DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

System administration authority (SYSADM)

The SYSADM authority level is the highest level of administrative authority at the instance level. Users with SYSADM authority can run some utilities and issue some database and database manager commands within the instance.

SYSADM authority is assigned to the group specified by the sysadm_group configuration parameter. Membership in that group is controlled outside the database manager through the security facility used on your platform.

Only a user with SYSADM authority can perform the following functions:

A user with SYSADM authority can grant and revoke table space privileges and can also use any table space.

Note: When a user with SYSADM authority creates a database, that user is automatically granted ACCESSCTRL, DATAACCESS, DBADM and SECADM authority on the database. If you want to prevent that user from accessing that database as a database administrator or a security administrator, you must explicitly revoke these database authorities from the user.

In releases before Version 9.7, SYSADM authority included implicit DBADM authority and also provided the ability to grant and revoke all authorities and privileges. In Version 9.7, the DB2® authorization model has been updated to clearly separate the duties of the system administrator, the database administrator, and the security administrator. As part of this enhancement, the abilities given by the SYSADM authority have been reduced.

In Version 9.7, only SECADM authority provides the ability to grant and revoke all authorities and privileges.

For a user holding SYSADM authority to obtain the same capabilities as in Version 9.5 (other than the ability to grant SECADM authority), the security administrator must explicitly grant the user DBADM authority and grant the user the new DATAACCESS and ACCESSCTRL authorities. These new authorities can be granted by using the GRANT DBADM ON DATABASE statement with the WITH DATAACCESS and WITH ACCESSCTRL options of that statement, which are default options. The DATAACCESS authority is the authority that allows access to data within a specific database, and the ACCESSCTRL authority is the authority that allows a user to grant and revoke privileges and non-administrative authorities within a specific database.

Considerations for the Windows LocalSystem account

On Windows systems, when the sysadm_group database manager configuration parameter is not specified, the LocalSystem account is considered a system administrator (holding SYSADM authority). Any DB2 application that is run by LocalSystem is affected by the change in scope of SYSADM authority in Version 9.7. These applications are typically written in the form of Windows services and run under the LocalSystem account as the service logon account. If there is a need for these applications to perform database actions that are no longer within the scope of SYSADM, you must grant the LocalSystem account the required database privileges or authorities. For example, if an application requires database administrator capabilities, grant the LocalSystem account DBADM authority using the GRANT (Database Authorities) statement. Note that the authorization ID for the LocalSystem account is SYSTEM.