The statement table, DSN_STATEMNT_TABLE, contains information about the estimated cost of specified SQL statements.

Begin program-specific programming interface information.
Recommendation: Do not manually insert data into system-maintained EXPLAIN tables, and use care when deleting obsolete EXPLAIN table data. The data is intended to be manipulated only by the Db2 EXPLAIN function and optimization tools. Certain optimization tools depend on instances of the various EXPLAIN tables. Be careful not to delete data from or drop instances EXPLAIN tables that are created for these tools.


Start of changeYour subsystem or data sharing group can contain multiple instances of these tables that are qualified by user ID. These tables are populated with statement cost information when you issue the EXPLAIN statement or bind. They are also populated when you specify EXPLAIN(YES) or EXPLAIN(ONLY) in a BIND or REBIND command. SQL optimization tools might also create EXPLAIN tables that are qualified by a user ID. You can find the SQL statement for creating an instance of these tables in member DSNTESC of the SDSNSAMP library.End of change

Sample CREATE TABLE statement

You can find a sample CREATE TABLE statement for each EXPLAIN table in member DSNTESC of the prefix.SDSNSAMP library. You can call the ADMIN_EXPLAIN_MAINT stored procedure to create EXPLAIN tables, upgrade them to the format for the current Db2 release, or complete other maintenance tasks. See ADMIN_EXPLAIN_MAINT stored procedure for information about using the action input parameter to request each of these tasks.

Column descriptions

The following table describes the content of each column in STATEMNT_TABLE.

Table 1. Descriptions of columns in DSN_STATEMNT_TABLE
Column name Data type Description
QUERYNO INTEGER NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT A number that identifies the statement that is being explained. The origin of the value depends on the context of the row:
For rows produced by EXPLAIN statements
The number specified in the QUERYNO clause, which is an optional part of the SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, MERGE, and DELETE statement syntax.
For rows not produced by EXPLAIN statements
Db2 assigns a number that is based on the line number of the SQL statement in the source program.

When the values of QUERYNO are based on the statement number in the source program, values that exceed 32767 are reported as 0. However, in certain rare cases, the value is not guaranteed to be unique.

Start of changeWhen the SQL statement is embedded in a compiled SQL function, native SQL procedure, or advanced trigger, if the QUERYNO clause is specified, its value is used by Db2. Otherwise Db2 assigns a number based on the line number of the SQL statement in the compiled SQL function, native SQL procedure, or advanced trigger.End of change

APPLNAME VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT The name of the application plan for the row. Applies only to embedded EXPLAIN statements that are executed from a plan or to statements that are explained when binding a plan. A blank indicates that the column is not applicable.

Start of changeWhen the SQL statement is embedded in a compiled SQL function, native SQL procedure, or advanced trigger, this column is not used, and is blank.End of change

PROGNAME VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT The name of the program or package containing the statement being explained. Applies only to embedded EXPLAIN statements and to statements explained as the result of binding a plan or package. A blank indicates that the column is not applicable.

Start of changeWhen the SQL statement is embedded in a compiled SQL function or native SQL procedure, this column indicates the specific name of the compiled SQL function or native SQL procedure. When the SQL statement is embedded in an advanced trigger, this column contains the name of the trigger.End of change

The row originates from the dynamic statement cache.
The row originates from an application that specifies YES for the value of the CURRENT EXPLAIN MODE special register.
The row originates from an application that specifies EXPLAIN for the value of the CURRENT EXPLAIN MODE special register.

Start of changeWhen the SQL statement is embedded in a compiled SQL function, native SQL procedure, or advanced trigger, this column indicates the schema name of the compiled SQL function, native SQL procedure, or advanced trigger.End of change

