TRACE AUTO START field (TRACSTR subsystem parameter)

The TRACSTR subsystem parameter specifies whether the global trace is to start automatically when Db2 is started. This parameter also specifies the classes for which the global trace is to automatically start.

Deprecated subsystem parameter: Non-default settings for TRACSTR are deprecated. Db2 12 supports these settings, but their use is discouraged, and support is removed in Db2 13 or later. For best results, use the default value NO.
Acceptable values: YES, NO, list of classes, an asterisk (*)
Default: NO
Update: option 23 on panel DSNTIPB

The TRACE AUTO START field is scrollable. To scroll the field, position your cursor in the field and use the for LEFT or RIGHT scroll commands. To see the entire contents of the field at one time, type EXPAND in the command field, position your cursor in the scrollable field, and press Enter.

Starts the global trace for the default classes (classes 1, 2, and 3) whenever Db2 is started, and it performs additional data consistency checks whenever a data or index is modified.
Specifies no automatic start of the global trace. If the global trace is to be used, it must be started with a special START TRACE command.
list of classes
Starts the global trace for the specified classes. Enter a list of class numbers (any integer 1–32) separated by commas. Only classes 1–9 are defined by Db2.
asterisk (*)
Starts global trace for all classes.

The global trace is used to diagnose problems in Db2. Users with production systems that require high performance might consider turning off global trace. However, be aware that turning off global trace presents a serviceability exposure. In the event of a system failure, IBM® Support might request that you turn on global trace and attempt to re-create the problem.