DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

tp_mon_name - Transaction processor monitor name configuration parameter

This parameter identifies the name of the transaction processing (TP) monitor product being used.

Configuration type
Database manager
Applies to
  • Database server with local and remote clients
  • Client
  • Database server with local clients
  • Partitioned database server with local and remote clients
Parameter type
No default
Valid values
  • CICS®
  • MQ
  • CB
  • SF
  • blank or some other value (for UNIX and Windows; no other possible values for Solaris or SINIX)
  • If applications are run in a WebSphere® Enterprise Server Edition CICS environment, this parameter should be set to "CICS"
  • If applications are run in a WebSphere Enterprise Server Edition Component Broker environment, this parameter should be set to "CB"
  • If applications are run in an IBM® MQSeries® environment, this parameter should be set to "MQ"
  • If applications are run in a BEA Tuxedo environment, this parameter should be set to "TUXEDO"
  • If applications are run in an IBM San Francisco environment, this parameter should be set to "SF".

IBM WebSphere EJB and Microsoft Transaction Server users do not need to configure any value for this parameter.

If none of the products mentioned previously are being used, this parameter should not be configured but left blank.

In previous versions of IBM DB2® on Windows, this parameter contained the path and name of the DLL which contained the XA Transaction Manager's functions ax_reg and ax_unreg. This format is still supported. If the value of this parameter does not match any of the previously mentioned TP Monitor names, it will be assumed that the value is a library name which contains the ax_reg and ax_unreg functions. This is true for UNIX and Windows environments.

TXSeries™ CICS Users: In previous versions of this product on Windows it was required to configure this parameter as "libEncServer:C" or "libEncServer:E". While this is still supported, it is no longer required. Configuring the parameter as "CICS" is sufficient.

MQSeries Users: In previous versions of this product on Windows it was required to configure this parameter as "mqmax". While this is still supported, it is no longer required. Configuring the parameter as "MQ" is sufficient.

Component Broker Users: In previous versions of this product on Windows it was required to configure this parameter as "somtrx1i". While this is still supported, it is no longer required. Configuring the parameter as "CB" is sufficient.

San Francisco Users: In previous versions of this product on Windows it was required to configure this parameter as "ibmsfDB2". While this is still supported, it is no longer required. Configuring the parameter as "SF" is sufficient.

The maximum length of the string that can be specified for this parameter is 19 characters.

It is also possible to configure this information in IBM DB2 Version 9.1's XA OPEN string. If multiple Transaction Processing Monitors are using a single DB2 instance, then it will be required to use this capability.