DSN1940I csect-name COMPRESSION REPORT compression-report


DSN1COMP completed successfully. This message contains the DSN1COMP compression report. The format of compression-report depends on the type of object specified when the utility was run. For more information and examples, see DSN1COMP output.

Table space report format
Start of changeThe DSN1COMP utility report for a table space contains estimates for either fixed-length compression, Huffman compression, or both, depending on:
  • Availability of hardware support for HUFFMAN compression
  • The COMPTYPE parameter
  • The table space type

availability-status is either available or not available.

For a universal table space, If DSN1COMP was run with PARM='COMPTYPE(ALL)', or if the COMPTYPE parameter was omitted on IBM z14 or newer hardware, the DN1COMP utility report for a table space has the following format.

Hardware support for Huffman compression is availablility-status
  |                                   | Uncompressed     | Compressed       | Compressed       |
  |                                   |                  | Fixed            | Huffman          |
  | Data (in KB)                      |              num |              num |              num |
  | Percent savings                   |                  |              num%|              num%|
  |                                   |                  |                  |                  |
  | Average Bytes per row             |              num |              num |              num |
  | Percent savings                   |                  |              num%|              num%|
  |                                   |                  |                  |                  |
  | Data Pages needed                 |              num |              num |              num |
  | Percent Data pages saved          |                  |              num%|              num%|
  |                                   |                  |                  |                  |
  | Dictionary pages required         |              num |              num |              num |
  | Rows scanned to build dictionary  |                  |              num |              num |
  | Rows scanned to provide estimate  |                  |              num |              num |
  | Dictionary Entries                |                  |              num |              num |
  |                                   |                  |                  |                  |
  | Total Pages (Dictionary + Data)   |              num |              num |              num |
  | Percent savings                   |                  |              num%|              num%|

If DSN1COMP was run on with PARM='COMPTYPE(HUFFMAN)', the DN1COMP utility report for a table space has the following format.

Hardware support for Huffman compression is availablility-status
  |                                   | Uncompressed     | Compressed       |
  |                                   |                  | Huffman          |
  | Data (in KB)                      |              num |              num |
  | Percent savings                   |                  |              num%|
  |                                   |                  |                  |
  | Average Bytes per row             |              num |              num |
  | Percent savings                   |                  |              num%|
  |                                   |                  |                  |
  | Data Pages needed                 |              num |              num |
  | Percent Data pages saved          |                  |              num%|
  |                                   |                  |                  |
  | Dictionary pages required         |              num |              num |
  | Rows scanned to build dictionary  |                  |              num |
  | Rows scanned to provide estimate  |                  |              num |
  | Dictionary Entries                |                  |              num |
  |                                   |                  |                  |
  | Total Pages (Dictionary + Data)   |              num |              num |
  | Percent savings                   |                  |              num%|

In the following situations, the DN1COMP utility report for a table space has the following format.

  • The COMPTYPE parameter was omitted on IBM z13 or earlier hardware
  • PARM='COMPTYPE(FIXED)' was specified.
  • A non UTS table space was specified
Hardware support for Huffman compression is availablility-status
  |                                   | Uncompressed     | Compressed       |
  |                                   |                  | Fixed            |
  | Data (in KB)                      |              num |              num |
  | Percent savings                   |                  |              num%|
  |                                   |                  |                  |
  | Average Bytes per row             |              num |              num |
  | Percent savings                   |                  |              num%|
  |                                   |                  |                  |
  | Data Pages needed                 |              num |              num |
  | Percent Data pages saved          |                  |              num%|
  |                                   |                  |                  |
  | Dictionary pages required         |              num |              num |
  | Rows scanned to build dictionary  |                  |              num |
  | Rows scanned to provide estimate  |                  |              num |
  | Dictionary Entries                |                  |              num |
  |                                   |                  |                  |
  | Total Pages (Dictionary + Data)   |              num |              num |
  | Percent savings                   |                  |              num%|
End of change
Index report format
The DN1COMP utility report for an index has the following format.

             num  Index Leaf Pages Processed
             num  Keys Processed
             num  Rids Processed
             num  KB of Key Data Processed
             num  KB of Compressed Keys Produced


             num  K Page Buffer Size yields a
             num  % Reduction in Index Leaf Page Space
                  The Resulting Index would have approximately
             num  % of the original index's Leaf Page Space
                  No Bufferpool Space would be unused

             num  K Page Buffer Size yields a
             num  % Reduction in Index Leaf Page Space
                  The Resulting Index would have approximately
             num  % of the original index's Leaf Page Space
             num  % of Bufferpool Space would be unused to
                  ensure keys fit into compressed buffers
Uncompressed LOB table space format

The DSN1COMP utility report for an uncompressed LOB table space has the following format.