GROUP_MEMBER VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT The member name of the Db2 that executed EXPLAIN. The column is blank if the Db2 subsystem was not in a data sharing environment when EXPLAIN was executed.
EXPLAIN_TIME TIMESTAMP NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT The time when the EXPLAIN information was captured:
All cached statements
When the statement entered the cache, in the form of a full-precision timestamp value.
Non-cached static statements
When the statement was bound, in the form of a full precision timestamp value.
Non-cached dynamic statements
When EXPLAIN was executed, in the form of a value equivalent to a CHAR(16) representation of the time appended by 4 zeros.
STMT_TYPE CHAR(6) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT The type of statement being explained. Possible values are:
Start of changePRUNEDEnd of change
Start of changeA query that always returns 0 rows.End of change
Start of changeblankEnd of change
Start of changeNone of the above statement types.End of change
COST_CATEGORY CHAR(1) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT Indicates if Db2 was forced to use default values when making its estimates. Possible values:
Indicates that Db2 had enough information to make a cost estimate without using default values.
Indicates that some condition exists for which Db2 was forced to use default values. See the values in REASON to determine why Db2 was unable to put this estimate in cost category A.
PROCMS INTEGER NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT The estimated processor cost, in milliseconds, for the SQL statement. The estimate is rounded up to the next integer value. The maximum value for this cost is 2147483647 milliseconds, which is equivalent to approximately 24.8 days. If the estimated value exceeds this maximum, the maximum value is reported. If an accelerator is used, the difference is reflected in this value.
PROCSU INTEGER NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT The estimated processor cost, in service units, for the SQL statement. The estimate is rounded up to the next integer value. The maximum value for this cost is 2147483647 service units. If the estimated value exceeds this maximum, the maximum value is reported. If an accelerator is used, this value represents the estimated cost including any impact of acceleration.
REASON VARCHAR(254) WITH DEFAULT A string that indicates the reasons for putting an estimate into cost category B.
The query is eligible for acceleration.
The query is not eligible for acceleration.
A subselect in the SQL statement contains a HAVING clause.
The statement uses host variables, parameter markers, or special registers.
An statement-level access path, or PLAN_TABLE access path hint is applied to the statement, or APREUSE(ERROR/WARN) is applied for the package.
When profile monitoring is used for the statement, the value of the PROFILEID column in SYSIBM.DSN_PROFILE_TABLE.
Referential constraints of the type CASCADE or SET NULL exist on the target table of a DELETE statement.
The cardinality statistics are missing for one or more of the tables that are used in the statement, or the statement used materialized views or table expressions.
Triggers are defined on the target table of an insert, update, or delete operation.
The statement uses user-defined functions.
STMT_ENCODE CHAR(1) WITH DEFAULT Encoding scheme of the statement. If the statement represents a single CCSID set, the possible values are:

If the statement has multiple CCSID sets, the value is M.

TOTAL_COST FLOAT NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT The overall estimated cost of the statement. If an accelerator is used, the benefit is reflected in this value. . Use this value for reference purposes only. Db2 does not always choose the access path that has the lowest TOTAL_COST value. Db2 also uses other factors during access path selection, such as the reliability of the filter factor estimates.
SECTNOI INTEGER NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT The section number of the statement. The value is taken from the same column in SYSPACKSTMT or SYSSTMT tables and can be used to join tables to reconstruct the access path for the statement. This column is applicable only for static statements. The default value of -1 indicates EXPLAIN information that was captured in DB2® 9 or earlier.
VERSION VARCHAR(122) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT The version identifier for the package. Applies only to an embedded EXPLAIN statement executed from a package or to a statement that is explained when binding a package.

Start of changeIf the value is not blank, the value is the same as the VERSION value for the package that was used to create this EXPLAIN table row.End of change

Start of changeThe value is blank for a statement in:End of changeStart of change
  • A package for a basic trigger (TYPE='T')
  • A package for an application that was precompiled without SQL processing option VERSION
  • A package that was precompiled with an empty string for the VERSION value (TYPE=blank)
End of change Start of changeWhen the SQL statement is embedded in a compiled SQL function or native SQL procedure, this column indicates the version identifier of the function or procedure. When the SQL statement is embedded in an advanced trigger body, this column is not used and will be blank.End of change
This column applies only to statements that reference archive tables or temporal tables. For other statements, this column is blank.

Indicates the effect of the CURRENT TEMPORAL BUSINESS_TIME special register, the CURRENT TEMPORAL SYSTEM_TIME special register, and the SYSIBMADM.GET_ARCHIVE built-in global variable. These items are controlled by the BUSTIMESENSITIVE, SYSTIMESENSITIVE, and ARCHIVESENSITIVE bind options.

