Contains a string value that indicates whether a reference to an archive-enabled table in a table-reference should include rows in the associated archive table.

This global variable has the following characteristics:
  • It is updatable, with values maintained by the user.
  • The type is CHAR(1).
  • The schema is SYSIBMADM.
  • The scope of this global variable is session.
The global variable can be set to the following:
Specifies that when a table-reference is an archive-enabled table, the table reference includes rows in the associated archive table.

If the SYSIBMADM.GET_ARCHIVE global variable is set to 'Y' and the ARCHIVESENSITIVE bind option is set to 'Y', an archive-enabled table cannot be referenced in an SQL table function or in the definition of a row permission or column mask that is activated by a data change statement or query.

Specifies that when a table-reference is an archive-enabled table, the table reference does not include rows in the associated archive table. This is the default value.