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-20180   COLUMN column-name IN TABLE table-name CANNOT BE ALTERED AS SPECIFIED


The column could not be altered.

The name of the column.
The name of the table that contains the column.

Possible reasons for this error include a violation of one of the following restrictions:

  • ALTER COLUMN cannot be specified in an ALTER TABLE statement if any of the following conditions are true:
    • The table is defined with DATA CAPTURE CHANGES.
    • The column is involved in a referential integrity constraint (either as part of the parent key or foreign key).
    • The column is involved in an extended index definition.
    • The column has a field procedure defined.
    • The column is an identity column or a row change timestamp column.
    • The column is a LOB column that is referenced in an expression-based index, and the change would reduce the inline length of the column.
    • The table is defined as a history table or system-period temporal table.
    • The column is defined as ROW BEGIN, ROW END, or TRANSACTION START ID.
    • The column is involved in a hash key definition.
  • ALTER COLUMN cannot be specified in an ALTER TABLE statement with either a SET NOT NULL or SET DATA TYPE clause if the column is defined as part of a period definition.
  • ALTER COLUMN cannot be specified in an ALTER TABLE statement with a DROP DEFAULT or SET DATA TYPE clause if both of the following conditions are true:
    • The table is defined with DATA CAPTURE CHANGES.
    • The subsystem parameter RESTRICT_ALT_COL_FOR_DCC is set to YES.
  • SET DATA TYPE cannot be specified in an ALTER TABLE statement if any of the following conditions are true:
    • The table is a materialized query table.
    • The table has an edit procedure or valid procedure.
    • The column is involved in an extended index definition.
    • VARBINARY was specified as the target data type and the column is defined with the following attributes:
      • With the DESC attribute in an index

System action

The statement cannot be processed.

Programmer response

Perform one of the following actions:

  • Change the name of the column in the statement to a column that can be altered.
  • Drop and re-create the table with the necessary attributes.
  • If the column is used in an index that contains an expression, drop the index and alter the column with the necessary attributes. Then, re-create the index.



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