Designing EDM storage space for performance

The environmental descriptor manager (EDM) pools contain skeleton application plans and packages, database descriptors, and cached dynamic SQL statements. You can design them to reduce the number of I/O operations and reduce processing times.

About this task

You can design your EDM storage pools to avoid allocation I/O (a significant part of the total number of I/Os for a transaction), reduce the time that is required to check whether users who attempt to execute a plan are authorized to do so, and reduce the time that is required to prepare statements with the statement cache pool.

When pages are needed from the EDM storage pools, any pages that are available are allocated first. If the available pages do not provide enough space to satisfy the request, pages are stolen from an inactive SKCT, SKPT, DBD, or dynamic SQL skeleton. If enough space is still not available, an SQL error code is sent to the application program.

EDM storage pools that are too small cause the following problems.

  • Increased I/O activity in DSNDB01.SCT02, DSNDB01.SPT01, DSNDB01.DBD01, DSNDB01.SYSDBDXA, and DSNDB01.SYSSPUXA
  • Increased response times, because of loading the SKCTs, SKPTs, and DBDs
  • Increased processing and response times time for full prepares of dynamic SQL statements when the EDM statement cache is too small.


To ensure the best performance from EDM pools:

Design your EDM storage according to the following table.
Table 1. Designing the EDM storage pools
Design... To contain...
EDM DBD pool Database descriptors
EDM statement pool The cached dynamic SQL statements
EDM skeleton pool Skeleton copies of plans (SKCTs) and packages (SKPTs)