DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Restarting a failed ingest operation

If an INGEST command fails before completing and you want to restart it, reissue the INGEST command with the RESTART CONTINUE option. This second INGEST command starts from the last commit point and is also restartable.

Before you begin

The userid restarting the failed INGEST command must have SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE privilege on the restart log table.

About this task

The INGEST utility considers a command to be complete when it reaches the end of the file or pipe. Under any other conditions, the INGEST utility considers the command incomplete. These can include:
  • The INGEST command gets an I/O error while reading the input file or pipe.
  • The INGEST command gets a critical system error from the DB2® database system.
  • The INGEST command gets a DB2 database system error that is likely to prevent any further SQL statements in the INGEST command from succeeding (for example, if the table no longer exists).
  • The INGEST command is killed or terminates abnormally.


If the third, fourth, fifth, or ninth restriction is violated, the ingest utility issues an error and ends the INGEST command. In the case of the other restrictions, the ingest utility does not issue an error, but the restarted INGEST command might produce different output rows than the original would have if it had completed.


To restart a failed INGEST operation, do the following:

  1. Use the available information to diagnose and correct the problem that caused the failure
  2. Reissue the INGEST command, specifying the RESTART CONTINUE option with the appropriate job-id.


Once the restarted INGEST command completes, you can reuse the job-id on a later INGEST command.


The following INGEST command failed:
INGEST FROM FILE my_file.txt 
      $field1 INTEGER EXTERNAL,
      $field2 DATE 'mm/dd/yyyy',
      $field3 CHAR(32)
   RESTART NEW 'ingestjob001'
   INSERT INTO my_table 
      VALUES($field1, $field2, $field3);
The DBA corrects the problem that cause the failure and restarts the INGEST command (which starts from the last commit point) with the following command:
INGEST FROM FILE my_file.txt 
      $field1 INTEGER EXTERNAL,
      $field2 DATE 'mm/dd/yyyy',
      $field3 CHAR(32)
   RESTART CONTINUE 'ingestjob001'
   INSERT INTO my_table 
      VALUES($field1, $field2, $field3);