 DSN1COMP run on uncompressed LOB table space

 LOB table space statistics
 Number of LOBs                                                               num LOBs
 Minimum LOB size                                                             num KB
 Maximum LOB size                                                             num KB
 Average LOB size                                                             num KB

 LOB compression ratio
 Total LOB data compressed                                                    num KB
 Total LOB data uncompressed                                                  num KB
 Percentage of KB saved                                                       num %

 Minimum System pages required                                                num Pages
 Data pages needed for compressed LOB table space                             num Pages
 Data pages needed for uncompressed LOB table space                           num Pages
 Percentage of Data pages saved                                               num %

 Current page size                                                            num KB

 Note: System Pages may contain LOB data!
 4K page size:
   Minimum System pages required                                              num Pages
   Additional Data pages needed for compressed LOBs                           num Pages
   Additional Data pages needed for uncompressed LOBs                         num Pages
   Data pages saved (not including system pages)                              num %

 8K page size:
   Minimum System pages required                                              num Pages
   Additional Data pages needed for compressed LOBs                           num Pages
   Additional Data pages needed for uncompressed LOBs                         num Pages
   Data pages saved (not including system pages)                              num %

 16K page size:
   Minimum System pages required                                              num Pages
   Additional Data pages needed for compressed LOBs                           num Pages
   Additional Data pages needed for uncompressed LOBs                         num Pages
   Data pages saved (not including system pages)                              num %

 32K page size:
   Minimum System pages required                                              num Pages
   Additional Data pages needed for compressed LOBs                           num Pages
   Additional Data pages needed for uncompressed LOBs                         num Pages
   Data pages saved (not including system pages)                              num %
Compressed LOB table space format

The DSN1COMP utility report for a compressed LOB table space has the following format.

 DSN1COMP run on compressed LOB table space

 LOB table space statistics
 Number of LOBs                                                               num LOBs
 Minimum LOB size                                                             num KB
 Maximum LOB size                                                             num KB
 Average LOB size                                                             num KB

 Table space with compression (in KB)
 Total uncompressed data                                                      num KB
 Total compressed data                                                        num KB
 Total LOB data                                                               num KB

 Table space if uncompressed (in KB)
 Total uncompressed data                                                      num KB
 Total compressed data                                                        num KB
 Total LOB data                                                               num KB

 LOB compression ratio
 Total LOB data compressed                                                    num KB
 Total LOB data uncompressed                                                  num KB
 Percentage of KB saved                                                       num %

 Minimum System pages required                                                num Pages
 Data pages needed for compressed LOB table space                             num Pages
 Data pages needed for uncompressed LOB table space                           num Pages
 Percentage of Data pages saved                                               num %

 Current page size                                                            num KB

 Note: System Pages may contain LOB data!
 4K page size:
   Minimum System pages required                                              num Pages
   Additional Data pages needed for compressed LOBs                           num Pages
   Additional Data pages needed for uncompressed LOBs                         num Pages
   Data pages saved (not including system pages)                              num %

 8K page size:
   Minimum System pages required                                              num Pages
   Additional Data pages needed for compressed LOBs                           num Pages
   Additional Data pages needed for uncompressed LOBs                         num Pages
   Data pages saved (not including system pages)                              num %

 16K page size:
   Minimum System pages required                                              num Pages
   Additional Data pages needed for compressed LOBs                           num Pages
   Additional Data pages needed for uncompressed LOBs                         num Pages
   Data pages saved (not including system pages)                              num %

 32K page size:
   Minimum System pages required                                              num Pages
   Additional Data pages needed for compressed LOBs                           num Pages
   Additional Data pages needed for uncompressed LOBs                         num Pages
   Data pages saved (not including system pages)                              num %

System action

The utility completed successfully.


0 (informational)