The SYSTOOLS.OPT_PROFILE table contains all of the optimization profiles.

There are two methods to create this table:
  • Call the SYSINSTALLOBJECTS procedure:
       db2 "call sysinstallobjects('opt_profiles', 'c', '', '')"
  • Issue the CREATE TABLE statement:
       create table systools.opt_profile (
         schema  varchar(128) not null,
         name    varchar(128) not null,
         profile blob (2m)    not null,
         primary key (schema, name)
The columns in the SYSTOOLS.OPT_PROFILE table are defined as follows:
Specifies the schema name for an optimization profile. The name can include up to 30 alphanumeric or underscore characters, but define it as VARCHAR(128), as shown.
Specifies the base name for an optimization profile. The name can include up to 128 alphanumeric or underscore characters.
Specifies an XML document that defines the optimization profile.