DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Incremental backup and recovery

As the size of databases, and particularly warehouses, continues to expand into the terabyte and petabyte range, the time and hardware resources required to back up and recover these databases is also growing substantially.
Full database and table space backups are not always the best approach when dealing with large databases, because the storage requirements for multiple copies of such databases are enormous.
Consider the following issues:
  • When a small percentage of the data in a warehouse changes, it should not be necessary to back up the entire database.
  • Appending table spaces to existing databases and then taking only table space backups is risky, because there is no guarantee that nothing outside of the backed up table spaces has changed between table space backups.

To address these issues, DB2® provides incremental backup and recovery.

An incremental backup is a backup image that contains only pages that have been updated since the previous backup was taken. In addition to updated data and index pages, each incremental backup image also contains all of the initial database metadata (such as database configuration, table space definitions, database history, and so on) that is normally stored in full backup images.
  1. If a table space contains long field or large object data and an incremental backup is taken, all of the long field or large object data will be copied into the backup image if any of the pages in that table space have been modified since the previous backup.
  2. If you take an incremental backup of a table space that contains a dirty page (that is, a page that contains data that has been changed but has not yet been written to disk) then all large object data is backed up. Normal data is backed up only if it has changed.
  3. Data redistribution might create table spaces for all new database partitions if the ADD DBPARTITIONNUMS parameter on the REDISTRIBUTE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP command is specified; this can affect incremental backup operations.
Two types of incremental backup are supported:

The key difference between incremental and delta backup images is their behavior when successive backups are taken of an object that is continually changing over time. Each successive incremental image contains the entire contents of the previous incremental image, plus any data that has changed, or is new, since the previous full backup was produced. Delta backup images contain only the pages that have changed since the previous image of any type was produced.

Combinations of database and table space incremental backups are permitted, in both online and offline modes of operation. Be careful when planning your backup strategy, because combining database and table space incremental backups implies that the predecessor of a database backup (or a table space backup of multiple table spaces) is not necessarily a single image, but could be a unique set of previous database and table space backups taken at different times.

To restore the database or the table space to a consistent state, the recovery process must begin with a consistent image of the entire object (database or table space) to be restored, and must then apply each of the appropriate incremental backup images in the order described in the following list.

To enable the tracking of database updates, DB2 supports a new database configuration parameter, trackmod, which can have one of two accepted values:

For SMS and DMS table spaces, the granularity of this tracking is at the table space level. In table space level tracking, a flag for each table space indicates whether or not there are pages in that table space that need to be backed up. If no pages in a table space need to be backed up, the backup operation can skip that table space altogether.

Although minimal, the tracking of updates to the database can have an impact on the runtime performance of transactions that update or insert data.