Subsystem CCSIDs and encoding schemes

Each Db2 subsystem has a set of default CCSID and encoding scheme values. Db2 uses these values for objects and applications that do not otherwise have a CCSID associated with them.

The subsystem CCSIDs are listed in the following table.

Table 1. Subsystem CCSIDs
Subsystem CCSID Field on installation panel DSNTIPF where the value is set Description Corresponding dsnhdecp values1, 3
Subsystem default ASCII CCSID ASCII CCSID Specifies the default CCSID for ASCII-encoded character data that is stored in your Db2 subsystem or data sharing group.

For a MIXED=NO subsystem, specify the ASCII SBCS CCSID only. In this case, the mixed and graphic CCSIDs are set to 65534 in dsnhdecp.

For a MIXED=YES subsystem, specify the ASCII mixed CCSID. Based on the value that you entered, Db2 determines the SBCS CCSID and graphic CCSID.

  • ASCCSID (for single-byte data)
  • AMCCSID (for mixed data)
  • AGCCSID (for graphic data)
Subsystem default EBCDIC CCSID EBCDIC CCSID Specifies the default CCSID for EBCDIC-encoded character data that is stored in your Db2 subsystem or data sharing system.

For a MIXED=NO subsystem, specify the EBCDIC SBCS CCSID only. In this case, the mixed and graphic CCSIDs are set to 65534 in dsnhdecp.

For a MIXED=YES subsystem, specify the EBCDIC mixed CCSID. Based on the value that you entered, Db2 determines the SBCS CCSID and graphic CCSID.

  • SCCSID (for single-byte data)
  • MCCSID (for mixed data)
  • GCCSID (for graphic data)
Subsystem default Unicode CCSID UNICODE CCSID Specifies the default CCSID for Unicode character data that is stored in your Db2 subsystem or data sharing system.

This field is pre-filled with the default value of 1208, which is the CCSID for UTF-8. You cannot change this value.

Because the value of UNICODE CCSID is always 1208, the dsnhdecp values are always as follows:
  • USCCSID (for single-byte data): 367
  • UMCCSID (for mixed data): 1208
  • UGCCSID (for graphic data): 1200
  1. The three CCSID values, one for SBCS, one for mixed, and one for graphic, are called a CCSID set.
  2. Whether the subsystem is a MIXED=YES subsystem or MIXED=NO subsystem depends on the value that you specified for the MIXED field on the same panel when you installed Db2. MIXED=NO is the default setting.
    Recommendation: Do not change the MIXED value after you install Db2.
  3. dsnhdecp is the DSNHDECP module or a user-specified application defaults module.

The subsystem encoding schemes are listed in the following table.

Table 2. Subsystem encoding schemes
Subsystem encoding scheme Field on installation panel DSNTIPF where the value is set Description Corresponding dsnhdecp values1
Subsystem default encoding scheme DEF ENCODING SCHEME Specifies which default subsystem CCSID (ASCII, EBCDIC, or Unicode) Db2 is to use for objects. ENSCHEME
Subsystem default application encoding scheme APPLICATION ENCODING Specifies which default subsystem CCSID (ASCII, EBCDIC, or Unicode) Db2 is to use for application data. APPENSCH
  1. dsnhdecp is the DSNHDECP module or a user-specified application defaults module.