
The log manager encountered an error while reading the specified bootstrap data set. Error Status contains the VSAM return and feedback codes. It is a 2-byte field with the first byte containing the hexadecimal return code and the second containing the hexadecimal feedback code. Refer to the appropriate MVS™ publication for a description of VSAM return and reason codes.

If you suspect an error in DB2®, you might need to report the problem. For information about identifying and reporting the problem, see Collecting diagnostic data. for information about recovery from BSDS or log failures.

System action

If dual BSDSs are available, the log manager attempts to read from the other BSDS. If read from the second BSDS fails or if there is only one BSDS, an error code is returned to the log request that caused access to the BSDS.

If read error is detected during start-up, DB2 initialization process is terminated to prevent users from operating in a cripple mode. User should take action to correct the problem.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

It may be necessary to replace or repair the BSDS, depending on what conditions resulted from the read error. To replace a BSDS, first delete the bad BSDS, and then define the new BSDS with the same name and attributes. If a new name is used for the new BSDS, change the log startup JCL to specify the new BSDS name.