONFIGURE procedure. For more details, see the topic about the SYSTS_CONFIGURE procedure.
  4. Verify the values in the SYSIBMTS.TSSERVERS administrative view are those returned by configuration tool.
  5. Start the text search service to verify that the text search server can be contacted.