Audit facility behavior

This topic provides background information to help you understand how the timing of writing audit records to the log can affect database performance; how to manage errors that occur within the audit facility; and how audit records are generated in different situations.

Controlling the timing of writing audit records to the active log

The writing of the audit records to the active log can take place synchronously or asynchronously with the occurrence of the events causing the generation of those records. The value of the audit_buf_sz database manager configuration parameter determines when the writing of audit records is done.

If the value of audit_buf_sz is zero (0), the writing is done synchronously. The event generating the audit record waits until the record is written to disk. The wait associated with each record causes the performance of the Db2® database to decrease.

If the value of audit_buf_sz is greater than zero, the record writing is done asynchronously. The value of the audit_buf_sz when it is greater than zero is the number of 4 KB pages used to create an internal buffer. The internal buffer is used to keep a number of audit records before writing a group of them out to disk. The statement generating the audit record as a result of an audit event will not wait until the record is written to disk, and can continue its operation.

In the asynchronous case, it could be possible for audit records to remain in an unfilled buffer for some time. To prevent this from happening for an extended period, the database manager forces the writing of the audit records regularly. An authorized user of the audit facility can also flush the audit buffer with an explicit request. Also, the buffers are automatically flushed during an archive operation.

There are differences when an error occurs dependent on whether there is synchronous or asynchronous record writing. In asynchronous mode, there might be some records lost because the audit records are buffered before being written to disk. In synchronous mode, there might be one record lost because the error could only prevent at most one audit record from being written.

Managing audit facility errors

The setting of the ERRORTYPE audit facility parameter controls how errors are managed between the Db2 database system and the audit facility. When the audit facility is active, and the setting of the ERRORTYPE audit facility parameter is AUDIT, then the audit facility is treated in the same way as any other part of Db2 database. An audit record must be written (to disk in synchronous mode; or to the audit buffer in asynchronous mode) for an audit event associated with a statement to be considered successful. Whenever an error is encountered when running in this mode, a negative SQLCODE is returned to the application for the statement generating an audit record.

If the error type is set to NORMAL, then any error from db2audit is ignored and the operation's SQLCODE is returned.

Audit records generated in different situations

Depending on the API or query statement and the audit settings, none, one, or several audit records might be generated for a particular event. For example, an SQL UPDATE statement with a SELECT subquery might result in one audit record containing the results of the authorization check for UPDATE privilege on a table and another record containing the results of the authorization check for SELECT privilege on a table.

For dynamic data manipulation language (DML) statements, audit records are generated for all authorization checking at the time that the statement is prepared. Reuse of those statements by the same user will not be audited again since no authorization checking takes place at that time. However, if a change was made to one of the catalog tables containing privilege information, then in the next unit of work, the statement privileges for the cached dynamic SQL or XQuery statements are checked again and one or more new audit records created.

For a package containing only static DML statements, the only auditable event that could generate an audit record is the authorization check to see if a user has the privilege to execute that package. The authorization checking and possible audit record creation required for the static SQL or XQuery statements in the package is carried out at the time the package is precompiled or bound. The execution of the static SQL or XQuery statements within the package is auditable using the EXECUTE category. When a package is bound again either explicitly by the user, or implicitly by the system, audit records are generated for the authorization checks required by the static SQL or XQuery statements.

For statements where authorization checking is performed at statement execution time (for example, data definition language (DDL), GRANT, and REVOKE statements), audit records are generated whenever these statements are used.

Note: When executing DDL, the section number recorded for all events (except the context events) in the audit record will be zero (0) no matter what the actual section number of the statement might have been.