POWER or POW scalar function

The POWER® function returns the value of the first argument to the power of the second argument.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramPOWERPOW1( numeric-expression-1, numeric-expression-2)
  • 1 FL 506 POW is a newly supported name for the POWER function.

The schema is SYSIBM.

Each argument must be an expression that returns the value of any built-in numeric data type. If either argument includes a DECIMAL or REAL data type, but not a DECFLOAT data type, the arguments are converted to a double precision floating-point number for processing by the function. If either argument includes a DECFLOAT data type, the arguments are converted to DECFLOAT for processing by the function.

The result of the function depends on the data type of the arguments:

  • If both arguments are SMALLINT or INTEGER, the result is INTEGER.
  • If either argument is a DECFLOAT, the data type of the result is DECFLOAT(34).
    If either argument is a DECFLOAT and one of the following statements is true, the result is NaN and an invalid operation condition:
    • both arguments are zero
    • the second argument has a non-zero fractional part
    • the second argument has more than 9 digits
    • the second argument is Infinite
  • Otherwise, the result is DOUBLE.

The result can be null; if any argument is null, the result is the null value.


Example 1
Assume that host variable HPOWER is INTEGER with a value of 3. The following statement returns the value 8.
Example 2
The following statement returns the value 1.