DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Registering a DB2 database product or feature license key using the db2licm command

Use the db2licm command to apply the license entitlement certificate (also referred to as registering a license key).

Before you begin

To complete this task, you must have the appropriate license file (*.lic).

To connect to a z/OS® server or a System i® server, you must register a DB2 Connect™ license key. (Retrieve the license file from your Passport Advantage® distribution, for example db2conpe.lic, then copy the license file to the license directory under the directory where the driver was installed.)

If you are using DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for z/OS, then use a server based license key. This one step will prevent the need for client based license keys. For details, see the topic about activating the license key for DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for System z®.

On Windows operating systems, you must belong to the local Administrators or Power Users group to use the db2licm command with the -a command parameter.
