Start of change

-20470   object-type1 object-name1 MUST BE DEFINED AS SECURE BECAUSE object-type2 object-name2 IS DEPENDENT ON IT.


An object that must be defined as secure is not defined as secure.

object-type1 and object-name1
The type and name of the object that must be defined as secure, but that is not.
object-type2 and object-name2
The type and name of the object that depends on the object that is identified by object-name1.

The object that is identified by object-name2 depends on object-name1 for row or column access control.

In most cases, object-type2 is a row permission or column mask. But if object-type2 is a sourced user-defined function, object-name2 must be referenced in a row permission or column mask and object-name1 must be the underlying source of the user-defined function.

System action

The statement cannot be processed.

Programmer response

Alter the object that is identified by object-name1 to make it secure.



End of change