Structured database format

Use the structured database (SDB) format if your installation has a tool for performing structured searches.

Structured symptoms are also called RETAIN symptoms and failure keywords. The structured symptoms consist of a prefix keyword, which identifies the type of symptom, followed by a slash (/) and the data portion of the symptom.

  • The prefix keyword has one to eight characters.
  • All characters must be alphanumeric, or one of the following characters: # @ $.
  • At least one character of data is required.
  • The maximum length, including the prefix, is 15 characters.

For example, the following is a structured search symptom for a message identifier of IEC0201:


The examples in the following sections show both the free format and the structured alternatives. The most commonly used structured search symptoms follow.

Prefix keyword
Abend code
Field or control block name that is involved with the problem
Level of the base system or licensed program
Message ID
Operation code (opcode) for software, such as an assembler opcode
Program command or other software statement, such as JCL, a parameter, or a data set name
Program ID for a component that is involved in the problem
Program return code, generated by software, including reason codes and condition codes
Program temporary fix (PTF) for software that is associated with a problem
Publication ID associated with a problem
Record that is associated with a problem
Register for a software program that is associated with a problem. The value can be the register/PSW difference (rrddd), which the STATUS FAILEDATA subcommand of IPCS provides for abends. The difference (ddd) is a hexadecimal offset from a probable base register or branch register (rr)
Routine ID, such as the name of a CSECT or subroutine. If the RIDS/value has no suffix, the value is a CSECT name. The following suffixes are supported:
  • #L: for a load module
  • #R: for a recovery routine
Value in a field or register. One of the following qualifiers is required as the first character of the value:
  • B: for a bit value'
  • C: for a character value'
  • H: for a hexadecimal value'
Wait state code that is issued by the system or device-issued wait code. One of the following qualifiers is required as the first character of the value:
  • D: for disabled wait (system that is disabled for I/O or external interrupts)
  • E: for enabled wait

A complete list of prefix keywords follows. It provides a symptom-to-keyword cross-reference to aid in selecting SDB keywords.

Symptom Prefix Keyword
abend AB/
access methods RIDS/
address ADRS/
assembler macros RIDS/
assembler messages MS/
clist RIDS/
commands PCSS/
compiler messages MS/
completion codes PRCS/
component PIDS/
condition codes PRCS/
control block FLDS/
control block offset ADRS/
control register REGS/
data set name PCSS/
dependent component PIDS/
device error code PRCS/
diagnose command PCSS/
disabled wait (coded) WS/
displacements ADRS/
displays DEVS/
documents PUBS/
enabled wait (coded) WS/
error code PRCS/
feedback code PRCS/
field FLDS/
field value VALU/
file mode PCSS/
file name PCSS/
file type PCSS/
flag FLDS/
floating-point regs REGS/
fullscreen mode PCSS/
function keys PCSS/
general-purpose regs REGS/
hangs WS/
hung user/task WS/
I/O op codes OPCS/
incorrect output INCORROUT1
JCL cards PCSS/
JCL parameters PCSS/
job step codes PRCS/
keys PCSS/
labels, code FLDS/
language statements PCSS/
level LVLS/
library names PCSS/
line command PCSS/
loops LOOP1
low core address ADRS/
machine checks SIG/
macro as a routine RIDS/
macro as a statement PCSS/
maintenance levels PTFS/
message MS/
module RIDS/
offsets ADRS/
opcode OPCS/
operator commands PCSS/
operator keys PCSS/
operator messages MS/
options PCSS/
overlay OVS/
PA key PCSS/
panel RIDS/
parameters PCSS/
performance PERFM1
PF key PCSS/
procedure names PCSS/
process names PCSS/
profile options PCSS/
program checks AB/
program id RIDS/
program keys PCSS/
program statement PCSS/
PTFs, PE or otherwise PTFS/
publications PUBS/
PUT level PTFS/
reason codes PRCS/
register value VALU/
registers REGS/
release level LVLS/
replies to messages PCSS/
replies to prompts PCSS/
request codes OPCS/
responses to msgs PCSS/
responses to prompts PCSS/
return codes PRCS/
routines RIDS/
service level PTFS/
special characters PCSS/
statements PCSS/
status codes PRCS/
step codes PRCS/
structure word FLDS/
subroutines RIDS/
SYSGEN parameters PCSS/
system check PRCS/
tables FLDS/
terminal keys PCSS/
value VALU/
variable FLDS/
waits (coded) WS/
waits (uncoded) WAIT1
  1. No prefix keyword. Use the failure keyword that is shown for searches.