Creating a FlashCopy image copy with REORG INDEX

As part of REORG INDEX processing, you can use FlashCopy® technology to quickly take image copies of the target objects.

About this task

Restriction: You cannot create FlashCopy image copies of indexes that are defined with the COPY NO attribute.


To create a FlashCopy image copy with REORG INDEX:

Specify FLASHCOPY(YES) or FLASHCOPY(CONSISTENT) in the REORG INDEX utility control statement.
Alternatively, you can set the FLASHCOPY_REORG_INDEX subsystem parameter to YES, which specifies that REORG INDEX is to use FLASHCOPY(YES) by default. The value that you specify for the FLASHCOPY option in the REORG INDEX statement always overrides the value for the FLASHCOPY_REORG_INDEX subsystem parameter.

Optionally, you can also specify FCCOPYDDN in the REORG INDEX statement. Use this option to specify a template for the FlashCopy image copy. If you do not specify the FCCOPYDDN option in the REORG INDEX statement, the utility uses the value from the FCCOPYDDN subsystem parameter.

Restriction: The data sets that you specify for the FlashCopy image copy must be on FlashCopy Version 2 disk volumes.

When you specify FLASHCOPY(YES) or FLASHCOPY(CONSISTENT), REORG INDEX uses FlashCopy technology to create a consistent copy of the target objects.

The FlashCopy image copy fails if the FlashCopy Version 2 disk volumes are not available or if any of the other FlashCopy operational restrictions exist. For a list of those operational restrictions, see FlashCopy image copies.