-4731 THE NATIVE SQL ROUTINE STATEMENT FOR PACKAGE location-name.collection-id.program-name.consistency-token STATEMENT NUMBER statement-number CANNOT BE PROCESSED.


The SQL routine for the statement must be running at the location where the statement is requested. Either no SQL routine is running at the indicated location, or the SQL routine that is running is not the SQL routine for the indicated package.

The name of the server where the statement cannot be processed.
The name of the collection of the package that contains the statement that cannot be processed.
The name of the package that contains the statement that cannot be processed.
The consistency token of the package that contains the statement that cannot be processed.
The package statement number of the statement that cannot be processed.

System action

The statement cannot be processed.

System programmer response

Take either of the following corrective actions:

  • Use a BIND PACKAGE COPY command instead of the BIND PACKAGE DEPLOY command to bind the package at that location.
  • Change the application logic to run the routine at that location where the statement executes.

