
DB2® received an SQL CALL statement for a stored procedure or an SQL statement containing an invocation of a user-defined function, and found the row in the SYSIBM.SYSROUTINES catalog table associated with the requested procedure name. However, the MVS™ load module identified in the EXTERNAL_NAME column of the SYSIBM.SYSROUTINES row could not be found.
The name of the MVS load module that could not be found

System action

The statement cannot be processed.

Programmer response

If the EXTERNAL_NAME column value in the SYSIBM.SYSROUTINES table is incorrect, use the ALTER FUNCTION or ALTER PROCEDURE statement to correct the value.

If the EXTERNAL_NAME column value is correct, use the MVS linkage editor to create the required MVS load module in one of the MVS load libraries used by your installation for stored procedures.

This error can also occur if you are invoking a WLM-managed stored procedure that is not APF authorized, and the DB2 load libraries are not in the STEPLIB concatenation because they are being loaded from LINKLIST. In this case, if you want the stored procedure program to run APF-authorized, link-edit it with AC=1 into an MVS APF authorized library. If you do not want the stored procedure program to run APF authorized, add the DB2 load library to the STEPLIB concatenation of the JCL used to start the WLM-managed address space.