DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

sqlcspqy API - List DRDA indoubt transactions

Provides a list of transactions that are indoubt between the syncpoint manager partner connections. This API is being deprecated. See db2SpmListIndTrans API - List SPM Indoubt Transactions.



Required connection


API include file


API and data structure syntax

extern int SQL_API_FN sqlcspqy(SQLCSPQY_INDOUBT     **indoubt_data,
                               sqlint32 *indoubt_count,
                               struct sqlca *sqlca);

sqlcspqy API parameters

Output. A pointer to the returned array.
Output. The number of elements in the returned array.
Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure.

Usage notes

DRDA® indoubt transactions occur when communication is lost between coordinators and participants in distributed units of work.

A distributed unit of work lets a user or application read and update data at multiple locations within a single unit of work. Such work requires a two-phase commit.

The first phase requests all the participants to prepare for commit. The second phase commits or rolls back the transactions. If a coordinator or participant becomes unavailable after the first phase then the distributed transactions are indoubt.

Before issuing the LIST DRDA INDOUBT TRANSACTIONS command, the application process must be connected to the Sync Point Manager (SPM) instance. Use the spm_name database manager configuration parameter as the dbalias on the CONNECT statement.