Db2 implicitly adds certain syntax to the query if one of the following conditions are true:
  • The SYSIBMADM.GET_ARCHIVE global variable is set to Y and the ARCHIVESENSITIVE bind option is set to YES
  • The CURRENT TEMPORAL BUSINESS_TIME special register is not null and the BUSTIMESENSITIVE bind option is set to YES
  • The CURRENT TEMPORAL SYSTEM_TIME special register is not null and the SYSTIMESENSITIVE bind option is set to YES
This column can have one of the following values:
The query contains implicit query transformation as a result of the SYSIBMADM.GET_ARCHIVE built-in global variable.
The query contains implicit query transformation as a result of the CURRENT TEMPORAL BUSINESS_TIME special register.
The query contains implicit query transformation as a result of the CURRENT TEMPORAL SYSTEM_TIME special register.
The query contains implicit query transformation as a result of the CURRENT TEMPORAL SYSTEM_TIME special register and the CURRENT TEMPORAL BUSINESS_TIME special register.
The query does not contain implicit query transformation.
Start of changeAPCOMPARE_STATUSEnd of change Start of changeCHAR(1) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULTEnd of change Start of changeThe status of the access path comparison operation for the APCOMPARE option of a BIND or REBIND command.
Access path comparison succeeded, and the structure of the new access path matches the previous access path.
The structure of the new access path does not match the previous access path, or the access path comparison operation failed.
No match was found.
This is the default value. APCOMPARE is not used, APCOMPARE was used prior to Db2 12, or APCOMPARE was used before this column was added to the table.
End of change
Start of changeAPREUSE_STATUSEnd of change Start of changeCHAR(1) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULTEnd of change Start of changeThe status of the access path reuse operation for the APREUSE option of a BIND or REBIND command.
Access path reuse succeeded.
Access path reuse failed.
No match was found.
This is the default value. APREUSE was not used, APREUSE was used prior to Db2 12, or APREUSE was used before this column was added to the table.
End of change
Start of changeAPREUSE_VERSIONEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(122) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULTEnd of change Start of changeThe version identifier for the package. The value is the bind version of the package whose access path is reused. The default value blank is used when APREUSE_STATUS is blank.End of change
Start of changeAPREUSE_COPYIDEnd of change Start of changeINTEGER NOT NULL WITH DEFAULTEnd of change Start of changeThe copy number of identifier for the package. The value is the copy number of the package whose access plan is being taken to be reused. The default value -1 blank is used when APREUSE_STATUS is blank.End of change
Start of changeEXPLAIN_TYPEEnd of change Start of changeCHAR(1)End of change Start of changeThe type of action that created the row:
Automatic bind
BIND command
Dynamic EXPLAIN statement
REBIND command
The row existed before this column was added to the table. This is the default value.
End of change
Start of change PER_STMT_ID End of change Start of change BIGINT NOT NULL End of change Start of changeThe persistent statement identifier for SQL statements in Db2 catalog tables.
For example, this column corresponds to the following catalog table columns that identify SQL statements:
  • STMT_ID in SYSIBM.SYSPACKSTMT, for SQL statements in packages.
  • SDQ_STMT_ID in SYSIBM.SYSDYNQUERY, for stabilized dynamic SQL statements.
End of change
Start of changeQUERY_HASHEnd of change Start of changeCHAR(16) NOT NULL FOR BIT DATAEnd of change Start of changeThe hash key that is generated by the statement text. Start of changeThis value is not unique for each statement. Other columns for the collection ID, package name, section number, and query number can be used with the hash key for uniqueness.End of changeEnd of change
Start of changeFUNCTION_LVLEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(10) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULTEnd of change Start of changeStart of changeThe function level of the Db2 subsystem when the access path was selected for the statement.End of changeEnd of change
Start of changeSTMT_HASHID2End of change Start of changeCHAR(8) FOR BIT DATAEnd of change Start of changeUsed to identify an SQL statement. Based on normalized SQL statement text.
  • Includes certain BIND options for static SQL, and PREPARE attributes for dynamic SQL.
  • Includes COLLID and PACKAGE name for static SQL.
  • Excludes COLLID and PACKAGE name for dynamic SQL.
  • Excludes VERSION name for static SQL.
End of change
Start of changeSTMT_HASH2VEREnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeUsed to identify the version of the hash algorithm that is used to compute the STMT_HASHID2 value. End of change
Start of changeAP_PLANIDEnd of change Start of changeCHAR(16) FOR BIT DATAEnd of change Start of changeA unique identifier for BIND or PREPARE optimizations for an SQL statement, in the form of an extended timestamp value.End of change
Start of changeAP_PLANHASHEnd of change Start of changeCHAR(16) FOR BIT DATAEnd of change Start of changeUsed to identify an access path. Based on selected columns of the PLAN_TABLE which contribute to the access path. Excludes cols that don’t affect the access path, such as APPLNAME, PROGNAME, VERSION, etc.End of change
Start of changeAP_PLANHASHVEREnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeUsed to identify the version of the hash algorithm that is used to compute the AP_PLANHASH value.End of change
Start of changeAP_SERVICE_DATAEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(512) FOR BIT DATAEnd of change Start of changeUsed to save optimizer-sensitive environment variables at the time of optimization.End of change
Start of changeCONNECTION_TYPEEnd of change Start of changeCHAR(8)End of change Start of changeConnection type which did the PREPARE or BIND for the statement.End of change
Start of changeCLIENT_USERIDEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(128)End of change Start of changeThe client user ID name information.End of change
Start of changeCLIENT_APPLNAMEEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(255)End of change Start of changeThe client application name information.End of change
Start of changeCLIENT_WRKSTNNAMEEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(255)End of change Start of changeThe client workstation name information.End of change

End program-specific programming interface information.